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CE and CEC innovations El Rassi Z |
2821 - 2832 |
Modelling and optimization of the electrokinetic chromatographic separation of mixtures of organic anions and cations using poly(diallydimethylammonium chloride) and hexanesulfonate as mixed pseudostationary phases Zakaria P, Macka M, Fritz JS, Haddad PR |
2833 - 2841 |
Semi-empirical relationships between effective mobility, charge, and molecular weight of pharmaceuticals by pressure-assisted capillary electrophoresis: Applications in drug discovery Miller JM, Blackburn AC, Shi Y, Melzak AJ, Ando OY |
2842 - 2853 |
Evalution of capillary electrophoresis-frontal analysis for the study of low molecular weight drug-human serum albumin interactions Ostergaard J, Schou C, Larsen C, Heegaard NHH |
2854 - 2859 |
Kinetic study of gamma-glutamyltransferase activity by electrophoretically mediated microanalysis combined with micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography Van Dyck S, Van Schepdael A, Hoogmartens J |
2860 - 2864 |
pH change of buffer solution in a microcapillary chip and its suppression Oki A, Takamura Y, Ito Y, Horiike Y |
2865 - 2871 |
On-line conversion and determination of artemisinin using a flow-injection capillary electrophoresis system Chen HL, Wang KT, Pu QS, Chen XG, Hu ZD |
2872 - 2879 |
Up-scaling capillary zone electrophoresis separations of polydisperse anionic polyelectrolytes with preparative free-flow electrophoresis exemplified with a soil fulvic acid Junkers J, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Munch JC, Kettrup A |
2880 - 2887 |
Large-volume sample stacking for analysis of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid by capillary electrophoresis Zhu ZW, Zhang LF, Marimuthu A, Yang ZG |
2888 - 2893 |
Considerations on contactless conductivity detection in capillary electrophoresis Baltussen E, Guijt RM, van der Steen G, Laugere F, Baltussen S, van Dedem GWK |
2894 - 2903 |
A capillary electrophoresis and off-line capillary electrophoresis/electrospray ionization-quadrupole time of flight-tandem mass spectrometry approach for ganglioside analysis Zamfir A, Vukelic Z, Peter-Katalinic J |
2904 - 2912 |
Determination of glycoalkaloids and relative aglycones by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis coupled with electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry Bianco G, Schmitt-Kopplin P, De Benedetto G, Kettrup A, Cataldi TR |
2913 - 2917 |
Simultaneous determination of selenium and antimony compounds by capillary electrophoresis with indirect fluorescence detection Chang SY, Chiang HT |
2918 - 2928 |
Joule heating in packed capillaries used in capillary electrochromotography Rathore AS, Reynolds KJ, Colon LA |
2929 - 2937 |
Titanium dioxide coated surfaces for capillary electrophoresis and capillary electrochromatography Fujimoto C |
2938 - 2948 |
Capillary electrochromatography with monolithic stationary phases: 1. Preparation of sulfonated stearyl acrylate monoliths and their electrochromatographic characterization with neutral and charged solutes Bedair M, El Rassi Z |
2949 - 2962 |
Comparison of different setups for one- and two-dimensional capillary high-performance liquid chromatography and pressurized capillary electrochromatography coupled on-line with mass spectrometry Stahl M, Jakob A, von Brocke A, Nicholson G, Bayer R |
2963 - 2972 |
On-line coupling of packed capillary electrochromatography with coordination ion spray-mass spectrometry for the separation of enantiomers von Brocke A, Wistuba D, Gfrorer P, Stahl M, Schurig V, Bayer E |
2973 - 2981 |
Physically adsorbed chiral stationary phase of avidin on monolithic silica column for capillary electrochromatography and capillary liquid chromatography Liu Z, Otsuka K, Terabe S, Motokawa M, Tanaka N |
2982 - 2989 |
Multimodal open-tubular capillary electrochromatographic analysis of amines and peptides Pesek JJ, Matyska MT, Sentellas S, Galceran MT, Chiari M, Pirri G |
2990 - 2995 |
A new type of capillary column for open-tubular electrochromatography Zhao YX, Zhao R, Shangguan DH, Liu GQ |
2996 - 3005 |
Combinatorial enantiomeric separation of diverse compounds using capillary array electrophoresis Zhong WW, Yeung ES |
3006 - 3012 |
Influence of structure and chirality of the selector on the chiral recognition of amino acids using ligand-exchange capillary electrophoresis Lecnik O, Schmid MG, Presser A, Gubitz G |
3013 - 3019 |
Illustration of a simple and versatile scheme for reversing enantiomeric elution order and facilitating enantiomeric impurity determination in capillary electrophoresis Magnusson J, Wan H, Blomberg LG |
3020 - 3026 |
Octakis-6-sulfato-gamma-cyclodextrin as additive for capillary electrokinetic chromatography of dibenzoazepines: Carbamazepine, oxcarbamazepine and their metabolites Marziali E, Raggi MA, Komarova N, Kenndler E |
3027 - 3034 |
Comparative enantioseparations with native beta-cyclodextrin and heptakis-(2-O-methyl-3,6-di-O-sulfo)-beta-cyclodextrin in capillary electrophoresis Chankvetadze B, Burjanadze N, Maynard DM, Bergander K, Bergenthal D, Blaschke G |
3035 - 3040 |
Enantioseparation of amino acid derivatives by capillary zone electrophoresis using vancomycin as chiral selector Fanali S, Crucianelli M, De Angelis F, Presutti C |
3041 - 3047 |
Enantioselective analysis of ibuprofen in human plasma by anionic cyclodextrin-modified electrokinetic chromatography Jabor VAP, Lanchote VL, Bonato PS |
3048 - 3061 |
Methods for fractionation, separation and profiling of proteins and peptides Issaq HJ, Conrads TP, Janini GM, Veenstra TD |
3062 - 3070 |
DNA sequencing of close to 1000 bases in 40 minutes by capillary electrophoresis using dimethyl sulfoxide and urea as denaturants in replaceable linear polyacrylamide solutions Kotler L, He H, Miller AW, Karger BL |
3071 - 3077 |
Analysis of aminophospholipid molecular species by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with laser-induced fluorescence detection Zhang L, Hu S, Cook L, Dovichi NJ |
3078 - 3083 |
Determination of residues of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in chicken muscle by capillary electrophoresis using laser-induced fluorescence detection Horstkotter C, Jimenez-Lozano E, Barron D, Barbosa J, Blaschke G |
3084 - 3092 |
Separation of alkamides from Echinacea purpurea extracts by cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography Gotti R, Fiori J, Hudaib M, Cavrini V |
3093 - 3093 |
Assessing cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea: A two-dimensional electrophoresis approach (vol 22, pg 1826, 2001) Burkhard PR, Rodrigo N, May D, Sztajzel R, Sanchez JC, Hochstrasser DF, Shiffer E, Reverdin A, Lacroix JS |