2641 - 2641 |
Professor Alexander Grigorevich Merzhanov (1931-2013) In Memoriam Smirnov N, Sytchev A |
2642 - 2653 |
A comparative ab initio study of hydrogen abstraction from n-propyl benzene Robinson RK, Lindstedt RP |
2654 - 2668 |
Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures Liu D, Santner J, Togbe C, Felsmann D, Koppmann J, Lackner A, Yang XL, Shen XB, Ju YG, Kohse-Hoinghaus K |
2669 - 2679 |
Shock tube study of methanol, methyl formate pyrolysis: CH3OH and CO time-history measurements Ren W, Dames E, Hyland D, Davidson DF, Hanson RK |
2680 - 2692 |
An experimental and kinetic modelling study of n-butyl formate combustion Vranckx S, Beeckmann J, Kopp WA, Lee C, Cai L, Chakravarty HK, Olivier H, Leonhard K, Pitsch H, Fernandes RX |
2693 - 2706 |
Low-temperature speciation and chemical kinetic studies of n-heptane Karwat DMA, Wagnon SW, Wooldridge MS, Westbrook CK |
2707 - 2711 |
Model reductions with special CSP data Lam SH |
2712 - 2728 |
A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of iso-pentanol combustion Sarathy SM, Park S, Weber BW, Wang WJ, Veloo PS, Davis AC, Togbe C, Westbrook CK, Park O, Dayma G, Luo ZY, Oehlschlaeger MA, Egolfopoulos FN, Lu TF, Pitz WJ, Sung CJ, Dagaut P |
2729 - 2743 |
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of 2-methyltetrahydrofuran flames Moshammer K, Vranckx S, Chakravarty HK, Parab P, Fernandes RX, Kohse-Hoinghaus K |
2744 - 2756 |
An experimental and mechanistic study on the laminar flame speed, Markstein length and flame chemistry of the butanol isomers Wu FJ, Law CK |
2757 - 2769 |
Three-dimensional flame displacement speed and flame front curvature measurements using quad-plane PIV Kerl J, Lawn C, Beyrau F |
2770 - 2782 |
Structure of laminar premixed flames of methane near the auto-ignition limit Habisreuther P, Galeazzo FCC, Prathap C, Zarzalis N |
2783 - 2799 |
Flame sheet model for the burning of a low-volatility liquid fuel in a low-permeability medium under low rates of strain Kokubun MAE, Fachini FF |
2800 - 2809 |
The effect of gravity and thermal expansion on the propagation of a triple flame in a horizontal channel Pearce P, Daou J |
2810 - 2819 |
Flame propagation in a tube with wall quenching of radicals Bai B, Chen Z, Zhang HW, Chen SY |
2820 - 2826 |
Effect of pulsed, sub-breakdown applied electric field on propane/air flame through simultaneous OH/acetone PLIF Schmidt J, Ganguly B |
2827 - 2842 |
On the phase between pressure and heat release fluctuations for propane/hydrogen flames and its role in mode transitions Hong S, Shanbhogue SJ, Speth RL, Ghoniem AF |
2843 - 2855 |
Phase resolved characterization of conical premixed flames near and far from blowoff Biswas S, Kopp-Vaughn K, Renfro MW, Cetegen BM |
2856 - 2865 |
Nonlinear thermoacoustics of ducted premixed flames: The influence of perturbation convection speed Kashinath K, Hemchandra S, Juniper MP |
2866 - 2878 |
Nonlinear analysis of a pulse combustor model with exhaust decoupler and vent pipe Yang LJ, Yin ZR, He M, Duan RZ, Li FY |
2879 - 2895 |
Large Eddy Simulation of a premixed jet flame stabilized by a vitiated co-flow: Evaluation of auto-ignition tabulated chemistry Duwig C, Dunn MJ |
2896 - 2910 |
Large-eddy simulation of a piloted premixed jet burner Chen YT, Ihme M |
2911 - 2927 |
LES of a premixed jet flame DNS using a strained flamelet model Knudsen E, Kolla H, Hawkes ER, Pitsch H |
2928 - 2940 |
Chemical structure of autoignition in a turbulent lifted H-2/N-2 jet flame issuing into a vitiated coflow Najafizadeh SMM, Sadeghi MT, Sotudeh-Gharebagh R, Roekaerts DJEM |
2941 - 2954 |
Investigation of auto-ignition in turbulent methanol spray flames using Large Eddy Simulation Prasad VN, Masri AR, Navarro-Martinez S, Luo KH |
2955 - 2963 |
Evaporation characteristics of kerosene droplets with dilute concentrations of ligand-protected aluminum nanoparticles at elevated temperatures Javed I, Baek SW, Waheed K, Ali G, Cho SO |
2964 - 2974 |
Pool fires - An empirical correlation Ditch BD, de Ris JL, Blanchat TK, Chaos M, Bill RG, Dorofeev SB |
2975 - 2981 |
A rapid compression machine with crevice containment Mittal G, Bhari A |
2982 - 2989 |
Model of heterogeneous combustion of small particles Ermoline A, Yildiz D, Dreizin EL |
2990 - 2995 |
Combustion of micro aluminum-water mixtures Ki W, Shmelev V, Finiakov S, Cho Y, Yoon WS |
2996 - 3003 |
Paramagnetic centers in particulate formed from the oxidative pyrolysis of 1-methylnaphthalene in the presence of Fe(III)(2)O-3 nanoparticles Herring P, Khachatryan L, Lomnicki S, Dellinger B |
3004 - 3014 |
Effects of rare-earth oxide catalysts on the ignition and combustion characteristics of boron nanoparticles Karmakar S, Wang N, Acharya S, Dooley KM |
3015 - 3020 |
Investigation of the effect of alkali metal sorbents on the release and capture of trace elements during combustion of straw Biasing M, Muller M |