1 - 13 |
Impact of engine operating cycle, biodiesel blends and fuel impurities on soot production and soot characteristics Schobing J, Tschamber V, Brillard A, Leyssens G, Iojoiu E, Lauga V |
14 - 23 |
Laminar combustion regimes for hybrid mixtures of coal dust with methane gas below the gas lower flammability limit Cloney CT, Ripley RC, Pegg MJ, Amyotte PR |
24 - 39 |
Study on the ignition mechanism of Ni-coated aluminum particles in air Kim S, Lim J, Lee S, Jeong J, Yoon W |
40 - 53 |
Direct simulation Monte Carlo modeling of H-2-O-2 deflagration waves Sebastiao IB, Qiao L, Alexeenko A |
54 - 68 |
A generalized flamelet tabulation method for partially premixed combustion Wen X, Bai XS, Luo K, Wang H, Luo YJ, Fan JR |
69 - 80 |
Effects of jet in crossflow on flame acceleration and deflagration to detonation transition in methane-oxygen mixture Peng H, Huang Y, Deiterding R, Luan ZY, Xing F, You YC |
81 - 88 |
Modelling spark-plug discharge in dry air Crispim LWS, Hallak PH, Benilov MS, Ballester MY |
89 - 99 |
An experimental and modeling study of dimethyl ether/methanol blends autoignition at low temperature Wang HF, Fang RZ, Weber BW, Sung CJ |
100 - 111 |
Fuel particle shape effects in the packed bed combustion of wood Trudel E, Hallett WLH, Wiens E, O'Neill JD, Busigin MK, Berdusco D |
112 - 119 |
Enhanced ignition of milled boron-polytetrafluoroethylene mixtures Hedman TD, Demko AR, Kalman J |
120 - 129 |
High-pressure 1D fuel/air-ratio measurements with LIBS Wu Y, Gragston M, Zhang ZL, Hsu PS, Jiang NB, Patnaik AK, Roy S, Gord JR |
130 - 145 |
Experimental and numerical studies on detonation reflections over cylindrical convex surfaces Li J, Ning JG |
146 - 157 |
ReaxFF simulations of petroleum coke sulfur removal mechanisms during pyrolysis and combustion Zhong QF, Mao QY, Xiao J, van Duin ACT, Mathews JP |
158 - 168 |
Soot formation in shock-wave-induced pyrolysis of acetylene and benzene with H-2, O-2, and CH4 addition Drakon A, Eremin A, Mikheyeva E, Shu B, Fikri M, Schulz C |
169 - 175 |
Effect of paraffin wax on combustion properties and surface protection-of Al/CuO-based nanoenergetic composite pellets Kim KJ, Cho MH, Kim JH, Kim SH |
176 - 185 |
Shock tube studies of ethanol preignition Figueroa-Labastida M, Badra J, Elbaz AM, Farooq A |
186 - 204 |
Using SIMD and SIMT vectorization to evaluate sparse chemical kinetic Jacobian matrices and thermochemical source terms Curtis NJ, Niemeyer KE, Sung CJ |
205 - 221 |
Visualization of detonation propagation in a round tube equipped with repeating orifice plates Rainsford G, Aulakh DJS, Ciccarelli G |
222 - 229 |
Detailed kinetic model for ammonium dinitramide decomposition Izato Y, Miyake A |
230 - 239 |
An analysis of the ignition limits of premixed hydrogen/oxygen by heated nitrogen in counterflow Li SP, Liang WK, Yao Q, Law CK |
240 - 248 |
Dynamic responses of counterflow nonpremixed flames to AC electric field Park DG, Chung SH, Cha MS |
249 - 259 |
Soot evolution and flame response to acoustic forcing of laminar non-premixed jet flames at varying amplitudes Foo KK, Sun ZW, Medwell PR, Alwahabi ZT, Nathan GJ, Dally BB |
260 - 266 |
On imaging nascent soot by transmission electron microscopy Wan K, Chen DP, Wang H |
267 - 277 |
Mechanism of cellulose fast pyrolysis: The role of characteristic chain ends and dehydrated units Lu Q, Hu B, Zhang ZX, Wu YT, Cui MS, Liu DJ, Dong CQ, Yang YP |
278 - 289 |
Large deformation and gas retention during cookoff of a plastic bonded explosive (PBX 9407) Hobbs ML, Kaneshige MJ, Yarrington CD |
290 - 304 |
Detonation initiation in pipes with a single obstacle for mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen-enriched air Bengoechea S, Gray JAT, Reiss J, Moeck JP, Paschereit OC, Sesterhenn J |
305 - 319 |
Differential diffusion effect on the stabilization characteristics of autoignited laminar lifted methane/hydrogen jet flames in heated coflow air Jung KS, Kim SO, Lu TF, Chung SH, Lee BJ, Yoo CS |
320 - 333 |
Hetero-/homogeneous chemistry interactions and flame formation during methane catalytic partial oxidation in rhodium-coated channels Arani BO, Mantzaras J, Frouzakis CE, Boulouchos K |
334 - 341 |
Quantification of the resonance stabilized C4H5 isomers and their reaction with acetylene Huang C, Yang B, Zhang F, Tian GJ |
342 - 355 |
Identification of local extinction and prediction of reignition in a spark-ignited sparse spray flame using data mining Wandel AP |
356 - 362 |
Mesoscopic simulation of nonequilibrium detonation with discrete Boltzmann method Lin CD, Luo KH |
363 - 375 |
Staggered swirler arrangement in two self-excited interacting swirl flames Lee T, Lee J, Park J, Han D, Kim KT |
376 - 392 |
Shock tube study of normal heptane first-stage ignition near 3.5 atm Campbell MF, Wang SK, Davidson DF, Hanson RK |
393 - 411 |
How to ensure the interpretability of experimental data in Rapid Compression Machines? A method to validate piston crevice designs Bourgeois N, Jeanmart H, Winckelmans G, Lamberts O, Contino F |
412 - 427 |
Effects of fuel-bound methyl groups and fuel flow rate in the diffusion flames of aromatic fuels on the formation of volatile PAHs Pena GDJG, Pillai V, Raj A, Brito JL |
428 - 435 |
On the Effective Density of Soot Particles in Premixed Ethylene Flames Wang MD, Tang QX, Mei JY, You XQ |
436 - 454 |
Dynamics and kinematics of the reactive scalar gradient in weakly turbulent premixed flames Zhao S, Er-Raiy A, Bouali Z, Mura A |
455 - 465 |
Improvement and validation of a detailed reaction mechanism for thermal decomposition of RDX in liquid phase Khichar M, Patidar L, Thynell ST |
466 - 476 |
A Physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry - III. Reaction kinetic model of JP10 Tao YJ, Xu R, Wang K, Shao JK, Johnson SE, Movaghar A, Han X, Park JW, Lu TF, Brezinsky K, Egolfopoulos FN, Davidson DF, Hanson RK, Bowman CT, Wang H |
477 - 489 |
A physics based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry - IV. HyChem modeling of combustion kinetics of a bio-derived jet fuel and its blends with a conventional Jet A Wang K, Xu R, Parise T, Shao J, Movaghar A, Lee DJ, Park JW, Gao Y, Lu TF, Egolfopoulos FN, Davidson DF, Hanson RK, Bowman CT, Wang H |