1 - 6 |
Probing the effect of nanotubes on N-nitrosodimethylamine photocatalytic degradation efficiency and reaction pathway Guo XY, Shao HQ, Kong LL, Long MC, Zhang M, Zhou QX, Hu WL |
7 - 16 |
Mathematical modeling of catalytic methane oxidation reaction in a CSTR on a single and dual Pd foil Lysak TM, Peskov NV, Slinko MM, Tyulenin YP, Bychkov VY, Korchak VN |
17 - 29 |
Fabrication, characterization and in vitro biocompatibility of electrospun hydroxyethyl cellulose poly (vinyl) alcohol nanofibrous composite biomaterial for bone tissue engineering Chahal S, Hussain FSJ, Kumar A, Rasad MSBA, Yusoff MM |
30 - 38 |
Numerical simulation and optimization of CO2 utilization for enhanced oil recovery from depleted reservoirs Safi R, Agarwal RK, Banerjee S |
39 - 47 |
Synergistic effects of ultrafast heating and gaseous chlorine on the neutralization of bacterial spores Zhou WB, Orr MW, Lee VT, Zachariah MR |
48 - 57 |
Numerical study of surfactant effects on the buoyancy-driven motion of a drop in a tube Cui YY, Gupta NR |
58 - 74 |
Characterizing bubble column bioreactor performance using computational fluid dynamics McClure DD, Kavanagh JM, Fletcher DF, Barton GW |
75 - 86 |
Breakup dynamics of slender droplet formation in shear-thinning fluids in flow-focusing devices Fu TT, Ma YG, Li HZ |
87 - 100 |
Integration of in situ imaging and chord length distribution measurements for estimation of particle size and shape Agimelen OS, Jawor-Baczynska A, McGinty J, Dziewierz J, Tachtatzis C, Cleary A, Haley I, Michie C, Andonovic I, Sefcik J, Mulholland AJ |
101 - 107 |
Predicting the kinetics of catalytic oxidation of multicomponent organic waste gases Liang CJ, Fang JW |
108 - 115 |
Effects of surfactant micelles and surfactant-coated nanospheres on methane hydrate growth pattern Wang F, Guo G, Liu GQ, Luo SJ, Guo RB |
116 - 125 |
Experimental study about mixing characteristic and enhancement of T-jet reactor Li WF, Wei Y, Tu GY, Shi ZH, Liu HF, Wang FC |
126 - 134 |
Absorption in wetted-wall column with phase properties close to distillation conditions Haidl J, Rejl FJ, Valenz L, Kordac M, Moucha T, Labik L, Schultes M |
135 - 143 |
Magnetic resonance imaging for in-situ observation of the effect of depressurizing range and rate on methane hydrate dissociation Zhang LX, Zhao JF, Dong HS, Zhao YC, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Song YC |
144 - 152 |
CFD geometrical optimization to improve mixing performance of axial mixer Hanada T, Kuroda K, Takahashi K |
153 - 164 |
Release of suspension particles from a prismatic tank by multiple jet arrangements Althaus JMIJ, De Cesare G, Schleiss AJ |
165 - 175 |
Wavelet-based surrogate time series for multiscale simulation of heterogeneous catalysis Gur S, Danielson T, Xiong QG, Hin C, Pannala S, Frantziskonis G, Savara A, Daw CS |
176 - 187 |
Influence of particle size and shape properties on cake resistance and compressibility during pressure filtration Bourcier D, Feraud JP, Colson D, Mandrick K, Ode D, Brackx E, Puel E |
188 - 200 |
Determination of lower flammability limits of C-H-O compounds in air and study of initial temperature dependence Mendiburu AZ, de Carvalho JA, Coronado CR, Chumpitaz GA |
201 - 215 |
Particle scale study of heat transfer in packed and fluidized beds of ellipsoidal particles Gan JQ, Zhou ZY, Yu AB |
216 - 223 |
Acoustic and visual study on condensation of steam-air mixture jet plume in subcooled water Qu XH, Tian MC |
224 - 238 |
Simulating wet gas-solid fluidized beds using coarse-grid CFD-DEM Girardi M, Radl S, Sundaresan S |
239 - 248 |
Effect of cavitation on dispersion and emulsification process in high-pressure microsystems (HPMS) Gothsch T, Richter C, Beinert S, Schilcher C, Schilde C, Buttgenbach S, Kwade A |
