1 - 13 |
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar burning velocities of NH3/syngas/air premixed flames Han XL, Wang ZH, He Y, Zhu YQ, Cen KF |
14 - 25 |
Chemical effects of hydrogen addition on soot formation in counterflow diffusion flames: Dependence on fuel type and oxidizer composition Xu L, Yan FW, Wang Y, Chung SH |
26 - 38 |
Non-intrusive uncertainty quantification in the simulation of turbulent spray combustion using Polynomial Chaos Expansion: A case study Enderle B, Rauch B, Grimm F, Eckel G, Aigner M |
39 - 51 |
Effects of Soret diffusion on turbulent non-premixed H-2 jet flames Han W, Scholtissek A, Dietzsch F, Hasse C |
52 - 62 |
Experimental study of perforated-wall rotating detonation combustors Wen HC, Wang B |
63 - 86 |
CFD simulation of the steam gasification of millimeter-sized char particle using thermally thick treatment Chen T, Kua XK, Lin JZ |
87 - 97 |
Facilitating Bayesian analysis of combustion kinetic models with artificial neural network Wang JX, Zhou ZJ, Lin KL, Law CK, Yang B |
98 - 106 |
A pressure- or velocity-dependent acceleration rate law for the shock-to-detonation transition process in PBX 9502 high explosive Jackson SI |
107 - 116 |
Experimental investigation of compartment fires with circular opening: From the aspects of internal temperature and facade flame Zhang XC, Zhang ZJ, Zhang ZY, Xu WB, Luo QB, Tao HW, Li X |
117 - 131 |
A fast-solving particle model for thermochemical conversion of biomass Li T, Thunman H, Strom H |
132 - 139 |
Burning properties of redox crystals of ammonium nitrate and saccharides Oluwoye I, Altarawneh M, Gore J, Dlugogorski BZ |
140 - 155 |
Combustion plasma electrical conductivity model validation for oxy-fuel MHD applications: Spectroscopic and electrostatic probe studies Bedick CR, Woodside CR, Baylor R, Paul-Lrudayaraj M |
156 - 171 |
Particle temperature and flue gas emission of a burning single pellet in air and oxy-fuel combustion Mock C, Park H, Ryu C, Manovic V, Choi SC |
172 - 183 |
Detonation initiation by compressible turbulence thermodynamic fluctuations Towery CAZ, Poludnenko AY, Hamlington PE |
184 - 193 |
Spatial distribution of spectrally emitting species in a nitromethane-air diffusion flame and comparison with kinetic models Sheehe SL, Jackson SI |
194 - 201 |
Sensitive and interference-immune formaldehyde diagnostic for high-temperature reacting gases using two-color laser absorption near 5.6 mu m Ding YM, Wang SK, Hanson RK |
202 - 210 |
Experimental observation of diffusive-thermal oscillations of burner stabilized methane-air flames Nechipurenko S, Miroshnichenko T, Pestovskii N, Tskhai S, Kichatov B, Gubernov V, Bykov V, Maas U |
211 - 225 |
Chemiluminescence as a diagnostic in studying combustion instability in a practical combustor Bedard MJ, Fuller TL, Sardeshmukh S, Anderson WE |
226 - 236 |
Ignition delay time measurement and kinetic modeling of furan, and comparative studies of 2,3-dihydrofuran and tetrahydrofuran at low to intermediate temperatures by using a rapid compression machine Wu YT, Xu N, Yang M, Liu Y, Tang CL, Huang ZH |
237 - 239 |
Analysis of experimental blowout velocities of jet flames Rengel B, Palacios A |
240 - 254 |
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent premixed jet flames: Influence of inflow boundary conditions Ma MC, Talei M, Sandberg RD |
255 - 267 |
Kinetics of redox reactions of CuO@TiO2-Al2O3 for chemical looping combustion and chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling Tian X, Su MZ, Zhao HB |
268 - 278 |
Cookoff experiments of a melt cast explosive (Comp-B3) Hobbs ML, Kaneshige MJ, Erikson WW, Brown JA, Anderson MU, Todd SN, Moore DG |
279 - 290 |
Dimensionless parameters determining the effect of dilution on ignition delay of syngas and hydrocarbon fuels Cho J, Song HH |
291 - 301 |
OH* chemiluminescence in the H-2-NO2 and H-2-N2O systems Mulvihill CR, Petersen EL |
302 - 313 |
Conversion of acenaphthalene to phenalene via methylation: A theoretical study Porfiriev DP, Azyazov VN, Mebel AM |
314 - 321 |
Influence of lithium salts on the combustion characteristics of dimethyl carbonate-based electrolytes using a wick combustion method Guo F, Ozaki Y, Nishimura K, Hashimoto N, Fujita O |
322 - 330 |
Experimental and modeling study of nitric oxide formation in premixed methanol plus air flames Brackmann C, Methling T, Lavadera ML, Capriolo G, Konnov AA |
331 - 342 |
Particle-resolved simulation and modeling of the conversion rate of coal char in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling Su MZ, Tian X, Zhao HB |
343 - 356 |
Increasing the burning rate through energetic compound tuning: Hybrids of the furazan and [1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-b][1,2,4,5]tetrazine ring systems Sinditskii VP, Burzhava AV, Usuntsinova AV, Egorshev VY, Palysaeva NV, Suponitsky KY, Ananiev IV, Sheremetev AB |
357 - 368 |
Evaluating compositional effects on the laser-induced combustion and shock velocities of Al/Zr-based composite fuels Wainwright ER, Dean SW, Lakshman SV, Weihs TP, Gottfried JL |
369 - 381 |
Experimental and kinetic study of diesel/gasoline surrogate blends over wide temperature and pressure Wang SX, Feng Y, Qian Y, Mao YB, Raza M, Yu L, Lu XC |
382 - 393 |
Prediction of ignition modes of NTC-fuel/air mixtures with temperature and concentration fluctuations Luong MB, Perez FEH, Im HG |
394 - 408 |
Investigating the impacts of thermochemical group additivity values on kinetic model predictions through sensitivity and uncertainty analyses Lehn FV, Cai LM, Pitsch H |
409 - 425 |
Dynamic modeling and simulation of the combustion of aluminized solid propellant with HMX and GAP using moving boundary approach Vo TA, Jung M, Adams D, Shim H, Kim H, Hwang R, Oh M |
426 - 440 |
On the minimum oxygen requirements for oxy-combustion of single particles of torrefied biomass Panahi A, Toole N, Wang XY, Levendis YA |
441 - 454 |
Numerical simulation of small pool fires incorporating liquid fuel motion Fukumoto K, Wen JX, Li MH, Ding YM, Wang CJ |
455 - 466 |
DNS study of the global heat release rate during early flame kernel development under engine conditions Falkenstein T, Kang S, Cai LM, Bode M, Pitsch H |
467 - 474 |
Mixture rules and falloff are now major uncertainties in experimentally derived rate parameters for H + O-2 (+M) <-> HO2 (+M) Lei L, Burke MP |