735 - 735 |
Untitled Egolfopoulos FN |
736 - 749 |
OH time-histories during oxidation of n-heptane and methylcyclohexane at high pressures and temperatures Vasu SS, Davidson DF, Hanson RK |
750 - 762 |
Experimental annular stratified flames characterisation stabilised by weak swirl Bonaldo A, Kelman JB |
763 - 770 |
Flame-spread probability and local interactive effects in randomly arranged fuel-droplet arrays in microgravity Oyagi H, Shigeno H, Milami M, Kojima N |
771 - 779 |
Effect of cylindrical confinement on the determination of laminar flame speeds using outwardly propagating flames Burke MP, Chen Z, Ju YG, Dryer FL |
780 - 790 |
Turbulent burning rates of methane and methane-hydrogen mixtures Fairweather M, Ormsby MP, Sheppard CGW, Woolley R |
791 - 800 |
Study of carbonaceous nanoparticles in premixed C2H4-air flames and behind a spark ignition engine Grotheer HH, Hoffmann K, Wolf K, Kanjarkar S, Wahl C, Aigner M |
801 - 812 |
A level set formulation for premixed combustion LES considering the turbulent flame structure Moureau V, Fiorina B, Pitsch H |
813 - 825 |
Direct numerical simulation of auto-ignition of a hydrogen vortex ring reacting with hot air Doom J, Mahesh K |
826 - 841 |
Investigation of the effect of chemistry models on the numerical predictions of the supersonic combustion of hydrogen Kumaran K, Babu V |
842 - 851 |
HCCl experiments with gasoline surrogate fuels modeled by a semidetailed chemical kinetic model Andrae JCG, Head RA |
852 - 864 |
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-butanol combustion Sarathy SM, Thomson MJ, Togbe C, Dagaut P, Halter F, Mounaim-Rousselle C |
865 - 888 |
Spatial linear analysis of the flow in a solid rocket motor with burning walls Massa L |
889 - 895 |
Linear response of stretch-affected premixed flames to flow oscillations Wang HY, Law CK, Lieuwen T |
896 - 913 |
A statistical approach to develop a detailed soot growth model using PAH characteristics Raj A, Celnik M, Shirley R, Sander M, Patterson R, West R, Kraft M |
914 - 921 |
Deflagration to detonation transition in aluminum dust-air mixture under weak ignition condition Liu QM, Li XD, Bai CH |
922 - 927 |
Jet flames of a refuse derived fuel Weber R, Kupka T, Zajac K |
928 - 941 |
A regenerative multiple zone model for HCCI combustion Hamosfakidis V, Im HG, Assanis DN |
942 - 945 |
Measurements of the velocity field in laminar ethylene inverse jet diffusion flames Shaddix CR, Williams TC |
946 - 946 |
Jet fuel ignition delay times: Shock tube experiments over wide conditions and surrogate model predictions (vol 152, pg 125, 2008) Vasu SS, Davidson DF, Hanson RK |