1997 - 1997 |
Workshop on Fundamental Understanding and Modelling of High Pressure Turbulent Premixed Combustion PREFACE Klein M, Pfitzner M, Chakraborty N, Creta F |
1998 - 2009 |
Pressure-induced Hydrodynamic Instability in Premixed Methane-Air Slot Flames Lamioni R, Lapenna PE, Berger L, Kleinheinz K, Attili A, Pitsch H, Creta F |
2010 - 2027 |
Direct Numerical Simulation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in Reactive and Nonreactive Flows Bambauer M, Hasslberger J, Klein M |
2028 - 2049 |
Numerical Investigation of High Pressure CO2-Diluted Combustion Using a Flamelet-based Approach Indelicato G, Lapenna PE, Concetti R, Caputo M, Valorani M, Magnotti G, Creta F |
2050 - 2069 |
Statistical Behaviors of Turbulent Scalar Fluxes in High-Pressure Turbulent Premixed Combustion in the Context of Large Eddy Simulations Kasten C, Keil FB, Chakraborty N, Klein M |
2070 - 2092 |
Flame Surface Density Transport Statistics for High Pressure Turbulent Premixed Bunsen Flames in the Context of Large Eddy Simulation Keil FB, Chakraborty N, Klein M |
2093 - 2114 |
Statistical Analysis and Verification of a New Premixed Combustion Model with DNS Data Hansinger M, Pfitzner M, Klein M |
2115 - 2137 |
The Effects of Turbulence on Jet Stability and the Flame Transfer Function in a Lean-burn Combustor Treleaven NCW, Garmory A, Page GJ |
2138 - 2170 |
Investigation of a High Karlovitz, High Pressure Premixed Jet Flame with Heat Losses by LES Gruhlke P, Janbazi H, Wlokas I, Beck C, Kempf AM |
2171 - 2188 |
Effect Chain Analysis of Supercritical Fuel Disintegration Processes Using an LES-based Entropy Generation Analysis Ries F, Kutemeier D, Li Y, Nishad K, Sadiki A |