877 - 892 |
Impact of branched structures on cycloalkane ignition in a motored engine: Detailed product and conformational analyses Kang D, Lilik G, Dillstrom V, Agudelo J, Lapuerta M, Al-Qurashi K, Boehman AL |
893 - 906 |
RANS modelling of a lifted H-2/N-2 flame using an unsteady flamelet progress variable approach with presumed PDF Naud B, Novella R, Pastor JM, Winklinger JF |
907 - 920 |
Incipient thermal choking and stable shock-train formation in the heat-release region of a scramjet combustor. Part II: Large eddy simulations Larsson J, Laurence S, Bermejo-Moreno I, Bodart J, Karl S, Vicquelin R |
921 - 931 |
Incipient thermal choking and stable shock-train formation in the heat-release region of a scramjet combustor. Part I: Shock-tunnel experiments Laurence SJ, Lieber D, Schramm JM, Hannemann K, Larsson J |
932 - 943 |
Formation, prediction and analysis of stationary and stable ball-like flames at ultra-lean and normal-gravity conditions Hernandez-Perez FE, Oostenrijk B, Shoshin Y, van Oijen JA, de Goey LPH |
944 - 959 |
Heat release rate variations in a globally stoichiometric, stratified iso-octane/air turbulent V-flame Vena PC, Deschamps B, Guo HS, Smallwood GJ, Johnson MR |
960 - 977 |
An experimentally-based in-situ combustion model with adaptive meshing Lovett S, Monmont F, Nikiforakis N |
978 - 996 |
Characterization of atomization and combustion in moderately dense turbulent spray flames Kourmatzis A, Pham PX, Masri AR |
997 - 1008 |
Three-dimensional numerical investigations of the rotating detonation engine with a hollow combustor Tang XM, Wang JP, Shao YT |
1009 - 1018 |
Model reduction: When singular perturbation analysis simplifies to partial equilibrium approximation Goussis DA |
1019 - 1034 |
Modelling fuel combustion in iron ore sintering Zhao JP, Loo CE, Dukino RD |
1035 - 1045 |
Experimental investigation and numerical analysis on flame stabilization of CH4/air mixture in a mesoscale channel with wall cavities Wan JL, Fan AW, Liu Y, Yao H, Liu W, Gou XL, Zhao DQ |
1046 - 1062 |
Response of a swirl-stabilized flame to simultaneous perturbations in equivalence ratio and velocity at high oscillation amplitudes Cosic B, Terhaar S, Moeck JP, Paschereit CO |
1063 - 1077 |
Time-resolved PIV of lean premixed combustion without and with porous inert media for acoustic control Meadows J, Agrawal AK |
1078 - 1094 |
Studies of premixed and non-premixed hydrogen flames Park O, Veloo PS, Burbano H, Egolfopoulos FN |
1095 - 1103 |
Flame necking-in and instability characterization in small and medium pool fires with different lip heights Hu LH, Hu JJ, de Ris JL |
1104 - 1112 |
Hydrocarbon flame inhibition by C3H2F3Br (2-BTP) Babushok VI, Linteris GT, Burgess DR, Baker PT |
1113 - 1125 |
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of the low- and intermediate-temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether Wang ZD, Zhang XY, Xing LL, Zhang LD, Herrmann F, Moshammer K, Qi F, Kohse-Hoinghaus K |
1126 - 1135 |
Influence of steam dilution on the ignition of hydrogen, syngas and natural gas blends at elevated pressures Donohoe N, Heufer KA, Aul CJ, Petersen EL, Bourque G, Gordon R, Curran HJ |
1136 - 1143 |
Identifying the roles of reduced gravity and pressure on the piloted ignition of solid combustibles Fereres S, Fernandez-Pello C, Urban DL, Ruff GA |
1144 - 1152 |
Ignition characteristics of hybrid Al-Ni-Fe2O3 and Al-Ni-CuO reactive composites fabricated by ultrasonic powder consolidation Hashemabad SG, Ando T |
1153 - 1163 |
Numerical study of soot formation in laminar coflow diffusion flames of methane doped with primary reference fuels Consalvi JL, Liu FS, Contreras J, Kashif M, Legros G, Shuai SJ, Wang JX |
1164 - 1166 |
Predictions of lift-off height of turbulent methane and propane flames issuing in cold surroundings using conditional moment closure coupled with an extinction model Roy RN, Kumar S, Sreedhara S |
1167 - 1175 |
Flame spread over electrical wire with AC electric fields: Internal circulation, fuel vapor-jet, spread rate acceleration, and molten insulator dripping Lim SJ, Kim M, Park J, Fujita O, Chung S |
1176 - 1192 |
Large-eddy/Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulation of cavity-stabilized ethylene combustion Potturi AS, Edwards JR |
1193 - 1213 |
A chemical mechanism for low to high temperature oxidation of methylcyclohexane as a component of transportation fuel surrogates Narayanaswamy K, Pitsch H, Pepiot P |
1214 - 1224 |
An experimental study of flame and autoignition interactions of iso-octane and air mixtures Assanis D, Wagnon SW, Wooldridge MS |
1225 - 1233 |
Premixed flames propagating freely in tubes Almarcha C, Denet B, Quinard J |
1234 - 1248 |
Structure of hydrogen-rich transverse jets in a vitiated turbulent flow Lyra S, Wilde B, Kolla H, Seitzman JM, Lieuwen TC, Chen JH |
1249 - 1264 |
