565 - 592 |
Comparison of different global reaction mechanisms for mild combustion of natural gas Kim JP, Schnell U, Scheffknecht G |
593 - 615 |
An investigation of crown fuel bulk density effects on the dynamics of crown fire initiation in shrublands Tachajapong W, Lozano J, Mahalingam S, Zhou XY, Weise DR |
616 - 630 |
Determination of planck mean absorption coefficients for hydrocarbon fuels Wakatsuki K, Jackson GS, Kim J, Hamins A, Nyden MR, Fuss SP |
631 - 651 |
New observations of isolated ethanol droplet flames in microgravity conditions Park SH, Choi SC, Choi MY, Yozgatligil A |
652 - 673 |
Influences of uniform electrical fields on burning rate constant of ethanol droplet combustion Yamashita K, Imamura O, Osaka J, Tsue M, Kono M |
674 - 698 |
Characterization of soot particles in the plumes of over-ventilated diffusion flames Ouf FX, Vendel J, Coppalle A, Weill M, Yon J |
699 - 712 |
Puffing frequency and soot extinction correlation in JP-8 and heptane pool fires Henriksen TL, Ring TA, Eddings EG, Nathan GJ |
713 - 728 |
Investigations on the flamelet inner structure of turbulent premixed flames Halter F, Chauveau C, Gokalp I |