4634 - 4667 |
Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Li Y, Fu ZY, Su BL |
4668 - 4676 |
Hierarchical Calcite Crystals with Occlusions of a Simple Polyelectrolyte Mimic Complex Biomineral Structures Schenk AS, Zlotnikov I, Pokroy B, Gierlinger N, Masic A, Zaslansky P, Fitch AN, Paris O, Metzger TH, Colfen H, Fratzl P, Aichmayer B |
4677 - 4685 |
Gel Electrolyte Derived from Poly(ethylene glycol) Blending Poly(acrylonitrile) Applicable to Roll-to-Roll Assembly of Electric Double Layer Capacitors Huang CW, Wu CA, Hou SS, Kuo PL, Hsieh CT, Teng HS |
4686 - 4695 |
Visualizing Strain Evolution and Coordinated Buckling within CNT Arrays by In Situ Digital Image Correlation Maschmann MR, Ehlert GJ, Park SJ, Mollenhauer D, Maruyama B, Hart AJ, Baur JW |
4696 - 4703 |
Magnetoresistive Memory with Ultralow Critical Current for Magnetization Switching Pertsev NA, Kohlstedt H |
4704 - 4710 |
A Photon-Fueled Gate-Like Delivery System Using i-Motif DNA Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles He DG, He XX, Wang KM, Cao J, Zhao YX |
4711 - 4717 |
Non-Covalent Self-Assembly and Covalent Polymerization Co-Contribute to Polydopamine Formation Hong S, Na YS, Choi S, Song IT, Kim WY, Lee H |
4718 - 4723 |
Templated Assembly of pH-Labile Polymer-Drug Particles for Intracellular Drug Delivery Cui JW, Yan Y, Wang YJ, Caruso F |
4724 - 4731 |
Increased Work Function in Few-Layer Graphene Sheets via Metal Chloride Doping Kwon KC, Choi KS, Kim SY |
4732 - 4740 |
Surface Chemistry Routes to Modulate the Photoluminescence of Graphene Quantum Dots: From Fluorescence Mechanism to Up-Conversion Bioimaging Applications Zhu SJ, Zhang JH, Tang SJ, Qiao CY, Wang L, Wang HY, Liu X, Li B, Li YF, Yu WL, Wang XF, Sun HC, Yang B |
4742 - 4750 |
Positively K+-Responsive Membranes with Functional Gates Driven by Host-Guest Molecular Recognition Liu Z, Luo F, Ju XJ, Xie R, Luo T, Sun YM, Chu LY |
4751 - 4762 |
Surface-Confined Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization from Sacrificial Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres for Preparing Mesoporous Polymer/Carbon Nanospheres with Faithful Shape Replication: Functional Mesoporous Materials Banerjee S, Paira TK, Kotal A, Mandal TK |
4763 - 4770 |
Graphene-Like Carbon Nitride Nanosheets for Improved Photocatalytic Activities Niu P, Zhang LL, Liu G, Cheng HM |
4771 - 4777 |
Smart Metal-Polymer Bionanocomposites as Omnidirectional Plasmonic Black Absorber Formed by Nanofluid Filtration Elbahri M, Homaeigohar S, Abdelaziz R, Dai T, Khalil R, Zillohu AU |
4778 - 4788 |
A Non-Mulberry Silk Fibroin Protein Based 3D In Vitro Tumor Model for Evaluation of Anticancer Drug Activity Talukdar S, Kundu SC |
4790 - 4800 |
Extrusion Printing of Flexible Electrically Conducting Carbon Nanotube Networks Pidcock GC, Panhuis MIH |
4801 - 4813 |
Improved Performance of Molecular Bulk-Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells through Predictable Selection of Solvent Additives Graham KR, Wieruszewski PM, Stalder R, Hartel MJ, Mei JG, So F, Reynolds JR |
4814 - 4818 |
Photoelectric Effects in Single Domain BiFeO3 Crystals Moubah R, Rousseau O, Colson D, Artemenko A, Maglione M, Viret M |
4819 - 4826 |
Heat Dissipation of Transparent Graphene Defoggers Bae JJ, Lim SC, Han GH, Jo YW, Doung DL, Kim ES, Chae SJ, Huy TQ, Luan NV, Lee YH |
4827 - 4832 |
Electrically Programmable Bistable Capacitor for High-Frequency Applications Based on Charge Storage at the (Ba,Sr)TiO3/Al2O3 Interface Li SY, Zheng YL, Jakoby R, Klein A |
4833 - 4839 |
Bias-Stress-Induced Charge Trapping at Polymer Chain Ends of Polymer Gate-Dielectrics in Organic Transistors Choi HH, Lee WH, Cho K |