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Guest editorial in honour of Professor Tony Fane Chen VK, Wang R |
3 - 9 |
Non-invasive measurement of membrane scaling and cleaning in spiral-wound reverse osmosis modules by ultrasonic time-domain reflectometry with sound intensity calculation An GH, Lin JB, Li JX, Li XH, Jian XQ |
10 - 15 |
A comparative study for the removal of boron and silica from geothermal water by cross-flow flat sheet reverse osmosis method Oner SG, Kabay N, Guler E, Kitis M, Yuksel M |
16 - 24 |
Hydrophilic PEEK-WC hollow fibre membrane contactors for chromium (Vi) removal Bey S, Criscuoli A, Simone S, Figoli A, Benamor M, Drioli E |
25 - 30 |
In-situ monitoring of asymmetric poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) membrane formation via a phase inversion process by an ultrasonic through-transmission technique Cai Y, Li JX, Guo YG, Cui ZY, Zhang YZ |
31 - 39 |
Application of submerged hollow fiber membrane in membrane bioreactors: Filtration principles, operation, and membrane fouling Chang S |
40 - 51 |
Comprehensive experimental studies of early-stage membrane scaling during nanofiltration Cobry KD, Yuan Z, Gilron J, Bright VM, Krantz WB, Greenberg AR |
52 - 57 |
Production and characterization of piezo-electric membranes Coster HGL, Farahani TD, Chilcott TC |
58 - 63 |
Degradation of polyamide reverse osmosis membranes in the presence of chloramine Cran MJ, Bigger SW, Gray SR |
64 - 67 |
The impact of hydrophobic coating on the performance of carbon nanotube bucky-paper membranes in membrane distillation Dumee L, Campbell JL, Sears K, Schutz J, Finn N, Duke M, Gray S |
68 - 74 |
Modelling of permeability loss in membrane filtration: Re-examination of fundamental fouling equations and their link to critical flux Field RW, Wu JJ |
75 - 79 |
Impact of ultrasonic pre-treatment on the microfiltration of a biologically treated municipal effluent Hakata Y, Roddick F, Fan LH |
80 - 88 |
High recovery brackish water desalination process devoid of precipitation chemicals Hasson D, Segev R, Lisitsin D, Liberman B, Semiat R |
89 - 99 |
Physical-chemical properties, separation performance, and fouling resistance of mixed-matrix ultrafiltration membranes Hoek EMV, Ghosh AK, Huang XF, Liong M, Zink JI |
100 - 105 |
Impact of denitrification on the performance of a biofilm-MBR (BF-MBR) Ivanovic I, Leiknes TO |
106 - 110 |
Pretreatment for seawater desalination by flocculation: Performance of modified poly ferric silicate (PFSi-delta) and ferric chloride as flocculants Jeong S, Nateghi F, Nguyen TV, Vigneswaran S, Tu TA |
111 - 116 |
High voltage impulse electric fields: Disinfection kinetics and its effect on membrane bio-fouling Kim JY, Lee JH, Chang IS, Lee JH, Yi CW |
117 - 122 |
An Integrity Sensor for assessing the performance of low pressure membrane modules in the water industry Krantz WB, Lin CS, Sin PCY, Yeo A, Fane AG |
123 - 130 |
Study of integration of forward osmosis and biological process: Membrane performance under elevated salt environment Lay WCL, Zhang QY, Zhang JS, McDougald D, Tang CY, Wang R, Liu Y, Fane AG |
131 - 139 |
Fouling layer formation by flocs in inside-out driven, horizontal aligned capillary ultrafiltration membranes Lerch A |
140 - 147 |
CFD analysis of fluid flow through a spacer-filled disk-type membrane module Li YL, Lin PJ, Tung KL |
148 - 155 |
A novel method for preparation of low-fouling membranes: Surface coating by extracted wax from leafy cabbage Madaeni SS, Falsafi M, Ghaemi N |
156 - 164 |
Comparison of analysis methods for protein concentration and its use in UF fractionation of whey Metsamuuronen S, Manttari M, Nystrom M |
165 - 168 |
Comparison of nitrogen removal and sludge characteristics between a conventional and a simultaneous nitrification-denitrification membrane bioreactor Paetkau M, Cicek N |
169 - 177 |
Performance and properties of modified poly (vinylidene fluoride) membranes using general purpose polystyrene (GPPS) by DIPS method Srivastava HP, Arthanareeswaran G, Anantharaman N, Starov VM |
178 - 186 |
Modeling double-skinned FO membranes Tang CYY, She QH, Lay WCL, Wang R, Field R, Fane AG |
187 - 192 |
Sustainable integrated membrane contactor process for water reclamation, sodium sulfate salt and energy recovery from industrial effluent Tun CM, Groth AM |
193 - 197 |
Preparation of polymeric microspheres for removal of boron by means of sorption-membrane filtration hybrid Wolska J, Bryjak M |
198 - 205 |
Evolution of fouling deposition and removal on hollow fibre membrane during filtration with periodical backwash Ye Y, Chen VK, Le-Clech P |
206 - 213 |
Characterization of surface-modified porous PVDF hollow fibers for refinery wastewater treatment using microscopic observation Yuliwati E, Ismail AF, Matsuura T, Kassim MA, Abdullah MS |
214 - 220 |
Effect of modified PVDF hollow fiber submerged ultrafiltration membrane for refinery wastewater treatment Yuliwati E, Ismail AF, Matsuura T, Kassim MA, Abdullah MS |
221 - 226 |
Effect of the bubbling regimes on the performance and energy cost of flat sheet MBRs Zhang KS, Wei P, Yao M, Field RW, Cui ZF |
227 - 236 |
Environmental life cycle assessment of reverse osmosis desalination: The influence of different life cycle impact assessment methods on the characterization results Zhou J, Chang VWC, Fane AG |
237 - 244 |
Energy efficiency evaluation and economic analyses of direct contact membrane distillation system using Aspen Plus Zuo GZ, Wang R, Field R, Fane AG |