1 - 2 |
PSE-2012 special issue Preface Karimi IA, Srinivasan R |
3 - 9 |
Modeling the commodity fluctuations of OPEX terms Manca D |
10 - 23 |
Block-oriented modeling of superstructure optimization problems Friedman Z, Ingalls J, Siirola JD, Watson JP |
24 - 29 |
Barrier NLP methods with structured regularization for optimization of degenerate optimization problems Wang KX, Shao ZJ, Lang YD, Qian JX, Biegler LT |
30 - 47 |
SePTA-A new numerical tool for simultaneous targeting and design of heat exchanger networks Alwi SRW, Manan ZA, Misman M, Sze CW |
48 - 62 |
Design methodology for bio-based processing: Biodiesel and fatty alcohol production Simasatitkul L, Arpornwichanop A, Gani R |
63 - 77 |
Design and control of a reactive-distillation process for esterification of an alcohol mixture containing ethanol and n-butanol Wu YC, Lee HY, Tsai CY, Huang HP, Chien IL |
78 - 94 |
Toward integrated production and distribution management in multi-echelon supply chains Coccola ME, Zamarripa M, Mendez CA, Espuna A |
95 - 103 |
Multi-period scheduling of a multi-stage multi-product bio-pharmaceutical process Kabra S, Shaik MA, Rathore AS |
104 - 111 |
Centralised utility system planning for a Total Site Heat Integration network Liew PY, Alwi SRW, Varbanov PS, Manan ZA, Klemes JJ |
112 - 121 |
Generation of operating procedures for a mixing tank with a micro genetic algorithm Batres R |
122 - 132 |
Approximate dynamic programming based control of hyperbolic PDE systems using reduced-order models from method of characteristics Munusamy S, Narasimhan S, Kaisare NS |
133 - 140 |
Optimization and control of crystal shape and size in protein crystallization process Liu JJ, Hu YD, Wang XZ |
141 - 150 |
Control strategies for thermal budget and temperature uniformity in spike rapid thermal processing systems Jeng JC, Chen WC |
151 - 158 |
A mathematical programming formulation for temporal flexibility analysis Adi VSK, Chang CT |
159 - 172 |
Parameter estimation in batch process using EM algorithm with particle filter Zhao ZG, Huang B, Liu F |
173 - 180 |
Data-driven causal inference based on a modified transfer entropy Shu YD, Zhao JS |
181 - 186 |
Safety securing approach against cyber-attacks for process control system Hashimoto Y, Toyoshima T, Yogo S, Koike M, Hamaguchi T, Jing S, Koshijima I |
187 - 195 |
Design of optimal patient-specific chemotherapy protocols for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Pefani E, Panoskaltsis N, Mantalaris A, Georgiadis MC, Pistikopoulos EN |
196 - 206 |
A mechanistic approach for modeling oral drug delivery Pavurala N, Achenie LEK |