1173 - 1181 |
Impact of IgG Fc-Oligosaccharides on Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody Structure, Stability, Safety, and Efficacy Liu HC, Nowak C, Andrien B, Shao M, Ponniah G, Neill A |
1182 - 1192 |
Growth Engineering of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 for Mixotrophy Under Natural Light Conditions for Improved Feedstock Production Sarnaik A, Pandit R, Lali A |
1193 - 1200 |
Increased Production of Yersiniabactin and an Anthranilate Analog Through Media Optimization Moscatello N, Qi RQ, Ahmadi MK, Pfeifer BA |
1201 - 1208 |
A New Type of Gene-Disruption Cassette with a Rescue Gene for Pichia pastoris Shibui T, Hara H |
1209 - 1217 |
Alternative Oils Tested as Feedstocks for Enzymatic FAMEs Synthesis: Toward a More Sustainable Process Infanzon B, Cesarini S, Martinez J, Pastor FIJ, Diaz P |
1218 - 1225 |
Media Development for Large Scale Agrobacterium tumefaciens Culture Leth IK, McDonald KA |
1226 - 1234 |
Bacterial Community Analysis in Upflow Multilayer Anaerobic Reactor Treating High-Solids Organic Wastes Cho SK, Jung KW, Kim DH, Kwon JC, Ijaz UZ, Shin SG |
1235 - 1242 |
Enhanced Diastereoselective Synthesis of t-Butyl 6-Cyano-(3R,5R)-Dihydroxyhexanoate by Using Aldo-Keto Reductase and Glucose Dehydrogenase Co-Producing Engineered Escherichia coli Wang YJ, Shen W, Luo X, Liu ZQ, Zheng YG |
1243 - 1249 |
In Vitro Methanol Production from Methyl Coenzyme M Using the Methanosarcina Barkeri MtaABC Protein Complex Dong M, Gonzalez TD, Klems MM, Steinberg LM, Chen W, Papoutsakis ET, Bahnson BJ |
1250 - 1256 |
Synbiotic Fermentation for the Co-Production of Lactic and Lactobionic Acids from Residual Dairy Whey Garcia C, Rendueles M, Diaz M |
1257 - 1266 |
A Simple Cell Transport Device Keeps Culture Alive and Functional During Shipping Miller PG, Wang YI, Swan G, Shuler ML |
1267 - 1277 |
Development of a Thiol-Ene Based Screening Platform for Enzyme Immobilization Demonstrated Using Horseradish Peroxidase Hoffmann C, Pinelo M, Woodley JM, Daugaard AE |
1278 - 1293 |
Application of Iterative Robust Model-Based Optimal Experimental Design for the Calibration of Biocatalytic Models Van Daele T, Gernaey KV, Ringborg RH, Borner T, Heintz S, Van Hauwermeiren D, Grey C, Kruhne U, Adlercreutz P, Nopens I |
1294 - 1302 |
Characterizing the Impact of Pressure on Virus Filtration Processes and Establishing Design Spaces to Ensure Effective Parvovirus Removal Strauss D, Goldstein J, Hongo-Hirasaki T, Yokoyama Y, Hirotomi N, Miyabayashi T, Vacante D |
1303 - 1313 |
Design and Operation of a Continuous Integrated Monoclonal Antibody Production Process Steinebach F, Ulmer N, Wolf M, Decker L, Schneider V, Walchli R, Karst D, Souquet J, Morbidelli M |
1314 - 1322 |
Sorption-Reduction Coupled Gold Recovery Process Boosted by Pycnoporus Sanguineus Biomass: Uptake Pattern and Performance Enhancement via Biomass Surface Modification Shi CH, Zhu NW, Kang NX, Wu PX, Zhang XP, Zhang YH |
1323 - 1333 |
Mechanistic Modeling of the Loss of Protein Sieving Due to Internal and External Fouling of Microfilters Bolton GR, Apostolidis AJ |
1334 - 1345 |
High Yield Process for the Production of Active Human alpha-Galactosidase a in CHO-K1 Cells through Lentivirus Transgenesis Rodriguez MC, Ceaglio N, Antuna S, Tardivo MB, Etcheverrigaray M, Prieto C |
1346 - 1357 |
Assembly of Breast Cancer Heterotypic Spheroids on Hyaluronic Acid Coated Surfaces Carvalho MP, Costa EC, Correia IJ |
1358 - 1367 |
Expansion Strategies for Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Culture under Xeno-Free Conditions Tozetti PA, Caruso SR, Mizukami A, Fernandes TR, da Silva FB, Traina F, Covas DT, Orellana MD, Swiech K |
1368 - 1380 |
Enhanced Process Understanding and Multivariate Prediction of the Relationship Between Cell Culture Process and Monoclonal Antibody Quality Sokolov M, Ritscher J, MacKinnon N, Souquet J, Broly H, Morbidelli M, Butte A |
1381 - 1392 |
Biomineralization of Gold by Mucor Plumbeus: The Progress in Understanding the Mechanism of Nanoparticles' Formation Maliszewska I, Tylus W, Checmanowski J, Szczygiel B, Pawlaczyk-Graja I, Pusz W, Baturo-Ciesniewska A |
1393 - 1400 |
Polymer-mediated Flocculation of Transient CHO Cultures as a Simple, High Throughput Method to Facilitate Antibody Discovery Schmitt MG, Rajendra Y, Hougland MD, Boyles JS, Barnard GC |
1401 - 1407 |
Efficient tRNA Degradation and Quantification in Escherichia coli Cell Extract Using RNase-Coated Magnetic Beads: A Key Step Toward Codon Emancipation Salehi ASM, Smith MT, Schinn SM, Hunt JM, Muhlestein C, Diray-Arce J, Nielsen BL, Bundy BC |
1408 - 1417 |
CHO Cells Engineered for Fluorescence Read out of Cell Cycle and Growth Rate in Real Time Fuge G, Hong Y, Riecken K, Zeng AP, Jandt U |
1418 - 1424 |
Protozoa Inhibition by Different Salts: Osmotic Stress or Ionic Stress? Li CH, Li JY, Lan CQ, Liao DK |
1425 - 1429 |
Improving the Production, Activity, and Stability of CLEAs with Diepoxides Hernandez-Garcia S, Garcia-Garcia MI, Garcia-Carmona F |