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Katharina Kohse-Hoinghaus retires as Editor Egolfopoulos FN |
2 - 15 |
Combustion of butanol isomers - A detailed molecular beam mass spectrometry investigation of their flame chemistry Osswald P, Guldenberg H, Kohse-Hoinghaus K, Yang B, Yuan T, Qi F |
16 - 41 |
Comprehensive reaction mechanism for n-butanol pyrolysis and combustion Harper MR, Van Geem KM, Pyl SP, Marin GB, Green WH |
42 - 47 |
The piston-flow interaction as a model for the deflagration-to-detonation transition Brailovsky I, Kagan L, Sivashinsky G |
48 - 56 |
SO2 effects on CO oxidation in a CO2 atmosphere, characteristic of oxy-fuel conditions Gimenez-Lopez J, Martinez M, Millera A, Bilbao R, Alzueta MU |
57 - 68 |
Gas-phase saturation and evaporative cooling effects during wet compression of a fuel aerosol under RCM conditions Goldsborough SS, Johnson MV, Zhu GS, Aggarwal SK |
69 - 90 |
A combustion model for IC engine combustion simulations with multi-component fuels Ra Y, Reitz RD |
91 - 97 |
Fuel effects on flame lift-off under diesel conditions Persson H, Andersson O, Egnell R |
98 - 104 |
Evolution of soot size distribution in premixed ethylene/air and ethylene/benzene/air flames: Experimental and modeling study Echavarria CA, Sarofim AF, Lighty JS, D'Anna A |
105 - 116 |
Physical and chemical comparison of soot in hydrocarbon and biodiesel fuel diffusion flames: A study of model and commercial fuels Maricq MM |
117 - 122 |
Activation energy of tantalum-tungsten oxide thermite reactions Cervantes OG, Kuntz JD, Gash AE, Munir ZA |
123 - 138 |
Correlation of turbulent burning velocities of ethanol-air, measured in a fan-stirred bomb up to 1.2 MPa Bradley D, Lawes M, Mansour MS |
139 - 145 |
Effects of platinum stagnation surface on the lean extinction limits of premixed methane/air flames at moderate surface temperatures Wiswall JT, Li J, Wooldridge MS, Im HG |
146 - 154 |
Experimental and numerical study of the accuracy of flame-speed measurements for methane/air combustion in a slot burner Selle L, Poinsot T, Ferret B |
155 - 171 |
Mixing and stabilization study of a partially premixed swirling flame using laser induced fluorescence Galley D, Ducruix S, Lacas F, Veynante D |
172 - 178 |
Auto-ignition of toluene-doped n-heptane and iso-octane/air mixtures: High-pressure shock-tube experiments and kinetics modeling Hartmann M, Gushterova I, Fikri M, Schulz C, Schiessl R, Maas U |
179 - 188 |
Modelling cycle to cycle variations in an SI engine with detailed chemical kinetics Etheridge J, Mosbach S, Kraft M, Wu H, Collings N |
189 - 189 |
A simple model of fuel spray burning Samson R |