

Electrophoresis, Vol.28, No.6 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0173-0835 (Print) 

In this Issue (18 articles)

879 - 893 Computer-assisted identification of multitrace electrophoretic patterns in differential display experiments
Vahamaa H, Ojala P, Pahikkala T, Nevalainen OS, Lahesmaa R, Aittokallio T
894 - 899 Unequal crossover recombination - population screening for PHOX2B gene polyalanine polymorphism using CE
Hung CC, Su YN, Tsao PN, Chen PC, Lin SJ, Lin CH, Mu SC, Liu CA, Chang YC, Lin WL, Hsieh WS, Hsu SM
900 - 902 A wide-range, low-cost 150 bp ladder for sizing DNA fragments between 150 and 4500 bp
Barvish Z, Davis C, Gitelman I
903 - 917 Large-scale differential display analysis of T helper cell differentiation
Ojala P, Virtanen E, Chen Z
918 - 924 Reference strand-mediated conformation analysis-based typing of multiple alleles in the rhesus macaque MHC class I Mamu-A and Mamu-B loci
Tanaka-Takahashi Y, Yasunami M, Naruse T, Hinohara K, Matano T, Mori K, Miyazawa M, Honda M, Yasutomi Y, Nagai Y, Kimura A
925 - 931 Control of the EOF in CE using polyelectrolytes of different charge densities
Danger G, Ramonda M, Cottet H
932 - 937 Cell cycle-dependent characterization of single MCF-7 breast cancer cells by 2-D CE
Harwood MM, Bleecker JV, Rabinovitch PS, Dovichi NJ
938 - 943 Enantioseparation by CE with vancomycin as chiral selector: Improving the separation performance by dynamic coating of the capillary with poly(dimethylacrylamide)
Wang ZY, Wang JF, Hu ZD, Kang JW
944 - 949 CE-ESI-MS of biological anions in plastic capillaries at high pH
Benavente F, Sanz-Nebot V, Barbosa J, van der Heijden R, van der Greef J, Hankemeier T
950 - 964 Data processing in metabolic fingerprinting by CE-UV: Application to urine samples from autistic children
Soria AC, Wright B, Goodall DM, Wilson J
965 - 969 Determination of xanthohumol in hops (Humulus lupulus L.) by nonaqueous CE
Kac J, Zakrajsek J, Mlinaric A, Kreft S, Filipic M
970 - 974 Determination of medroxyprogesterone acetate residues by CE immunoassay with chemiluminescence detection
Peng CF, Huo TM, Liu LQ, Chu XG, Xu CL
975 - 983 Electroosmotic flow mixing in zigzag microchannels
Chen JK, Yang RJ
984 - 993 Surface modification of poly(methyl methacrylate) microfluidic devices for high-resolution separations of single-stranded DNA
Llopis SL, Osiri J, Soper SA
994 - 1001 Rapid bonding of Pyrex glass microchips
Akiyama Y, Morishima K, Kogi A, Kikutani Y, Tokeshi M, Kitamori T
1002 - 1011 CE microchips: An opened gate to food analysis
Escarpa A, Gonzalez MC, Crevillen AG, Blasco AJ
1012 - 1021 Ultrahigh-pressure dual online solid phase extraction/capillary reverse-phase liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (DO-SPE/cRPLC/MS/MS): A versatile separation platform for high-throughput and highly sensitive proteomic analyses
Min HK, Hyung SW, Shin JW, Nam HS, Ahn SH, Jung HJ, Lee SW
1022 - 1024 Application of pressure cycling technology to tissue sample preparation for 2-DE
Ringham H, Bell RL, Smejkal GB, Behnke J, Witzmann FA