1 - 10 |
Counterflow flame experiments and chemical kinetic modeling of dimethyl ether/methane mixtures Reuter CB, Zhang R, Yehia OR, Rezgui Y, Ju YG |
11 - 25 |
Experimental investigation on detonation dynamics through a reactivity sink Boulal S, Vidal P, Zitoun R, Matsumoto T, Matsuo A |
26 - 34 |
The growth of AlN dendritic crystals with uniform morphology by an aluminum microdroplet localization approach Nersisyan HH, Lee SH, Yoo BU, Lee JH |
35 - 44 |
Ignition and combustion of a single aluminum particle in hot gas flow Feng YC, Xia ZX, Huang LY, Ma LK |
45 - 53 |
A theoretical kinetics study on low-temperature reactions of methyl acetate radicals with molecular oxygen Meng QH, Zhao XD, Zhang LD, Zhang P, Sheng LS |
54 - 70 |
Oxidation of 2-methylfuran and 2-methylfuran/n-heptane blends: An experimental and modeling study Tripathi R, Burke U, Ramalingam AK, Lee C, Davis AC, Cai LM, Selim H, Fernandes RX, Heufer KA, Sarathy SM, Pitsch H |
71 - 84 |
Low-temperature chemistry in n-heptane/air premixed turbulent flames Savard B, Wang HO, Teodorczyk A, Hawkes ER |
85 - 87 |
Extension of a wide-range three-step hydrogen mechanism to syngas Boivin P, Williams FA |
88 - 98 |
The influence of sample thickness on the combustion of Al:Zr and Al-8Mg:Zr nanolaminate foils Overdeep KR, Schmauss TA, Panigrahi A, Weihs TP |
99 - 107 |
Laminar burning velocities of methylcyclohexane plus air flames at room and elevated temperatures: A comparative study Alekseev VA, Matveev SS, Chechet IV, Matveev SG, Konnov AA |
108 - 115 |
Metal catalyzed preparation of carbon nanomaterials by hydrogen-oxygen detonation method Zhao TJ, Li XJ, Yan HH |
116 - 128 |
A comprehensively validated compact mechanism for dimethyl ether oxidation: an experimental and computational study Khare RS, Parimalanathan SK, Raghavan V, Narayanaswamy K |
129 - 143 |
Detonation diffraction in a circular arc geometry of the insensitive high explosive PBX 9502 Short M, Chiquete C, Bdzil JB, Quirk JJ |
144 - 146 |
Synchrotron-based measurement of aluminum agglomerates at motor conditions Kalman J, Demko AR, Varghese B, Matusik KE, Kastengren AL |
147 - 159 |
Flame attachment and kinetics studies of laminar coflow CO/H-2 diffusion flames burning in O-2/H2O Xu HH, Liu FS, Sun SZ, Zhao YJ, Meng S, Chen L, Chen LF |
160 - 173 |
Ignition delay times of decalin over low-to-intermediate temperature ranges: Rapid compression machine measurement and modeling study Yu L, Wu ZY, Qiu Y, Qian Y, Mao YB, Lu XC |
174 - 181 |
Chemical reaction mechanism related vibrational nonequilibrium effect on the Zel'dovich-von Neumann-Doring (ZND) detonation model Uy KC, Shi LS, Wen CY |
182 - 196 |
State space parameterization of explosive eigenvalues during autoignition Hansen MA, Armstrong E, Sutherland JC |
197 - 209 |
Computational acceleration of multi-dimensional reactive flow modelling using diesel/biodiesel/jet-fuel surrogate mechanisms via a clustered dynamic adaptive chemistry method Zhou DZ, Tay KL, Li H, Yang WM |
210 - 222 |
Comprehensive Hg/Br reaction chemistry over Fe2O3 surface during coal combustion Yang YJ, Liu J, Liu F, Wang Z, Ding JY |
223 - 236 |
The formation of (Al2O3)n clusters as a probable mechanism of aluminum oxide nucleation during the combustion of aluminized fuels: Numerical analysis Savel'ev AM, Starik AM |
237 - 248 |
Predicting the consumption speed of a premixed flame subjected to unsteady stretch rates Sahafzadeh M, Dworkin SB, Kostiuk LW |
249 - 254 |
