
Catalysis Today

Catalysis Today, Vol.187, No.1 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0920-5861 (Print) 

In this Issue (31 articles)

1 - 1 Molecular structure performance relationships at the surface of functional materials Preface
Guerrero-Perez MO, Calvino-Casilda V, Banares MA
2 - 9 Effect of the aging time of PVP coated palladium nanoparticles colloidal suspensions on their catalytic activity in the preferential oxidation of CO
Miguel-Garcia I, Berenguer-Murcia A, Garcia T, Cazorla-Amoros D
10 - 19 Au/CeO2-SBA-15 catalysts for CO oxidation: Effect of ceria loading on physic-chemical properties and catalytic performances
Liotta LF, Pantaleo G, Puleo F, Venezia AM
20 - 29 Au/FeOx catalysts of different degree of iron oxide reduction
Mizera J, Spiridis N, Socha R, Grabowski R, Samson K, Korecki J, Grzybowska B, Gurgul J, Kepinski L, Malecka MA
30 - 38 Relationship between structural properties and activity in complete benzene oxidation over Au/CeO2-CoOx catalysts
Ilieva L, Petrova P, Tabakova T, Zanella R, Abrashev MV, Sobczak JW, Lisowski W, Kaszkur Z, Andreeva D
39 - 47 Spectroscopic characterization of gold supported on tungstated zirconia
Kantcheva M, Milanova M, Avramova I, Mametsheripov S
48 - 55 CuxCryOz mixed oxide as a promising support for gold - The effect of Au loading method on the effectiveness in oxidation reactions
Sobczak I, Szrama K, Wojcieszak R, Gaigneaux EM, Ziolek M
56 - 64 Structure transformations and reducibility of nanocrystalline Ce1-xYbxO2-(x/2) mixed oxides
Malecka MA, Delgado JJ, Kepinski L, Calvino JJ, Bernal S, Blanco G, Chen XW
65 - 69 High alkylation activities of ball-milled synthesized low-load supported iron oxide nanoparticles on mesoporous aluminosilicates
Pineda A, Balu AM, Campelo JM, Luque R, Romero AA, Serrano-Ruiz JC
70 - 76 Self-assembled monolayers of metalloporphyrin phosphonates on electrochemically modified HOPG
Cabrita JF, Viana AS, Mourato A, Montforts FP, Abrantes LM
77 - 87 Methanol decomposition on electrospun zirconia nanofibers
Ruiz-Rosas R, Bedia J, Rosas JM, Lallave M, Loscertales IG, Rodriguez-Mirasol J, Cordero T
88 - 96 Al-pillared montmorillonite as a support for catalysts based on ruthenium sulfide in HDS reactions
Romero-Perez A, Infantes-Molina A, Jimenez-Lopez A, Jalil ER, Sapag K, Rodriguez-Castellon E
97 - 103 New inorganic-organic hybrid materials based on SBA-15 molecular sieves involved in the quinolines synthesis
Lopez-Sanz J, Perez-Mayoral E, Soriano E, Sturm M, Martin-Aranda RM, Lopez-Peinado AJ, Cejka J
104 - 107 Competitive diffusion of gases in a zeolite using proton NMR and a slice selection procedure
Leclerc S, Petryk M, Canet D, Fraissard J
108 - 114 Activated carbon as a catalyst for the synthesis of N-alkylimidazoles and imidazolium ionic liquids
Duran-Valle CJ, Madrigal-Martinez M, Martinez-Gallego M, Fonseca IM, Matos I, do Rego AMB
115 - 121 Highly stable Fe on activated carbon catalysts for CWPO upon FeCl3 activation of lignin from black liquors
Zazo JA, Bedia J, Fierro CM, Pliego G, Casas JA, Rodriguez JJ
122 - 128 Glycerol hydrogenolysis to 1,2-propanediol with Cu/gamma-Al2O3: Effect of the activation process
Vila F, Granados ML, Ojeda M, Fierro JLG, Mariscal R
129 - 134 Development of niobium containing acidic catalysts for glycerol esterification
Trejda M, Stawicka K, Dubinska A, Ziolek M
135 - 149 Green and selective oxidation reactions catalyzed by kaolinite covalently grafted with Fe(III) pyridine-carboxylate complexes
de Faria EH, Ricci GP, Marcal L, Nassar EJ, Vicente MA, Trujillano R, Gil A, Korili SA, Ciuffi KJ, Calefi PS
150 - 158 Study of the deactivation of copper-based catalysts for dehydrogenation of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone
Simon E, Rosas JM, Santos A, Romero A
159 - 167 Catalytic properties of new ternary Nb-Sb-V oxide - A comparative study with mechanical mixture of single oxides and binary systems
Ziolek M, Golinska-Mazwa H, Filipek E, Piz M
168 - 172 Selective decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the epoxidation effluent of the HPPO process
Blanco-Brieva G, de Frutos-Escrig MP, Martin H, Campos-Martin JM, Fierro JLG
173 - 182 FTS fuels production over different Co/SiC catalysts
de la Osa AR, De Lucas A, Diaz-Maroto J, Romero A, Valverde JL, Sanchez P
183 - 190 Study of structure-performance relationships in Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction of crotonaldehyde on several magnesium and zirconium-based systems
Axpuac S, Aramendia MA, Hidalgo-Carrillo J, Marinas A, Marinas JM, Montes-Jimenez V, Urbano FJ, Borau V
191 - 194 In situ Raman monitoring of Michael addition for the synthesis of 1-substituted imidazoles intermediates with antiviral properties
Calvino-Casilda V, Banares MA
195 - 200 Spectroscopic surface characterization of MoVNbTe nanostructured catalysts for the partial oxidation of propane
Lopez-Medina R, Sobczak I, Golinska-Mazwa H, Ziolek M, Banares MA, Guerrero-Perez MO
201 - 211 Kinetic study of NO reduction on carbon-supported chromium catalysts
Rosas JM, Ruiz-Rosas R, Rodriguez-Mirasol J, Cordero T
212 - 213 Correlation between Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Ammonia Adsorption Process on the (1 1 0)-VSbO4 Surface (vol 158, pg 178, 2010)
Rojas E, Calatayud M, Guerrero-Perez MO, Banares MA
214 - 214 Structure-Performance Relationships in Catalytic Materials (COST Action D36)
Spivey JJ
215 - 216 Comment on "Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction study of the phase transformation of ZrO2-Al2O3 and CeO2-Al2O3 nanocomposites" by S. Boullosa-Eiras, E. Vanhaecke, T. Zhao, D. Chen, A. Holmen (Catalysis Today, 166 (2011) 10-17)
de Oliveira LFC, Faulstich FRL, Zotin FMZ
217 - 217 Reply to the comment submitted by LFC de Oliveira, FRL Faulstich, FMZ Zotin on "Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction study of the phase transformation of ZrO2-Al2O3 and CeO2-Al2O3 nanocomposites" by S. Boullosa-Eiras, E. Vanhaecke, T. Zhao, D. Chen, A. Holmen [Catal. Today, 166 (2011) 10-17]
Boullosa-Eiras S, Vanhaecke E, Zhao TJ, Chen D, Holmen A