1 - 15 |
On-line measurements of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in counter-flow ethylene diffusion flame Olten N, Senkan SM |
17 - 37 |
Analysis of a pulsed detonation thermal spray applicator Alkam MK, Butler PB |
39 - 56 |
Entropy generation in a confined laminar diffusion flame Datta A |
57 - 86 |
On the relevance of segregation phenomena during bubbling fluidized bed combustion and desulfurization of ebonite Fiorentino M, Miccio F |
87 - 107 |
Flame/flow interaction in oscillating flow field Choi BI, Shin HD |
109 - 128 |
Crystallogenesis of particles formed in hydrocarbon combustion Chen HX, Dobbins RA |
129 - 146 |
Digital control of equivalence ratio using chemiluminescence feedback for a continuous combustor Scott DA, King GB, Laurendeau NM |
147 - 167 |
Validation of surface chemistry models using low pressure stagnation-point flames: Measurements of OH above platinum surfaces Khadiya N, Glumac NG |
169 - 198 |
Modeling the effects of oxygenated fuels and split injections on DI diesel engine performance and emissions Choi CY, Reitz RD |
199 - 212 |
Simulation and analysis of laminar flow reactors Lee JC, Yetter RA, Dryer FL, Tomboulides AG, Orszag SA |
213 - 235 |
The eddy dissipation turbulence energy cascade model Ertesvag IS, Magnussen BF |
237 - 253 |
Pulverised coal combustion under transient cloud conditions in a drop tube furnace Stanmore BR, Choi YC, Gadiou R, Charon O, Gilot P |
255 - 280 |
Controlling powdered fuel combustion at low temperature in a new entrained flow reactor Van de Steene L, Salvador S, Charnay G |
281 - 303 |
Analysis and reduction of the CH4-air mechanism at lean conditions Frouzakis GE, Boulouchos K |
305 - 314 |
Fractal dimension of turbulent premixed flames for different turbulence spectra Denet B |
315 - 349 |
Smoke coagulation in compartment fire modelling Snegirev AY, Makhviladze GM, Roberts JP |
351 - 371 |
Numerical modeling of radiant heat attenuation through water mist Keramida EP, Karayannis AN, Boudouvis AG, Markatos NC |
373 - 390 |
A numerical study of the stabilisation of a lean laminar premixed V-shaped flame Mallens RMM, De Goey LPH, Law CK |
391 - 406 |
A numerical study of low temperature silane combustion Kondo S, Tokuhashi K, Takahashi A, Kaise M |