A Lattice-Boltzmann model for low-Mach reactive flows Feng YL, Tayyab M, Boivin P |
255 - 264 |
Investigation of wall chemical effect using PLIF measurement of OH radical generated by pulsed electric discharge Fan Y, Lin WR, Wan S, Suzuki Y |
265 - 283 |
Modeling soot formation from solid complex fuels Josephson AJ, Linn RR, Lignell DO |
284 - 299 |
Instantaneous 3D flame imaging by background-oriented schlieren tomography Grauer SJ, Unterberger A, Rittler A, Daun KJ, Kempf AM, Mohri K |
300 - 313 |
Self-similar scaling of pressurised sooting methane/air coflow flames at constant Reynolds and Grashof numbers Bisetti F, Abdelgadir A, Steinmetz SA, Attili A, Roberts WL |
314 - 324 |
Formation of ultra-lean comet-like flame in swirling hydrogen-air flow Uemichi A, Kouzaki K, Warabi K, Shimamura K, Nishioka M |
325 - 336 |
Multiple mapping conditioning coupled with an artificially thickened flame model for turbulent premixed combustion Straub C, Kronenburg A, Stein OT, Kuenne G, Janicka J, Barlow RS, Geyer D |
337 - 350 |
A further experimental and modeling study of acetaldehyde combustion kinetics Tao T, Kang SQ, Sun WY, Wang JX, Liao HD, Moshammer K, Hansen N, Law CK, Yang B |
351 - 363 |
Gas phase combustion in the vicinity of a biomass particle during devolatilization - Model development and experimental verification Fatehi H, Schmidt FM, Bai XS |
364 - 376 |
Thermodynamic structure of supercritical LOX-GH2 diffusion flames Banuti DT, Ma PC, Hickey JP, Ihme M |
377 - 385 |
Quantum chemical and kinetics calculations for the NO reduction with char(N): Influence of the carbon monoxide Jiao AY, Zhang H, Liu JX, Jiang XM |
386 - 399 |
Genesis and evolution of premixed flames in turbulence Dave HL, Mohan A, Chaudhuri S |
400 - 406 |
Reactive nanoenergetic graphene aerogel synthesized by one-step chemical reduction Wang AQ, Bok S, Thiruvengadathan R, Gangopadhyay K, McFarland JA, Maschmann MR, Gangopadhyay S |
407 - 415 |
Insight into cooling agent addition on combustion activity and mechanism of catalyzed 5AT-Sr(NO3)(2) based propellant Zhang D, Jiang L, Lu S, Zhang HP |
416 - 423 |
Characterization of ozone-enhanced propane cool flames at sub-atmospheric pressures Hajilou M, Belmont E |
424 - 438 |
Low-frequency combustion instabilities of an airblast swirl injector in a liquid-fuel combustor Ahn B, Lee J, Jung S, Kim KT |
439 - 451 |
Structure and behavior of water-laden CH4/air counterflow diffusion flames Padilla RE, Escofet-Martin D, Pham T, Pitz WJ, Dunn-Rankin D |
452 - 465 |
Global sensitivity analysis of n-butanol reaction kinetics using rate rules Hantouche M, Sarathy SM, Knio OM |
466 - 477 |
Optical and laser diagnostic investigation of flame stabilization in a novel, ultra-lean, non-premixed model GT burner Sadanandan R, Chakraborty A, Arumugam VK, Chakravarthy SR |
478 - 486 |
The unimportance of the reaction H-2 + N2O reversible arrow H2O + N-2: A shock-tube study using H2O time histories and ignition delay times Mulvihill CR, Mathieu O, Petersen EL |
487 - 499 |
Observations during Al:Zr composite particle combustion in varied gas Wainwright ER, Schmauss TA, Lakshman SV, Overdeep KR, Weihs TP |
500 - 514 |
Decomposition and isomerization of 1-pentanol radicals and the pyrolysis of 1-pentanol Van De Vijver R, Van Geem KM, Marin GB, Zador J |
515 - 528 |
A diffusion-flame analog of forward smolder waves: (I) 1-D steady structures Lu ZB |
529 - 542 |
A diffusion-flame analog of forward smolder waves: (II) stability analysis Lu ZB |