2101 - 2102 |
Nathaniel B. Nichols 1914-1997 Kahne S |
2103 - 2118 |
Robust time-optimal control of constrained linear systems Mayne DQ, Schroeder WR |
2119 - 2130 |
Feedback invariants of supplementary pairs of matrices Baragana I, Zaballa I |
2131 - 2145 |
Robustness analysis with full-structured uncertainties Young PM |
2147 - 2157 |
A subspace algorithm for the identification of discrete time frequency domain power spectra Van Overschee P, De Moor B, Dehandschutter W, Swevers J |
2159 - 2177 |
Galerkin approximations of the generalized Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation Beard RW, Saridis GN, Wen JT |
2179 - 2182 |
Algorithm of J-spectral factorization of polynomial matrices Aliev FA, Larin VB |
2183 - 2189 |
Robust performance with fixed and worst-case signals for uncertain time-varying systems Blanchini F, Miani S, Sznaier M |
2191 - 2195 |
Direct learning of control efforts for trajectories with different magnitude scales Xu JX |
2197 - 2202 |
Robust stabilization of MIMO nonlinear time-varying mismatched uncertain systems Wang WH, Soh CB, Chai TY |
2203 - 2212 |
Output tracking control of uncertain nonlinear second-order systems Bartolini G, Ferrara A, Usai E |
2213 - 2221 |
Adaptive algorithms for the rejection of sinusoidal disturbances with unknown frequency Bodson M, Douglas SC |
2223 - 2232 |
Frequency-domain design of PID controllers for stable and unstable systems with time delay Shafiei Z, Shenton AT |
2233 - 2241 |
H-infinity sampled-data synthesis and related numerical issues Cantoni MW, Glover K |
2243 - 2248 |
Study of predictive controller tuning methods Rani KY, Unbehauen H |
2249 - 2254 |
Exponential stabilization of an underactuated autonomous surface vessel Reyhanoglu M |
2255 - 2263 |
Constrained optimal estimation and control Arduini C, Curti F |
2265 - 2268 |
Fast gain scheduling on tracking problems using derivative information Lee SH, Lim JT |
2269 - 2271 |
Indirect closed-loop identification by optimal instrumental variable method Zhang Y, Wen CY, Soh YC |
2273 - 2275 |
Sufficient stability conditions for the weighted minimum uncertainty prediction controller Le K, Tzes A |
2277 - 2280 |
An algorithm for interpolation with positive rational functions on the imaginary axis Mosquera C, Perez F |