1 - 1 |
Molecular structure performance relationships at the surface of functional materials Preface Guerrero-Perez MO, Calvino-Casilda V, Banares MA |
2 - 9 |
Effect of the aging time of PVP coated palladium nanoparticles colloidal suspensions on their catalytic activity in the preferential oxidation of CO Miguel-Garcia I, Berenguer-Murcia A, Garcia T, Cazorla-Amoros D |
10 - 19 |
Au/CeO2-SBA-15 catalysts for CO oxidation: Effect of ceria loading on physic-chemical properties and catalytic performances Liotta LF, Pantaleo G, Puleo F, Venezia AM |
20 - 29 |
Au/FeOx catalysts of different degree of iron oxide reduction Mizera J, Spiridis N, Socha R, Grabowski R, Samson K, Korecki J, Grzybowska B, Gurgul J, Kepinski L, Malecka MA |
30 - 38 |
Relationship between structural properties and activity in complete benzene oxidation over Au/CeO2-CoOx catalysts Ilieva L, Petrova P, Tabakova T, Zanella R, Abrashev MV, Sobczak JW, Lisowski W, Kaszkur Z, Andreeva D |
39 - 47 |
Spectroscopic characterization of gold supported on tungstated zirconia Kantcheva M, Milanova M, Avramova I, Mametsheripov S |
48 - 55 |
CuxCryOz mixed oxide as a promising support for gold - The effect of Au loading method on the effectiveness in oxidation reactions Sobczak I, Szrama K, Wojcieszak R, Gaigneaux EM, Ziolek M |
56 - 64 |
Structure transformations and reducibility of nanocrystalline Ce1-xYbxO2-(x/2) mixed oxides Malecka MA, Delgado JJ, Kepinski L, Calvino JJ, Bernal S, Blanco G, Chen XW |
65 - 69 |
High alkylation activities of ball-milled synthesized low-load supported iron oxide nanoparticles on mesoporous aluminosilicates Pineda A, Balu AM, Campelo JM, Luque R, Romero AA, Serrano-Ruiz JC |
70 - 76 |
Self-assembled monolayers of metalloporphyrin phosphonates on electrochemically modified HOPG Cabrita JF, Viana AS, Mourato A, Montforts FP, Abrantes LM |
77 - 87 |
Methanol decomposition on electrospun zirconia nanofibers Ruiz-Rosas R, Bedia J, Rosas JM, Lallave M, Loscertales IG, Rodriguez-Mirasol J, Cordero T |
88 - 96 |
Al-pillared montmorillonite as a support for catalysts based on ruthenium sulfide in HDS reactions Romero-Perez A, Infantes-Molina A, Jimenez-Lopez A, Jalil ER, Sapag K, Rodriguez-Castellon E |
97 - 103 |
New inorganic-organic hybrid materials based on SBA-15 molecular sieves involved in the quinolines synthesis Lopez-Sanz J, Perez-Mayoral E, Soriano E, Sturm M, Martin-Aranda RM, Lopez-Peinado AJ, Cejka J |
104 - 107 |
Competitive diffusion of gases in a zeolite using proton NMR and a slice selection procedure Leclerc S, Petryk M, Canet D, Fraissard J |
108 - 114 |
Activated carbon as a catalyst for the synthesis of N-alkylimidazoles and imidazolium ionic liquids Duran-Valle CJ, Madrigal-Martinez M, Martinez-Gallego M, Fonseca IM, Matos I, do Rego AMB |
115 - 121 |
Highly stable Fe on activated carbon catalysts for CWPO upon FeCl3 activation of lignin from black liquors Zazo JA, Bedia J, Fierro CM, Pliego G, Casas JA, Rodriguez JJ |
122 - 128 |
Glycerol hydrogenolysis to 1,2-propanediol with Cu/gamma-Al2O3: Effect of the activation process Vila F, Granados ML, Ojeda M, Fierro JLG, Mariscal R |
129 - 134 |
Development of niobium containing acidic catalysts for glycerol esterification Trejda M, Stawicka K, Dubinska A, Ziolek M |
135 - 149 |
Green and selective oxidation reactions catalyzed by kaolinite covalently grafted with Fe(III) pyridine-carboxylate complexes de Faria EH, Ricci GP, Marcal L, Nassar EJ, Vicente MA, Trujillano R, Gil A, Korili SA, Ciuffi KJ, Calefi PS |
150 - 158 |
Study of the deactivation of copper-based catalysts for dehydrogenation of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone Simon E, Rosas JM, Santos A, Romero A |
159 - 167 |
Catalytic properties of new ternary Nb-Sb-V oxide - A comparative study with mechanical mixture of single oxides and binary systems Ziolek M, Golinska-Mazwa H, Filipek E, Piz M |
168 - 172 |
Selective decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the epoxidation effluent of the HPPO process Blanco-Brieva G, de Frutos-Escrig MP, Martin H, Campos-Martin JM, Fierro JLG |
173 - 182 |
FTS fuels production over different Co/SiC catalysts de la Osa AR, De Lucas A, Diaz-Maroto J, Romero A, Valverde JL, Sanchez P |
183 - 190 |
Study of structure-performance relationships in Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction of crotonaldehyde on several magnesium and zirconium-based systems Axpuac S, Aramendia MA, Hidalgo-Carrillo J, Marinas A, Marinas JM, Montes-Jimenez V, Urbano FJ, Borau V |
191 - 194 |
In situ Raman monitoring of Michael addition for the synthesis of 1-substituted imidazoles intermediates with antiviral properties Calvino-Casilda V, Banares MA |
195 - 200 |
Spectroscopic surface characterization of MoVNbTe nanostructured catalysts for the partial oxidation of propane Lopez-Medina R, Sobczak I, Golinska-Mazwa H, Ziolek M, Banares MA, Guerrero-Perez MO |
201 - 211 |
Kinetic study of NO reduction on carbon-supported chromium catalysts Rosas JM, Ruiz-Rosas R, Rodriguez-Mirasol J, Cordero T |
212 - 213 |
Correlation between Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Ammonia Adsorption Process on the (1 1 0)-VSbO4 Surface (vol 158, pg 178, 2010) Rojas E, Calatayud M, Guerrero-Perez MO, Banares MA |
214 - 214 |
Structure-Performance Relationships in Catalytic Materials (COST Action D36) Spivey JJ |
215 - 216 |
Comment on "Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction study of the phase transformation of ZrO2-Al2O3 and CeO2-Al2O3 nanocomposites" by S. Boullosa-Eiras, E. Vanhaecke, T. Zhao, D. Chen, A. Holmen (Catalysis Today, 166 (2011) 10-17) de Oliveira LFC, Faulstich FRL, Zotin FMZ |
217 - 217 |
Reply to the comment submitted by LFC de Oliveira, FRL Faulstich, FMZ Zotin on "Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction study of the phase transformation of ZrO2-Al2O3 and CeO2-Al2O3 nanocomposites" by S. Boullosa-Eiras, E. Vanhaecke, T. Zhao, D. Chen, A. Holmen [Catal. Today, 166 (2011) 10-17] Boullosa-Eiras S, Vanhaecke E, Zhao TJ, Chen D, Holmen A |