1737 - 1776 |
Analysis of diesel pilot-ignited natural gas low-temperature combustion with hot exhaust gas recirculation Srinivasan KK, Krishnan SR, Qi Y, Midkiff KC, Yang H |
1777 - 1795 |
The influence of real-gas thermodynamics on simulations of freely propagating flames in methane/oxygen/inert mixtures Marchionni M, Aggarwal SK, Puri IK, Lentini D |
1797 - 1822 |
Detailed 2-D numerical simulations of rich, premixed laminar methane flames for CO concentrations and temperature Muppala SPR, Sannala SKR, Aluri NK, Dinkelacker F, Beyrau F, Leipertz A |
1823 - 1840 |
Liquid fuels-fired porous burner Jugjai S, Pongsai C |
1841 - 1865 |
A numerical investigation of turbulent premixed methane-air combustion in a cylindrical chamber Bidi M, Nobari MRH, Avval MS |
1867 - 1899 |
Suppression and extinguishments of forced-flow boundary layer combustion by ultrafine water mist Ndubizu CC, Ananth R, Williams FW |
1901 - 1922 |
Investigation of a miniature combustor using porous media surface stabilized flame Marbach TL, Sadasivuni V, Agrawal AK |
1923 - 1935 |
Experimental characterization of an industrial pulverized coal-fired furnace under deep staging conditions Costa M, Azevedo JLT |
1937 - 1962 |
Chemical impact of CO and H-2 addition on the auto-ignition delay of homogeneous n-heptane/air mixtures Subramanian G, Da Cruz AP, Bounaceur R, Vervisch L |
1963 - 1989 |
Analytical model for auto-ignition in a thermally stratified HCCI engine Sankaran R, Im HG, Hewson JC |
1991 - 2037 |
Impact of alternative fuels on soot properties and DPF regeneration Song JH, Alam M, Boehman AL |
2039 - 2063 |
On the role of top dead center conditions in the combustion phasing of homogeneous charge compression ignition engines Babajimopoulos A, Lavoie GA, Assanis DN |