729 - 730 |
Preface - Fifth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium Beretta F, Selcuk N, Mansour MS |
731 - 742 |
Oscillations of premixed flames in tubes near the flashback conditions Kurdyumov VN, Truffaut JM, Quinard J, Wangher A, Searby G |
743 - 757 |
Analysis of premixed flame propagation in a closed rotating vessel by numerical simulation Marra FS |
758 - 766 |
Particle inception in a laminar premixed flame of benzene D'Anna A, Commodo M, Minutolo P |
767 - 784 |
Frequency response of counter flow diffusion flames to strain rate harmonic oscillations Cuoci A, Frassoldati A, Faravelli T, Ranzi E |
785 - 795 |
Study of the flame-burning velocity ratio using PDF Monte Carlo model Lajili M, Said R |
796 - 808 |
LES of hydrogen-air deflagrations in a 78.5-m tunnel Molkov V, Verbecke F, Makarov D |
809 - 832 |
LES of recirculation and vortex breakdown in swirling flames Malalasekera W, Ranga-Dinesh KKJ, Ibrahim SS, Masri AR |
833 - 853 |
Two-dimensional computational modeling and simulation of wood particles pyrolysis in a fixed bed reactor Ghabi C, Benticha H, Sassi M |
854 - 868 |
Co-firing of olive residue with lignite in bubbling FBC Gogebakan Z, Gogebakan Y, Selcuk N |
869 - 882 |
Regeneration strategies of deactivated catalysts for thermo-catalytic decomposition process in a fluidized bed reactor Ammendola P, Chirone R, Ruoppolo G, Russo G |
883 - 899 |
Diesel engine simulations with multi-dimensional conditional moment closure De Paola G, Mastorakos E, Wright YM, Boulouchos K |
900 - 909 |
Experimental study of lean premixed prevaporized combustion fluctuations in a gas turbine burner Allouis C, Beretta F, Amoresano A |
910 - 926 |
A comprehensive fluidized bed combustion model coupled with a radiation model Alagoz DE, Kulah G, Selcuk N |
927 - 940 |
Determination of soot formation rate from laminar smoke point measurements Beji T, Zhang JP, Delichatsios M |
941 - 949 |
Measurement of soot surface growth kinetics Yozgatligil A, Zachariah MR |
950 - 958 |
An experimental and modelling study of particulate formation in premixed flames burning methane D'Anna A, Sirignano M, Commodo M, Pagliara R, Minutolo P |
959 - 974 |
Thermochemical similarities among three reaction systems: Vinyl+O-2-phenyl+O-2 - dibenzofuranyl+O-2 Sebbar N, Bockhorn H, Bozzelli JW |
975 - 996 |
Average vaporisation rate in turbulent subcritical two-phase flow Sidhu MS, Burluka AA |
997 - 1010 |
A new analysis of the modeling of pressure fluctuations effects in premixed turbulent flames and its validation based on DNS data Robin V, Mura A, Champion M, Hasegawa T |