133 - 142 |
Small, basic antifungal proteins secreted from filamentous ascomycetes: a comparative study regarding expression, structure, function and potential application Marx F |
143 - 148 |
The effects of extracellular polymeric substances on the formation and stability of biogranules Liu YQ, Liu Y, Tay JH |
149 - 157 |
Metabolic selectivity and growth of Clostridium thermocellum in continuous culture under elevated hydrostatic pressure Bothun GD, Knutson BL, Berberich JA, Strobel HJ, Nokes SE |
158 - 162 |
Influence of media and temperature on bacteriocin production by Bacillus cereus 8A during batch cultivation Bizani D, Brandelli A |
163 - 167 |
Folate requirements of the 2-keto-L-gulonic acid-producing strain Ketogulonigenium vulgare LMP P-20356 in L-sorbose/CSL medium Leduc S, de Troostembergh JC, Lebeault JM |
168 - 176 |
Indene bioconversion by a toluene inducible dioxygenase of Rhodococcus sp I24 Priefert H, O'Brien XM, Lessard PA, Dexter AF, Choi EE, Tomic S, Nagpal G, Cho JJ, Agosto M, Yang L, Treadway SL, Tamashiro L, Wallace M, Sinskey AJ |
177 - 182 |
A cloned Bacillus halodurans multicopper oxidase exhibiting alkaline laccase activity Ruijssenaars HJ, Hartmans S |
183 - 192 |
Improving the insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp aizawai against Spodoptera exigua by chromosomal expression of a chitinase gene Thamthiankul S, Moar WJ, Miller ME, Panbangred W |
193 - 199 |
Structural and functional characterization of the Bacillus megaterium uvrBA locus and generation of UV-sensitive mutants Nahrstedt H, Meinhardt F |
200 - 202 |
An equation for calculating the volumetric ratios required in a ligation reaction Cranenburgh RM |
203 - 210 |
Phylogenetic analysis based on genome-scale metabolic pathway reaction content Hong SH, Kim TY, Lee SY |
211 - 218 |
Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by a newly isolated dibenzofuran-utilizing Janibacter sp strain YY-1 Yamazoe A, Yagi O, Oyaizu H |
219 - 227 |
Physico-chemical and transglucosylation properties of recombinant sucrose phosphorylase from Bifidobacterium adolescentis DSM20083 van den Broek LAM, van Boxtel EL, Kievit RP, Verhoef R, Beldman G, Voragen AGJ |
228 - 234 |
Stoichiometry of microbial continuous-flow purification of toluene-contaminated air Mutafov S, Angelova B, Schmauder HP, Avramova T, Boyadjieva L |
235 - 242 |
Biofiltration of waste gases containing a mixture of formaldehyde and methanol Prado OJ, Veiga MC, Kennes C |