
Biomass & Bioenergy

Biomass & Bioenergy, Vol.79 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0961-9534 (Print) 

In this Issue (15 articles)

1 - 2 Preface of 22nd EU BC&E conference held in Hamburg in June 2013
Overend R, Prins W
3 - 11 Biogas production from catch crops: Increased yield by combined harvest of catch crops and straw and preservation by ensiling
Molinuevo-Salces B, Larsen SU, Ahring BK, Uellendahl H
12 - 27 Modeling poplar growth as a short rotation woody crop for biofuels in the Pacific Northwest
Hart QJ, Tittmann PW, Bandaru V, Jenkins BM
28 - 38 Wood flow analysis: Quantification of resource potentials, cascades and carbon effects
Mantau U
39 - 49 Biochar-mediated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from soil amended with anaerobic digestates
Martin SL, Clarke ML, Othman M, Ramsden SJ, West HM
50 - 63 How certain are greenhouse gas reductions from bioenergy? Life cycle assessment and uncertainty analysis of wood pellet-to-electricity supply chains from forest residues
Roder M, Whittaker C, Thornley P
64 - 79 Handling uncertainty in bioenergy policy design - A case study analysis of UK and German bioelectricity policy instruments
Purkus A, Roder M, Gawel E, Thran D, Thornley P
80 - 95 Combining bioenergy and food security: An approach and rapid appraisal to guide bioenergy policy formulation
Maltsoglou I, Kojakovic A, Rincon LE, Felix E, Branca G, Valle S, Gianvenuti A, Rossi A, Thulstrup A, Thofern H
96 - 104 Torrefaction of pine in a bench-scale screw conveyor reactor
Nachenius RW, van de Wardt TA, Ronsse F, Prins W
105 - 115 Combustion, cofiring and emissions characteristics of torrefied biomass in a drop tube reactor
Ndibe C, Maier J, Scheffknecht G
116 - 127 Explosion characteristics of pulverised torrefied and raw Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Southern pine (Pinus palustris) in comparison to bituminous coal
Medina CH, Phylaktou HN, Andrews GE, Gibbs BM
128 - 144 Screening of various low-grade biomass materials for low temperature gasification: Method development and application
Thomsen TP, Ravenni G, Holm JK, Ahrenfeldt J, Hauggaard-Nielsen H, Henriksen UB
145 - 154 Application of an empirical model in CFD simulations to predict the local high temperature corrosion potential in biomass fired boilers
Gruber T, Scharler R, Obernberger I
155 - 165 Fuel conversion characteristics of black liquor and pyrolysis oil mixtures: Efficient gasification with inherent catalyst
Bach-Oller A, Furusjo E, Umeki K
166 - 176 Entrained flow gasification of straw- and wood-derived pyrolysis oil in a pressurized oxygen blown gasifier
Leijenhorst EJ, Assink D, van de Beld L, Weiland F, Wiinikka H, Carlsson P, Ohrman OGW