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Paper symposium - CE and CEC Innovationsl El Rassi Z |
2887 - 2895 |
A quantitative study of continuous flow-counterbalanced capillary electrophoresis for sample purification McLaren DG, Chen DDY |
2896 - 2902 |
Improved separation of double-stranded DNA fragments by capillary electrophoresis using poly(ethylene oxide) solution containing colloids Huang MF, Huang CC, Chang HT |
2903 - 2913 |
Capillary electrophoresis frontal analysis: Principles and applications for the study of drug-plasma protein binding Ostergaard J, Heegaard NHH |
2914 - 2923 |
Complexation trends and binding constants between dextrin oligomers and small molecules as measured through affinity capillary electrophoresis Hoffmann J, Mechref Y, Cassely A, Novotny MV |
2924 - 2934 |
Recent developments in capillary electrokinetic chromatography with replaceable charged pseudostationary phases or additives Peric I, Kenndler E |
2935 - 2939 |
Bilayered phospholipid micelles and capillary electrophoresis: A new additive for electrokinetic chromatography Holland LA, Leigh AM |
2940 - 2947 |
Use of poly(sodium oleyl-L-leucylvalinate) sufactant for the seperation of chiral compounds in micellar electrokinetic chromatography Mwongela S, Akbay C, Zhu XF, Collins S, Warner IM |
2948 - 2957 |
A new micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography method for separation of the components of the aminoglycoside antibiotics Wienen F, Holzgrabe U |
2958 - 2972 |
Investigation of conditions allowing the synthesis of acrylamide-based monolithic microcolumns for capillary electrochromatography and of factors determining the retention of aromatic compounds on these stationary phases Hoegger D, Freitag R |
2973 - 2982 |
An insight into the phenomena involved in a multiple-function stationary phase for the capillary electrochromatographic separation of 2'-, 3'-, and 5'-monophosphorylated nucleoside isomers Lin SY, Liu CY |
2983 - 2985 |
Role of the charge in continuous beds in the chiral separation of hydroxy acids by ligand-exchange capillary electrochromatography Lecnik O, Gubitz G, Schmid MG |
2986 - 2999 |
Macroporous monolithic chiral stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography: New chiral monomer derived from cinchona alkaloid with enhanced enantioselectivity Lammerhofer M, Tobler E, Zarbl E, Lindner W, Svec F, Frechet JMJ |
3000 - 3005 |
Evaluation of teicoplanin chiral stationary phases of 3.5 and 5 mu m inside silica microparticles by polar-organic mode capillary electrochromatography Catarcini P, Fanali S, Presutti C, D'Acquarica I, Gasparrini F |
3006 - 3017 |
Effect of multivalent ions on electroosmotic flow in micro- and nanochannels Zheng Z, Hansford DJ, Conlisk AT |
3018 - 3025 |
Microchip-based capillary electrochromatography using packed beds Jemere AB, Oleschuk RD, Harrison DJ |
3026 - 3032 |
Multiple injection techniques for microfluidic sample handling Fu LM, Yang RJ, Lee GB, Pan YJ |
3033 - 3039 |
A simple and low-cost electrochemiluminescence detector for capillary electrophoresis Chiang MT, Lu MC, Whang CW |
3040 - 3048 |
Investigation of the effects of wall adsorption of the visualization agent on baseline noise characteristics for indirect UV detection in capillary electrophoresis Choy TMH, Huie CW |
3049 - 3056 |
Validation of capillary electrophoresis - mass spectrometry methods for the analysis of a pharmaceutical formulation Geiser L, Rudaz S, Veuthey JL |
3057 - 3066 |
Capillary electrophoresis - electrospray spray ionization-mass spectrometry for the characterization of natural organic matter: An evaluation with free flow electrophoresis-off-line flow injection electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry Schmitt-Kopplin P, Kettrup A |
3067 - 3074 |
Analysis of N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones produced by Burkholderia cepacia with partial filling micellar electrokinetic chromatography -electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry Frommberger M, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Menzinger F, Albrecht V, Schmid M, Eberl L, Hartmann A, Kettrup A |
3075 - 3082 |
Determination of heterocyclic aromatic amines by capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry using in-line preconcentration Sentellas S, Moyano E, Puignou L, Galceran MT |
3083 - 3088 |
Violet light emitting diode-induced fluorescence detection combined with on-line sample concentration techniques for use in capillary electrophoresis Tsai CH, Huang HM, Lin CH |
3089 - 3096 |
Large-volume sample stacking combined with separation by 2-hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin for analysis of isoxyzolylpenicillins by capillary electrophoresis Zhu ZW, Zhang LF, Marimuthu A, Yang ZG |
3097 - 3103 |
Separation of Escherichia coli 055 : B5 lipopolysaccharide and detoxified lipopolysaccharide by high-performance capillary electrophoresis Volpi N |