839 - 839 |
CITplus: Year Issues 20 by Dr. Barbara Bock, Chief Editor of Chemical Engineering Bock B |
844 - 845 |
Congress-Highlight in the Capital City [Anonymous] |
851 - 862 |
Manufacturing of Industrial Zeolite Molecular Sieves Gleichmann K, Unger B, Brandt A |
863 - 875 |
Pseudomorphic Transformation of Porous Glasses into Micelle-Templated Silica Uhlig H, Hollenbach J, Rogaczewski M, Matysik J, Brieler FJ, Froba M, Enke D |
876 - 886 |
Synthesis and Functionalization of Ordered Large-Pore Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications Chiu HY, Leonhardt H, Bein T |
887 - 893 |
One-Step Synthesis of MIL-53(Al)/Boehmite Composites Schwegler J, Fischer M, Paula C, Schulz PS, Hartmann M |
894 - 902 |
One-Stage Syngas-to-Fuel Conversion with Printed Catalyst Layers in Microstructured Reactors Sun CH, Klumpp M, Binder JR, Peter P, Dittmeyer R |
903 - 914 |
Experimental Investigation of the Reaction Network of Ethene to Propene over Ni/AlMCM-41 Catalysts Perea LA, Felischak M, Wolff T, Hamel C, Seidel-Morgenstern A |
915 - 925 |
Analytical Geometrical Model of Open Cell Foams with Detailed Description of Strut-Node Intersection Ambrosetti M, Bracconi M, Groppi G, Tronconi E |
926 - 934 |
Operational Criteria for the Separation of Alkanes by Zeolite Membranes Dragomirova R, Jorabchi MN, Paschek D, Wohlrab S |
935 - 943 |
Adsorption of Cyclic Hydrocarbons on Silica Alumina Gels in Natural Gas Processing Berg F, Pasel C, Luckas M, Eckardt T, Bathen D |
944 - 948 |
Synthesis of Macro-Mesoporous MCM-41 and Its Use in Methylene Blue Adsorption Thome AG, Harms C, Roessner F |
949 - 955 |
Measurement of Fluid Dynamics in Random Packings Using High-Resolution Computed Tomography Schug S, Arlt W |
956 - 962 |
Hydroisomerization of Long-Chain n-Alkanes on Bifunctional Zeolite Catalysts Zschiesche C, Himsl D, Rakoczy R, Reitzmann A, Freiding J, Wilde N, Glaser R |
963 - 967 |
Continuous Synthesis of Nanostructured Co3O4@SiO2 Core-Shell Particles in a Laminar-Flow Reactor Strass A, Maier R, Guttel R |