Consistent definitions of "Flame Displacement Speed" and "Markstein Length" for premixed flame propagation Giannakopoulos GK, Gatzoulis A, Frouzakis CE, Matalon M, Tomboulides AG |
1265 - 1274 |
Decomposition mechanisms of Cu-based oxygen carriers for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling based on density functional theory calculations Zhang YL, Zhao HB, Guo L, Zheng CG |
1275 - 1283 |
Quantitative model-based imaging of mid-infrared radiation from a turbulent nonpremixed jet flame and plume Rankin BA, Ihme M, Gore JP |
1284 - 1293 |
Investigation of formaldehyde enhancement by ozone addition in CH4/air premixed flames Weng WB, Nilsson E, Ehn A, Zhu JJ, Zhou YJ, Wang ZH, Li ZS, Alden M, Cen KF |
1294 - 1303 |
Experimental and chemical kinetic study of CO and NO formation in oxy-methane premixed laminar flames doped with NH3 Barbas M, Costa M, Vranckx S, Fernandes RX |
1304 - 1315 |
The blow-off mechanism of a bluff-body stabilized laminar premixed flame Kedia KS, Ghoniem AF |
1316 - 1325 |
Combustion of magnesium powders in products of an air/acetylene flame Wang S, Corcoran AL, Dreizin EL |
1326 - 1335 |
Global characteristics of non-premixed jet flames of hydrogen-hydrocarbon blended fuels Dong X, Nathan GJ, Mahmoud S, Ashman PJ, Gu DH, Dally BB |
1336 - 1349 |
Ignition of methane- and n-butane-containing mixtures at high pressures by pulsed nanosecond discharge Boumehdi MA, Stepanyan SA, Desgroux P, Vanhove G, Starikovskaia SM |
1350 - 1357 |
Altering combustion of silicon/polytetrafluoroethylene with two-step mechanical activation Terry BC, Son SF, Groven LJ |
1358 - 1374 |
An automated target species selection method for dynamic adaptive chemistry simulations Curtis NJ, Niemeyer KE, Sung CJ |
1375 - 1394 |
A methodology for the integration of stiff chemical kinetics on GPUs Sewerin F, Rigopoulos S |
1395 - 1405 |
An experimental and modeling study of diethyl carbonate oxidation Nakamura H, Curran HJ, Cordoba AP, Pitz WJ, Dagaut P, Togbe C, Sarathy SM, Mehl M, Agudelo JR, Bustamante F |
1406 - 1416 |
Reactions of HO2 with n-propylbenzene and its phenylpropyl radicals Altarawneh M, Dlugogorski BZ |
1417 - 1421 |
Ignition sensitivity and electrical conductivity of an aluminum fluoropolymer reactive material with carbon nanofillers Collins ES, Skelton BR, Pantoya ML, Irin F, Green MJ, Daniels MA |
1422 - 1439 |
Consumption speed and burning velocity in counter-gradient and gradient diffusion regimes of turbulent premixed combustion Kheirkhah S, Gulder OL |
1440 - 1447 |
Ignition and combustion of Al center dot Mg alloy powders prepared by different techniques Aly Y, Dreizin EL |
1448 - 1454 |
Flash-ignitable nanoenergetic materials with tunable underwater explosion reactivity: The role of sea urchin-like carbon nanotubes Kim JH, Kim SB, Choi MG, Kim DH, Kim KT, Lee HM, Lee HW, Kim JM, Kim SH |
1455 - 1463 |
A comprehensive model for char particle conversion in environments containing O-2 and CO2 Haugen NEL, Mitchell RE, Tilghman MB |
1464 - 1476 |
Multi-environment probability density function approach for turbulent CH4/H-2 flames under the MILD combustion condition Lee J, Jeon S, Kim Y |
1477 - 1488 |
Fluid motion and energy transfer within burning liquid fuel pools of various thicknesses Vali A, Nobes DS, Kostiuk LW |
1489 - 1497 |
Sooting tendencies of unsaturated esters in nonpremixed flames Das DD, McEnally CS, Pfefferle LD |
1498 - 1506 |
Hydrogen generation from ammonia borane and water through combustion reactions with mechanically alloyed Al center dot Mg powder Rodriguez DA, Dreizin EL, Shafirovich E |
1507 - 1529 |
A multi-scale asymptotic scaling and regime analysis of flamelet equations including tangential diffusion effects for laminar and turbulent flames Scholtissek A, Chan WL, Xu HB, Hunger F, Kolla H, Chen JH, Ihme M, Hasse C |
1530 - 1539 |
Multi-timescale and correlated dynamic adaptive chemistry modeling of ignition and flame propagation using a real jet fuel surrogate model Sun WQ, Gou XL, El-Asrag HA, Chen Z, Ju YG |
1540 - 1549 |
Accuracies of laminar counterflow flame experiments Niemann U, Seshadri K, Williams FA |
1550 - 1565 |
Eulerian-Eulerian multi-fluid methods for pulverized coal flames with nongray radiation Cai J, Handa M, Modest MF |
1566 - 1574 |
Dependence of sooting characteristics and temperature field of co-flow laminar pure and nitrogen-diluted ethylene-air diffusion flames on pressure Karatas AE, Gulder OL |
1575 - 1598 |
LES of the Sydney piloted spray flame series with the PFGM/ATF approach and different sub-filter models Rittler A, Proch F, Kempf AM |
1599 - 1613 |
Optical and spectroscopic diagnostics of laser-induced air breakdown and kerosene spray ignition Gebel GC, Mosbach T, Meier W, Aigner M |
1614 - 1621 |
Tip opening of premixed bunsen flames: Extinction with negative stretch and local Karlovitz number Vu TM, Cha MS, Lee BJ, Chung SH |