2491 - 2491 |
Pharmaceutical Analysis Scriba G, Watzig H |
2492 - 2511 |
Determination of protein charge variants with (imaged) capillary isoelectric focusing and capillary zone electrophoresis Kahle J, Watzig H |
2512 - 2520 |
Determination of 16 antineoplastic drugs by capillary electrophoresis with UV detection: Applications in quality control Guichard N, Ogereau M, Falaschi L, Rudaz S, Schappler J, Bonnabry P, Fleury-Souverain S |
2521 - 2529 |
A simple, low-cost and robust capillary zone electrophoresismethod with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection for the routine determination of four selected penicillins in money-constrained laboratories Paul P, Sanger-van de Griend C, Adams E, Van Schepdael A |
2530 - 2539 |
Capillary zone electrophoresis for the determination of amodiaquine and three of its synthetic impurities in pharmaceutical formulations Mufusama JP, Hoellein L, Feineis D, Holzgrabe U, Bringmann G |
2540 - 2549 |
Development of a reversed phase liquid chromatographic method for analysis of pyridoxal-5-phosphate and its impurities Mansour MF, Assefa M, El-Khouly A, Zhu PX, Van Schepdael A, Adams E |
2550 - 2557 |
Development of micellar electrokinetic chromatography method for the determination of three defined impurities in indomethacin Riasova P, Doubkova D, Pincova L, Jung O, Polasek M, Jac P |
2558 - 2565 |
Zwitterionic codeine-derived methacrylate monoliths for enantioselective capillary electrochromatography of chiral acids and chiral bases Carrasco-Correa EJ, Ferri M, Woiwode U, Ma YB, Herrero-Martinez JM, Ramis-Ramos G, Lindner W, Lammerhofer M |
2566 - 2574 |
Enantiomeric quality control of R-Tofisopam by HPLC using polysaccharide-type chiral stationary phases in polar organic mode Foroughbakhshfasaei M, Szabo ZI, Mirzahosseini A, Horvath P, Toth G |
2575 - 2580 |
Quality by design-assisted development of a capillary electrophoresis method for the chiral purity determination of dexmedetomidine Krait S, Scriba GKE |
2581 - 2589 |
Hollow mesoporous structured molecularly imprinted polymer as adsorbent in pipette-tip solid-phase extraction for the determination of antiretrovirals from plasma of HIV-infected patients Simoes NS, de Oliveira HL, da Silva RCS, Teixeira LS, Sales TLS, de Castro WV, de Paiva MJN, Sanches C, Borges KB |
2590 - 2597 |
Simultaneous electrokinetic and hydrodynamic injection and sequential stacking featuring sweeping for signal amplification following MEKC during the analysis of rapamycin (sirolimus) in serum samples Oledzka I, Kowalski P, Plenis A, Miekus N, Grabow N, Eickner T, Baczek T |
2598 - 2604 |
Determination of topiramate by capillary electrophoresis with capacitively-coupled contactless conductivity detection: A powerful tool for therapeutic monitoring in epileptic patients Ishikawa AA, da Silva RM, Santos MSF, da Costa ET, Sakamoto AC, Carrilho E, de Gaitani CM, Garcia CD |
2605 - 2611 |
Electrophoretic large volume sample stacking for sensitive determination of the anti-microbial agent pentamidine in rat plasma for pharmacological studies Tuma P, Heneberg P, Vaculin S, Koval D |
2612 - 2618 |
Development of a fast CE method for high throughput screening of ecto-5-nucleotidase inhibitors Raza R, Bai Y, Liu HW |
2619 - 2625 |
In situ growth of Zr-based metal-organic framework UiO-66-NH2 for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography Tang PX, Wang R, Chen ZL |