1089 - 1090 |
Managing and characterizing monoclonal antibody glycosylation Robinson A |
1091 - 1102 |
Glycosylation of monoclonal antibody products: Current status and future prospects Batra J, Rathore AS |
1103 - 1112 |
Impact of cell culture on recombinant monoclonal antibody product heterogeneity Liu HC, Nowak C, Shao M, Ponniah G, Neill A |
1113 - 1122 |
The molecular weight and concentration of dextran sulfate affect cell growth and antibody production in CHO cell cultures Park JH, Lim MS, Woo JR, Kim JW, Lee GM |
1123 - 1134 |
Controlling the time evolution of mAb N-linked glycosylation, Part I: Microbioreactor experiments Villiger TK, Roulet A, Perilleux A, Stettler M, Broly H, Morbidelli M, Soos M |
1135 - 1148 |
Controlling the time evolution of mAb N-linked glycosylation - Part II: Model-based predictions Villiger TK, Scibona E, Stettler M, Broly H, Morbidelli M, Soos M |
1149 - 1162 |
Identifying a robust design space for glycosylation during monoclonal antibody production St Amand MM, Hayes J, Radhakrishnan D, Fernandez J, Meyer B, Robinson AS, Ogunnaike BA |
1163 - 1173 |
Effect of amino acid supplementation on titer and glycosylation distribution in hybridoma cell culturesSystems biology-based interpretation using genome-scale metabolic flux balance model and multivariate data analysis Reimonn TM, Park SY, Agarabi CD, Brorson KA, Yoon S |
1174 - 1180 |
A comparison of orbitally-shaken and stirred-tank bioreactors: pH modulation and bioreactor type affect CHO cell growth and protein glycosylation Monteil DT, Juvet V, Paz J, Moniatte M, Baldi L, Hacker DL, Wurm FM |
1181 - 1192 |
Characterizing the effect of multiple Fc glycan attributes on the effector functions and FcRIIIa receptor binding activity of an IgG1 antibody Pace D, Lewis N, Wu T, Gillespie R, Leiske D, Velayudhan J, Rohrbach A, Connell-Crowley L |
1193 - 1202 |
The role of more than 40 years of improvement in protein A chromatography in the growth of the therapeutic antibody industry Bolton GR, Mehta KK |
1203 - 1211 |
Understanding and optimizing the addition of phytohormones in the culture of microalgae for lipid production Gonzalez-Garcinuno A, Sanchez-Alvarez JM, Galan MA, del Valle EMM |
1212 - 1221 |
Bacterial community dynamics in long-term operation of a pilot plant using aerobic granular sludge to treat pig slurry Fra-Vazquez A, Morales N, Figueroa M, del Rio AV, Regueiro L, Campos JL, Mosquera-Corral A |
1222 - 1229 |
Design of an enzyme cocktail consisting of different fungal platforms for efficient hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse: Optimization and synergism studies Arias JM, Modesto LFA, Polikarpov I, Pereira N |
1230 - 1237 |
Cloning, expression and characterization of xylose isomerase from the marine bacterium Fulvimarina pelagi in Escherichia coli Lajoie CA, Kitner JB, Potochnik SJ, Townsend JM, Beatty CC, Kelly CJ |
1238 - 1245 |
An extractive membrane biofilm reactor as alternative technology for the treatment of methyl tert-butyl ether contaminated water Guisado IM, Purswani J, Gonzalez-Lopez J, Pozo C |
1246 - 1253 |
Utilization of discard bovine bone as a support for immobilization of recombinant Rhizopus oryzae lipase expressed in Pichia pastoris Clementz AL, Del Peso G, Canet A, Yori JC, Valero F |
1254 - 1263 |
Process performance and bacterial community dynamics of partial-nitritation biofilters subjected to different concentrations of cysteine amino acid Rodriguez-Sanchez A, Munoz-Palazon B, Maza-Marquez P, Gonzalez-Lopez J, Vahala R, Gonzalez-Martinez A |
1264 - 1270 |
Extracellular synthesis of cuprous selenide nanospheres by a biological-chemical coupling reduction process in an anaerobic microbial system Yue L, Wang J, Qi SY, Xin BP |
1271 - 1275 |
Suppression of -Amylase inactivation in the presence of ethanol: Application of a two-step model Calabrese VT, Minns JW, Khan A |
1276 - 1282 |
Effect of ethyleneoxide groups of anionic surfactants on lipase activity Magalhaes SS, Alves L, Sebastiao M, Medronho B, Almeida ZL, Faria TQ, Brito RMM, Moreno MJ, Antunes FE |
1283 - 1291 |
3D-liquid chromatography as a complex mixture characterization tool for knowledge-based downstream process development Hanke AT, Tsintavi E, Vazquez MDR, van der Wielen LAM, Verhaert PDEM, Eppink MHM, van de Sandt EJAX, Ottens M |
1292 - 1300 |
Development of dielectrophoresis separator with an insulating porous membrane using DC-Offset AC Electric Fields Hakoda M |
1301 - 1307 |
Generation of stable Chinese hamster ovary pools yielding antibody titers of up to 7.6 g/L using the piggyBac transposon system Rajendra Y, Peery RB, Barnard GC |
1308 - 1317 |
Multigene expression in stable CHO cell pools generated with the piggyBac transposon system Balasubramanian S, Wurm FM, Hacker DL |
1318 - 1323 |
Evaluating the toxicity of bDtBPP on CHO-K1 cells for testing of single-use bioprocessing systems considering media selection, cell culture volume, mixing, and exposure duration Shah RR, Linville TW, Whynot AD, Brazel CS |
1324 - 1335 |
Life-cycle and cost of goods assessment of fed-batch and perfusion-based manufacturing processes for mAbs Bunnak P, Allmendinger R, Ramasamy V, Lettieri P, Titchener-Hooker NJ |
1336 - 1342 |
Uptake of inorganic and organic nutrient species during cultivation of a Chlorella isolate in anaerobically digested dairy waste Wahal S, Viamajala S |
1343 - 1352 |
Toward intensifying design of experiments in upstream bioprocess development: An industrial Escherichia coli feasibility study von Stosch M, Hamelink JM, Oliveira R |