311 - 311 |
Raw Material Innovations and Raw Material Efficiency Teipel U, Schweppe R |
323 - 330 |
Schnelle Abschatzung des Durchbruchsverhaltens von konkurrierend adsorbierenden KomponentenRapid Estimation of the Breakthrough Behavior of Competing Adsorbing Components Seidel-Morgenstern A |
331 - 340 |
Are the Global Raw Material Markets in a State of Renewed Change? Deike R |
341 - 359 |
Disassembly 4.0: A Review on Using Robotics in Disassembly Tasks as a Way of Automation Poschmann H, Bruggemann H, Goldmann D |
360 - 367 |
Inverse Produktion fur nachhaltige Wertstoffkreislaufe - Aktuelle Entwicklungen zur automatisierten Demontage und Entstuckung von ElektronikplatinenInverse Production for Sustainable Recycling Routes - New Developments for Automated Disassembly of End-of-Life Electronics Noll R, Bergmann K, Fricke-Begemann C, Schreckenberg F |
368 - 378 |
Aluminum Oxychloride Flocculant from Copper Recycling of Waste from Printed Circuit Board Production Kononchuk OO, Hippmann S, Bertau M, Alexeev AI |
379 - 386 |
Concept for a Hydrometallurgical Processing of a Copper-Cobalt-Nickel Alloy Made from Manganese Nodules Keber S, Bruckner L, Elwert T, Kuhn T |
387 - 394 |
Sewage Sludge Incineration in a Stationary Fluidized Bed with Integrated Phosphorus Recovery Schnell M, Quicker P |
395 - 404 |
Recycling of Phosphorus by Co-processing Sewage Sludge Ash in Phosphoric Acid Production Herr P, Mocker M, Zollfrank C, Gaderer M, Mayer W |
405 - 413 |
Recycling of Marine Secondary Raw Materials Chairopoulou MA, Schreiber A, Kratzer F, Wolf S, Teipel U |
414 - 422 |
Potenziale und Grenzen der Sekundarrohstoffgewinnung - Ergebnisse der r(4)-BegleitforschungPotentials and Limits of Secondary Raw Material Provision - Results of the Accompanying Research of the r(4) Funding Program Loibl A, Marscheider-Weidemann F, Ostertag K, Rosenberg S, Espinoza LT, Pfaff M, Sartorius C |
423 - 430 |
Systematisation and Determinability of Indicators of Resource Use at Company or Product Level Hauer B, Fischer D, Klein M |
431 - 440 |
Preparation of Thermal Insulation Composite Systems Fehn T, Teipel U |
441 - 451 |
Identification and Sorting of Polymers in a Circular Economy Using Fluorescent Tracer Materials Woidasky J, Moesslein J, Wendler P, Kirchenbauer D, Wacker D, Gao GJ, Lang-Koetz C |
452 - 458 |
PET Recycling - Contributions of Crystallization to Sustainability Pudack C, Stepanski M, Fassler P |
459 - 468 |
Processing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics into Granules for Reuse in Structural Components Zollner M, Krampitz T, Lieberwirth H |
469 - 475 |
Mikrowellenpyrolyse von carbonfaserhaltigen Kunststoffen als RecyclingoptionMicrowave Pyrolysis of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics as Recycling Option Seiler E, Urban H, Teipel U |
476 - 484 |
Finest Comminution of CFRP Waste and Characterisation of the Comminution Products Krampitz T, Zollner M, Lieberwirth H, Kamptner A, Friedrich J |