165 - 174 |
Natural gas as motor fuel Lapidus AI, Krylov IF, Tonkonogov BP |
175 - 178 |
Production of high-quality paraffinic distillates and vacuum resid. Revamping of the AVT-2 unit vacuum block Bilyk NI, Lebedev YN, Khashchivskii IP, Zaitseva TM, Lozhkin YP |
179 - 183 |
Modernizing cat cracker reactor block units on the G-43-107M/1 Solyar BZ, Tlazov LS, Libezon IM, Klimtseva EA, Aladysheva EZ, Popov VN |
184 - 187 |
Domestic hydrotreating units. Status and modernization methods Yelshin AI, Aliev RR, Tomin VP, Krashchuk SG |
188 - 190 |
Expanding feedstock resources for manufacture of vaseline Kasumova AM |
191 - 196 |
Petroleum coke. Feedstock resources and calcination technologies Glagoleva OF |
197 - 201 |
Efficiency of the stage of liquid-phase thermal destruction of petroleum residues Batyzhev EA |
202 - 203 |
Furnace for incineration of hazardous wastes. experience in construction and operation Zhidkov AB |
204 - 210 |
Low-volatility motor oils. Development and production Spirkin VG, Nazarkin AP, Mitin IV, Korchagin VV |
211 - 213 |
Kinetics of "aging" of working motor oils Tupotilov NN, Ostrikov VV, Zhilin VV |
214 - 215 |
Finishing oil based on propylene oligomers Guseinova GA |
216 - 220 |
Improving the rheological properties of high-viscosity crude oils. Modifying additive and high-frequency electromagnetic field Shiryaeva RN, Kudasheva FK, Kovaleva LA, Gimaev RN |
221 - 224 |
Alkylation of benzene with propylene in the presence of organometallic siloxane Kolesnikov IM, Kolesnikov SI, Kil'yanov MY |
225 - 229 |
Removal of sulfur from hydrotreated diesel fuel Sharipov AK, Nigmatullin VR |
230 - 235 |
Colloidal structures of petroleum residues long-lived in metastable states Evdokimov IN, Eliseev NY |
236 - 240 |
Methods of analysis of high-wax crude oils. Resins, asphaltenes, paraffin waxes Nemirovskaya GB, Emel'yanova AS, Ashmyan KD |
241 - 246 |
Antiseptics made from petroleum resins Dolmatov LV |