1 - 1 |
Catalytic microstructured reactors - Preface Hessel V, Kolb G, de Bellefon C |
2 - 14 |
Microstructured reactors for catalytic reactions Kiwi-Minsker L, Renken A |
15 - 25 |
Mass transfer limitations in microchannel reactors Walter S, Malmberg S, Schmidt B, Liauw MA |
26 - 37 |
Experiments and modeling of membrane microreactors Yeung KL, Zhang XF, Lau WN, Martin-Aranda R |
38 - 46 |
Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of ZSM-5 coatings on a molybdenum support and scale-up for application in micro reactors Mies MJM, van den Bosch JLP, Rebrov EV, Jansen JC, de Croon MHJM, Schouten JC |
47 - 52 |
Preparation of a novel structured catalyst based on aligned carbon nanotube arrays for a microchannel Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reactor Chin YH, Hu JL, Cao CS, Gao YF, Wang Y |
53 - 57 |
The synthesis by deposition-precipitation of porous gamma-alumina catalyst supports on glass substrates compatible with microreactor geometries Belochapkine S, Shaw J, Wenn D, Ross JRH |
58 - 67 |
High-throughput screening of supported catalysts in massively parallel single-bead microreactors: Workflow aspects related to reactor bonding and catalyst preparation Zech T, Bohner G, Klein J |
68 - 75 |
Packed bed versus microreactor performance in autothermal reforming of isooctane Tadd AR, Gould BD, Schwank JW |
76 - 85 |
Kinetic investigations on methanol steam reforming on PdZn catalysts in microchannel reactors and model transfer into the pressure gap region Pfeifer P, Kolbl A, Schubert K |
86 - 91 |
Comparison of wall-coated and packed-bed reactors for steam reforming of methanol Karim A, Bravo J, Gorm D, Conant T, Datye A |
92 - 97 |
Heterogeneous reactor model for steam reforming of methane in a microchannel reactor with microstructured catalysts Cao CS, Wang Y, Rozmiarek RT |
98 - 107 |
Temperature profiles and residence time effects during catalytic partial oxidation and oxidative steam reforming of propane in metallic microchannel reactors Aartun I, Venvik HJ, Holmen A, Pfeifer P, Gorke O, Schubert K |
108 - 113 |
Hydrogen production with integrated microchannel fuel processor using methanol for portable fuel cell systems Park GG, Yim SD, Yoon YG, Kirn CS, Seo DJ, Eguchi K |
114 - 120 |
Platinum/ceria/alumina catalysts on microstructures for carbon monoxide conversion Germani G, Alphonse P, Courty M, Schuurman Y, Mirodatos C |
121 - 131 |
Water-gas shift reaction in micro-channels - Results from catalyst screening and optimisation Kolb G, Pennemann H, Zapf R |
132 - 139 |
Highly selective methanation by the use of a microchannel reactor Gorke O, Pfeifer P, Schubert K |
140 - 153 |
Selective oxidation of carbon monoxide in a hydrogen-rich fuel cell feed using a catalyst coated microstructured reactor Cominos V, Hessel V, Hofmann C, Kolb G, Zapf R, Ziogas A, Delsman ER, Schouten JC |
154 - 163 |
Oxidative dehydrogenation of methanol in a microstructured reactor Cao EH, Gavriilidis A |
164 - 170 |
Design and fabrication of a structured catalytic reactor at micrometer scale: Example of methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation Roumanie M, Meille V, Pijolat C, Tournier G, de Bellefon C, Pouteau P, Delattre C |
171 - 178 |
Gas phase catalytic partial oxidation of toluene in a microchannel reactor Ge H, Chen GW, Yuan Q, Li HQ |
179 - 187 |
Asymmetric catalytic hydrogenations at micro-litre scale in a helicoidal single channel falling film micro-reactor de Bellefon C, Lamouille T, Pestre N, Bornette F, Pennemann H, Neumann F, Hessel V |