1 - 8 |
Absorption performance of CO2 in high concentrated [Bmim][Lys]-MDEA aqueous solution Fu D, Zhang P, Wang LM |
9 - 24 |
A study on thermoelectric technology application in net zero energy buildings Shen LM, Pu XW, Sun YJ, Chen JD |
25 - 34 |
Sparsity-enhanced optimization for ejector performance prediction Li FL, Wu CZ, Wang XY, Tian Q, Teo KL |
35 - 43 |
Fabrication and characterization of thermoelectric power generators with segmented legs synthesized by one-step spark plasma sintering Li SY, Pei J, Liu DW, Bao LL, Li JF, Wu HQ, Li LL |
44 - 51 |
Effects of nanoparticle additives to diesel on the combustion performance and emissions of a flame tube boiler Sungur B, Topaloglu B, Ozcan H |
52 - 63 |
Thermal energy storage to minimize cost and improve efficiency of a polygeneration district energy system in a real-time electricity market Powell KM, Kim JS, Cole WJ, Kapoor K, Mojica JL, Hedengren JD, Edgar TF |
64 - 75 |
Temperature dependent power capability estimation of lithium-ion batteries for hybrid electric vehicles Zheng FD, Jiang JC, Sun BX, Zhang WG, Pecht M |
76 - 84 |
Cow's urine as a yellow gold for bioelectricity generation in low cost clayware microbial fuel cell Jadhav DA, Jain SC, Ghangrekar MM |
85 - 94 |
Properties of ash generated during sewage sludge combustion: A multifaceted analysis Magdziarz A, Wilk M, Gajek M, Nowak-Wozny D, Kopia A, Kalemba-Rec I, Kozinski JA |
95 - 107 |
Optical performance of a solar dish concentrator/receiver system: Influence of geometrical and surface properties of cavity receiver Li S, Xu GQ, Luo XA, Quan YK, Ge YT |
108 - 115 |
Characteristics of bio-oil from the pyrolysis of palm kernel shell in a newly developed two-stage pyrolyzer Oh SJ, Choi GG, