8001 - 8015 |
Black liquor gasification integrated in pulp and paper mills: A critical review Naqvi M, Yan J, Dahlquist E |
8016 - 8023 |
Decolorization of Reactive Dark Blue K-R by the synergism of fungus and bacterium using response surface methodology Qu YY, Shi SN, Ma F, Yan B |
8024 - 8030 |
Arsenic transformation in the growth media and biomass of hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. Mathews S, Ma LQ, Rathinasabapathi B, Natarajan S, Saha UK |
8031 - 8037 |
Enhanced storage stability of aerobic granules seeded with pellets Xu HC, He PJ, Wang GZ, Yu GH, Shao LM |
8038 - 8045 |
Water quality characterization in real biofilm wastewater treatment systems by particle size distribution Garcia-Mesa JJ, Poyatos JM, Delgado-Ramos F, Munio MM, Osorio F, Hontoria E |
8046 - 8050 |
The EPS characteristics of sludge in an aerobic granule membrane bioreactor Wang X, Zhang B, Shen ZQ, Qiu ZG, Chen ZL, Jin M, Li JW, Wang JF |
8051 - 8057 |
Stable aerobic granules for continuous-flow reactors: Precipitating calcium and iron salts in granular interiors Juang YC, Adav SS, Lee DJ, Tay JH |
8058 - 8066 |
Modelling biodegradation of nonylphenol ethoxylate in acclimated and non-acclimated microbial cultures Karahan O, Olmez-Hanci T, Arslan-Alaton I, Orhon D |
8067 - 8073 |
Treatment of a BTo-X-contaminated gas stream with a biotrickling filter inoculated with microbes bound to a wheat bran/red wood powder/diatomaceous earth carrier Chen JM, Zhu RY, Yang WB, Zhang LL |
8074 - 8082 |
Nitritation and denitritation of domestic wastewater using a continuous anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A(2)O) process at ambient temperatures Zeng W, Li L, Yang YY, Wang SY, Peng YZ |
8083 - 8092 |
Anaerobic biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with amendment of iron(III) in mangrove sediment slurry Li CH, Wong YS, Tam NFY |
8093 - 8098 |
Disintegration of biological sludge: Effect of ozone oxidation and ultrasonic treatment on aerobic digestibility Erden G, Demir O, Filibeli A |
8099 - 8108 |
Adsorption kinetics of chromium(III) ions on agro-waste materials Garcia-Reyes RB, Rangel-Mendez JR |
8109 - 8118 |
Evaluation of autotrophic and heterotrophic processes in biofilm reactors used for removal of sulphide, nitrate and COD Tang K, An SJ, Nemati M |
8119 - 8126 |
Kinetics of bio-filtration of trichloroethylene by methanotrophs in presence of methanol Shukla AK, Singh RS, Upadhyay SN, Dubey SK |
8127 - 8131 |
Enhanced chromate reduction by resting Escherichia coli cells in the presence of quinone redox mediators Liu GF, Yang H, Wang J, Jin RF, Zhou JT, Lv H |
8132 - 8143 |
Modelling supply and demand of bioenergy from short rotation coppice and Miscanthus in the UK Bauen AW, Dunnett AJ, Richter GM, Dailey AG, Aylott M, Casella E, Taylor G |
8144 - 8150 |
Kinetics of transesterification of palm oil and dimethyl carbonate for biodiesel production at the catalysis of heterogeneous base catalyst Zhang LP, Sheng BY, Xin Z, Liu Q, Sun SZ |
8151 - 8157 |
Transesterification of vegetable oils: Simulating the replacement of batch reactors with continuous reactors Fonseca FAS, Vidal-Vieira JA, Ravagnani SP |
8158 - 8165 |
Biogas from grass silage - Measurements and modeling with ADM1 Koch K, Lubken M, Gehring T, Wichern M, Horn H |
8166 - 8170 |
Bioethanol production from hydrolysates of inulin and the tuber meal of Jerusalem artichoke by Saccharomyces sp W0 Zhang T, Chi Z, Zhao CH, Chi ZM, Gong F |
8171 - 8178 |
Two-step SSCF to convert AFEX-treated switchgrass to ethanol using commercial enzymes and Saccharomyces cerevisiae 424A(LNH-ST) Jin MJ, Lau MW, Balan V, Dale BE |
8179 - 8184 |
Biochemical methane potential of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Influence of growth stage and storage practice Rincon B, Banks CJ, Heaven S |
8185 - 8191 |
Investigation of biomass degradation mechanism in pretreatment of switchgrass by aqueous ammonia and sodium hydroxide Gupta R, Lee YY |
8192 - 8198 |
Cocomposting with and without Eisenia fetida for conversion of toxic paper mill sludge to a soil conditioner Kaur A, Singh J, Vig AP, Dhaliwal SS, Rup PJ |
8199 - 8204 |
Can the laccase mediator system affect the chemical and refining properties of the eucalyptus pulp? Cadena EM, Vidal T, Torres AL |
8205 - 8210 |
Simplex-centroid mixture formulation for optimised composting of kitchen waste Abdullah N, Chin NL |
8211 - 8216 |
Enzymatic grafting of simple phenols on flax and sisal pulp fibres using laccases Aracri E, Fillat A, Colom JF, Gutierrez A, del Rio JC, Martinez AT, Vidal T |
8217 - 8223 |
In-depth investigation of enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass wastes based on three major components: Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin Lin LL, Yan R, Liu YQ, Jiang WJ |
8224 - 8231 |
Effect of harvesting date on the composition and saccharification of Miscanthus x giganteus Huyen TLN, Remond C, Dheilly RM, Chabbert B |
8232 - 8236 |
Chemical characteristics of dissolved organic matter during composting of different organic wastes assessed by C-13 CPMAS NMR spectroscopy Caricasole P, Provenzano MR, Hatcher PG, Senesi N |
8237 - 8243 |
A high-throughput screening system for the evaluation of biomass-hydrolyzing glycoside hydrolases Song LT, Laguerre S, Dumon C, Bozonnet S, O'Donohue MJ |
8244 - 8251 |
PARAFAC modeling of fluorescence excitation-emission spectra for rapid assessment of compost maturity Yu GH, Luo YH, Wu MJ, Tang Z, Liu DY, Yang XM, Shen QR |
8252 - 8260 |
Organosolv extraction of lignin from hydrolyzed almond shells and application of the delta-value theory Quesada-Medina J, Lopez-Cremades FJ, Olivares-Carrillo P |
8261 - 8266 |
Cellulase deactivation based kinetic modeling of enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-exploded wheat straw Zhang Y, Xu JL, Xu HJ, Yuan ZH, Guo Y |
8267 - 8272 |
Analysis of the presence of improper materials in the composting process performed in ten MBT plants Montejo C, Ramos P, Costa C, Marquez MC |
8273 - 8279 |
Cellulose pretreatment with 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride for solid acid-catalyzed hydrolysis Kim SJ, Dwiatmoko AA, Choi JW, Suh YW, Suh DJ, Oh M |
8280 - 8286 |
Elucidating the process of co-composting of biosolids and spent activated clay Ho CP, Yuan ST, Jien SH, Hseu ZY |
8287 - 8293 |
Monitoring bacterial community shifts in bioleaching of Ni-Cu sulfide He ZG, Zhao JC, Gao FL, Hu YH, Qiu GZ |
8294 - 8299 |
Enhanced production of dihydroxyacetone from glycerol by overexpression of glycerol dehydrogenase in an alcohol dehydrogenase-deficient mutant of Gluconobacter oxydans Li MH, Wu JA, Liu X, Lin JP, Wei DZ, Chen H |
8300 - 8307 |
Chrysosporium lucknowense arabinohydrolases effectively degrade sugar beet arabinan Kuhnel S, Hinz SWA, Pouvreau L, Wery J, Schols HA, Gruppen H |
8308 - 8314 |
Simultaneous production of lipases and biosurfactants by submerged and solid-state bioprocesses Colla LM, Rizzardi J, Pinto MH, Reinehr CO, Bertolin TE, Costa JAV |
8315 - 8322 |
Analysis of biological demulsification process of water-in-oil emulsion by Alcaligenes sp S-XJ-1 Wen Y, Cheng H, Lu LJ, Liu J, Feng Y, Guan W, Zhou Q, Huang XF |
8323 - 8329 |
Use of metagenomic approaches to isolate lipolytic genes from activated sludge Liaw RB, Cheng MP, Wu MC, Lee CY |
8330 - 8335 |
Biological oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in mineral media using a biofilm airlift suspension reactor Moghanloo GMM, Fatehifar E, Saedy S, Aghaeifar Z, Abbasnezhad H |
8336 - 8341 |
Aggregate formation and polysaccharide content of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (Chlorophyta) in response to simulated nutrient stress Yang Z, Liu Y, Ge JA, Wang W, Chen YF, Montagnes D |
8342 - 8347 |
A novel strategy for integrated utilization of Jerusalem artichoke stalk and tuber for production of 2,3-butanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae Li D, Dai JY, Xiu ZL |
8348 - 8354 |
Bioethanol production from Lantana camara (red sage): Pretreatment, saccharification and fermentation Kuhad RC, Gupta R, Khasa YP, Singh A |
8355 - 8360 |
High-cell-density poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) production from sucrose using Burkholderia sacchari culture in airlift bioreactor Pradella JGD, Taciro MK, Mateus AYP |
8361 - 8369 |
Purification and characterization of a thermostable keratinolytic serine alkaline proteinase from Streptomyces sp strain AB1 with high stability in organic solvents Jaouadi B, Abdelmalek B, Fodil D, Ferradji FZ, Rekik H, Zarai N, Bejar S |
8370 - 8375 |
Optimization of poly-epsilon-lysine production by Streptomyces noursei NRRL 5126 Bankar SB, Singhal RS |
8376 - 8382 |
An alpha-galactosidase from an acidophilic Bispora sp MEY-1 strain acts synergistically with beta-mannanase Wang H, Luo HY, Li JA, Bai YG, Huang HG, Shi PJ, Fan YL, Yao B |
8383 - 8388 |
Isolation and identification of 5-hydroxyl-5-methyl-2-hexenoic acid from Actinoplanes sp HBDN08 with antifungal activity Zhang J, Wang XJ, Yan YJ, Jiang L, Wang JD, Li BJ, Xiang WS |
8389 - 8395 |
Physiochemical properties of bio-oil produced at various temperatures from pine wood using an auger reactor Thangalazhy-Gopakumar S, Adhikari S, Ravindran H, Gupta RB, Fasina O, Tu M, Fernando SD |
8396 - 8401 |
Optimization of bioresource material from oil palm trunk core drying using microwave radiation; a response surface methodology application Amouzgar P, Khalil HPSA, Salamatinia B, Abdullah AZ, Issam AM |
8402 - 8405 |
A novel mesoporous lignin/silica hybrid from rice husk produced by a sol-gel method Qu YN, Tian YM, Zou B, Zhang JA, Zheng YH, Wang LL, Li Y, Rong CG, Wang ZC |
8406 - 8415 |
Effect of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) on the thermal, mechanical and morphological property of biodegradable PLA/PBAT blend and its nanocomposites Kumar M, Mohanty S, Nayak SK, Parvaiz MR |
8416 - 8423 |
Synthesis of methyl esters from relevant palm products in near-critical methanol with modified-zirconia catalysts Laosiripojana N, Kiatkittipong W, Sutthisripok W, Assabumrungrat S |
8424 - 8428 |
Pyrolysis of fast-growing aquatic biomass - Lemna minor (duckweed): Characterization of pyrolysis products Muradov N, Fidalgo B, Gujar AC, T-Raissi A |
8429 - 8438 |
Multifaceted characterization of cell wall decomposition products formed during ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX) and dilute acid based pretreatments Chundawat SPS, Vismeh R, Sharma LN, Humpula JF, Sousa LD, Chambliss CK, Jones AD, Balan V, Dale BE |
8439 - 8445 |
Physical properties and dyeability of silk fibers degummed with citric acid Khan MMR, Tsukada M, Gotoh Y, Morikawa H, Freddi G, Shiozaki H |
8446 - 8451 |
Preparation and characterization of ethanol-treated silk fibroin dense membranes for biomaterials application using waste silk fibers as raw material Nogueira GM, Rodas ACD, Leite CAP, Giles C, Higa OZ, Polakiewicz B, Beppu MM |
8452 - 8456 |
Characterization and biotechnological potential of petroleum-degrading bacteria isolated from oil-contaminated soils Zhang ZZ, Gai LX, Hou ZW, Yang CY, Ma CQ, Wang ZG, Sun BP, He XF, Tang HZ, Xu P |
8457 - 8460 |
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sativa L. oil into biodiesel Li SY, Stuart JD, Li Y, Parnas RS |
8461 - 8463 |
Enhancement of Candida parapsilosis catalyzing deracemization of (R,S)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol to its (S)-enantiomer by a highly productive "two-in-one" resin-based in situ product removal strategy Hu QS, Xu Y, Nie Y |
8464 - 8468 |
Vermistabilization of pressmud using Perionyx ceylanensis Mich. Prakash M, Karmegam N |
8469 - 8472 |
Evaluation of feeding glycerol on free-fatty acid production and fermentation kinetics of mixed ruminal microbes in vitro Krueger NA, Anderson RC, Tedeschi LO, Callaway TR, Edrington TS, Nisbet DJ |
8473 - 8476 |
Bio-mitigation of CO2, calcite formation and simultaneous biodiesel precursors production using Chlorella sp. Fulke AB, Mudliar SN, Yadav R, Shekh A, Srinivasan N, Ramanan R, Krishnamurthi K, Devi SS, Chakrabarti T |
8477 - 8480 |
Microbial production of acetoacetate by recombinant Escherichia coli Hu D, Shi ZY, Wu QO, Chen GQ |
8481 - 8484 |
Identification of two flavin monooxygenases from an effluent treatment plant sludge metagenomic library Singh A, Chauhan NS, Thulasiram HV, Taneja V, Sharma R |
8485 - 8488 |
Biosynthesis of medium-chain-length poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) by volatile aromatic hydrocarbons-degrading Pseudomonas fulva TY16 Ni YY, Kim DY, Chung MG, Lee SH, Park HY, Rhee YH |
8489 - 8491 |
Compostability and biodegradation study of PLA-wheat straw and PLA-soy straw based green composites in simulated composting bioreactor Pradhan R, Misra M, Erickson L, Mohanty A |
8492 - 8492 |
Exploration of composted cereal waste and poultry manure for soil restoration (vol 101, pg 2996, 2010) Gaind S, Nain L |