249 - 259 |
On formulating a simplified soot model for diesel and biodiesel combustion Cai G, Yen M, Abraham J |
260 - 266 |
Alkyl aminated nanocelluloses in selective flotation of aluminium oxide and quartz Laitinen O, Hartmann R, Sirvio JA, Liimatainen H, Rudolph M, Ammala A, Illikainen M |
267 - 274 |
The treatment of surface water with enhanced membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) Li P, Li M, Zhang YG, Zhang HM, Sun LQ, Li BA |
275 - 282 |
Tris(tert-heptyl)-N-alkyl-1-ammonium bromides-Powerful THF hydrate crystal growth inhibitors and their synergism with poly-vinylcaprolactam kinetic gas hydrate inhibitor Mady ME, Kelland MA |
283 - 287 |
Gas-adsorption dynamics at the water-air interface, revealed by resonant droplet tensiometry Tankovsky N, Zografov N, Andreeva A |
288 - 297 |
Modeling of flowable slurry electrodes with combined faradaic and nonfaradaic currents Hoyt NC, Savinell RF, Wainright JS |
298 - 309 |
Bubbles in viscous liquids: Time dependent behaviour and wake characteristics Gumulya M, Joshi JB, Utikar RP, Evans GM, Pareek V |
310 - 320 |
Mixing behavior of a model cellulosic biomass slurry during settling and resuspension Crawford NC, Sprague MA, Stickel JJ |
321 - 325 |
A selective dielectrophoretic particle separator using flat electrodes covered with vertically aligned carbon nanotubes Sano N, Tanemori Y, Tamon H |
326 - 335 |
Process design and optimization for etherification of glycerol with isobutene Liu JJ, Daoutidis P, Yang BL |
336 - 345 |
Dynamic exergy method and its application for CO2 compression and purification unit in oxy-combustion power plants Jin B, Zhao HB, Zheng CG |
346 - 363 |
The measurement of local flow parameters for gas-liquid two-phase bubbly flows using a dual-sensor probe array Zhai LS, Bian P, Gao ZK, Jin ND |
364 - 371 |
First iridium-catalyzed hydroformylation in a continuously operated miniplant Kamper A, Warrelmann SJ, Reiswich K, Kuhlmann R, Franke R, Behr A |
372 - 385 |
Synthesis of heat exchanger networks using mathematical programming and heuristics in a two-step optimisation procedure with detailed exchanger design Short M, Isafiade AJ, Fraser DM, Kravanja Z |
386 - 394 |
Modeling N2O production by ammonia oxidizing bacteria at varying inorganic carbon concentrations by coupling the catabolic and anabolic processes Peng L, Ni BJ, Law YY, Yuan ZG |
395 - 403 |
Theoretical prediction of flooding velocity in an inclined tube based on viscous Kelvin-Helmholtz instability Chen JY, Wang YC, Zhang W, Qiu LM, Zhang XB |
404 - 420 |
Mechanical behaviour of a granular solid and its contacting deformable structure under uni-axial compression - Part I: Joint DEM-FEM modelling and experimental validation Chung YC, Lin CK, Chou PH, Hsiau SS |
421 - 443 |
Mechanical behaviour of a granular solid and its contacting deformable structure under uni-axial compression-Part II: Multi-scale exploration of internal physical properties Chung YC, Lin CK, Ai J |
444 - 445 |
Comments on the paper titled "Hydrolysis of acetic anhydride: Non-adiabatic calorimetric determination of kinetics and heat exchange" by Wilson H. Hirota, Rodolfo B. Rodrigues, Claudia Sayer, Reinaldo Giudici published in Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (2010) 3849-3858 Damaraju PR |
446 - 448 |
Reply to the comments on the paper titled "Hydrolysis of acetic anhydride: Non-adiabatic calorimetric determination of kinetics and heat exchange" [Wilson H. Hirota, Rodolfo B. Rodrigues, Claudia Sayer, Reinaldo Giudici, Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 3849-3858] Giudici R |