
Combustion and Flame

Combustion and Flame, Vol.152, No.3 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0010-2180 (Print) 

In this Issue (11 articles)

301 - 316 Soot surface growth and oxidation at pressures up to 8.0 atm in laminar nonpremixed and partially premixed flames
Kim CH, Xu F, Faeth GM
317 - 335 Turbulent time scales in a nonpremixed turbulent jet flame by using high-repetition rate thermometry
Wang GH, Clemens NT, Varghese PL, Barlow RS
336 - 359 A comprehensive experimental study of low-pressure premixed C-3-oxygenated hydrocarbon flames with tunable synchrotron photoionization
Li YY, Wei LX, Tian ZY, Yang B, Wang J, Zhang TC, Qi F
360 - 376 Conditional moment closure prediction of soot formation in turbulent, nonpremixed ethylene flames
Woolley YRM, Fairweather M
377 - 386 An experimental and modeling study of the oxidation of acetylene in a flow reactor
Alzueta MU, Boffuey M, Callejas A, Millera A, Bilbao R
387 - 400 Coupled large eddy simulations of turbulent combustion and radiative heat transfer
dos Santos RG, Lecanu M, Ducruix S, Gicquel I, Lacona E, Veynante D
401 - 414 Analysis of the constant B-number assumption while modeling flame spread
Rangwala AS, Buckley SG, Torero JL
415 - 432 Large-eddy simulation of a lifted methane jet flame in a vitiated coflow
Domingo P, Vervisch L, Veynante D
433 - 450 Dynamics of premixed hydrogen/air flames in microchannels
Pizza G, Frouzakis CE, Mantzaras J, Tomboulides AG, Boulouchos K
451 - 460 Experimental observations on the steady-state burning rate of a vertically oriented PMMA slab
Pizzo Y, Consalvi JL, Querre P, Coutin M, Audouin L, Porterie B, Torero JL
461 - 467 Further analysis of chemical kinetic structure of a standoff microjet methane diffusion flame near extinction
Cheng TS, Chao YC, Chen CP, Wu CY