
Journal of Crystal Growth

Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.281, No.1 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0022-0248 (Print) 

In this Issue (27 articles)

1 - 1 Bulk nitride workshop - Preface
Freitas JA, Sitar Z
3 - 3 Jose Roberto Leite (1942-2004) - Obituary
Freitas JA
5 - 10 Growth of GaN crystals from molten solution with Ga free solvent using a temperature gradient
Feigelson BN, Henry RL
11 - 16 Growth of GaN on patterned GaN/sapphire substrates by high pressure solution method
Bockowski M, Grzegory I, Borysiuk J, Kamler G, Lucznik B, Wroblewski M, Kwiatkowski P, Jasik K, Krukowski S, Porowski S
17 - 31 Growth of thick GaN layers with hydride vapour phase epitaxy
Monemar B, Larsson H, Hemmingsson C, Ivanov IG, Gogova D
32 - 37 Homoepitaxial growth of GaN and AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy on freestanding HVPE gallium nitride for electronic device applications
Storm DF, Katzer DS, Mittereder JA, Binari SC, Shanabrook BV, Xu X, McVey DS, Vaudo RP, Brandes GR
38 - 46 Deposition of thick GaN layers by HVPE on the pressure grown GaN substrates
Lucznik B, Pastuszka B, Grzegory I, Bockowski M, Kamler G, Litwin-Staszewska E, Porowski S
47 - 54 Thermodynamic analysis of AlGaNHVPE growth
Koukitu A, Kikuchi J, Kangawa Y, Kumagai Y
55 - 61 Properties of nonpolar a-plane GaN films grown by HVPE with AlN buffers
Paskova T, Darakchieva V, Paskov P, Birch J, Valcheva E, Persson POA, Arnaudov B, Tungasmitta S, Monemar B
62 - 67 Growth of thick AlN layers by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy
Kumagai Y, Yamane T, Koukitu A
68 - 74 AlN bulk crystals grown on SiC seeds
Dalmau R, Schlesser R, Rodriguez BJ, Nemanich RJ, Sitar Z
75 - 80 Crucible materials for growth of aluminum nitride crystals
Schlesser R, Dalmau R, Zhuang D, Collazo R, Sitar Z
81 - 86 Sublimation growth of AlN crystals: Growth mode and structure evolution
Yakimova R, Kakanakova-Georgieva A, Yazdi GR, Gueorguiev GK, Syvajarvi M
87 - 92 Thick AlN layers grown by HVPE
Kovalenkov O, Soukhoveev V, Ivantsov V, Usikov A, Dmitriev V
93 - 100 Sublimation growth of AlN bulk crystals in Ta crucibles
Mokhov EN, Avdeev OV, Barash IS, Chemekova TY, Roenkov AD, Segal AS, Wolfson AA, Makarov YN, Ramm MG, Helava H
101 - 106 Optoelectronic devices on bulk GaN
Figge S, Bottcher T, Dennemarck J, Kroger R, Paskova T, Monemar B, Hommel D
107 - 114 Properties of InGaN blue laser diodes grown on bulk GaN substrates
Perlin P, Suski T, Leszczynski M, Prystawko P, Swietlik T, Marona L, Wisniewski P, Czernecki R, Nowak G, Weyher JL, Kamler G, Borysiuk J, Litwin-Staszewska E, Dmowski L, Piotrzkowski R, Franssen G, Grzanka S, Grzegory I, Porowski S
115 - 124 Bandgap engineering of electronic and optoelectronic devices on native AlN and GaN substrates: A modelling insight
Mymrin VF, Bulashevich KA, Podolskaya NI, Karpov SY
125 - 134 Defects in p-doped bulk GaN crystals grown with Ga polarity
Liliental-Weber Z, Tomaszewicz T, Zakharov D, O'Keefe MA
135 - 142 Defects in GaN single crystals and homoepitaxial structures
Weyher JL, Kamler G, Nowak G, Borysiuk J, Lucznik B, Krysko M, Grzegory I, Porowski S
143 - 150 Identification of donors, acceptors, and traps in bulk-like HVPE GaN
Look DC, Fang ZQ, Claflin B
151 - 160 Electronic and optical properties of wurztzie and zinc-blende TlN and AlN
da Silva AF, Dantas NS, de Almeida JS, Ahuja R, Persson C
161 - 167 Rate of radiative and nonradiative recombination in bulk GaN grown by various techniques
Jursenas S, Miasojedovas S, Zukauskas A
168 - 182 Optical studies of bulk and homoepitaxial films of III-V nitride semiconductors
Freitas JA
183 - 187 Spontaneous and stimulated emission in quantum structures grown over bulk GaN and sapphire
Miasojedovas S, Jursenas S, Zukauskas A, Ivanov VY, Godlewski M, Leszczynski M, Perlin P, Suski T
188 - 193 Depth-resolved cathodoluminescence of a homoepitaxial AlN thin film
Silveira E, Freitas JA, Slack GA, Schowalter LJ, Kneissl M, Treat DW, Johnson NM
194 - 201 Influence of dislocation and ionized impurity scattering on the electron mobility in GaN/AlGaN heterostructures
Knap W, Skierbiszewski C, Dybko K, Lusakowski J, Siekacz M, Grzegory I, Porowski S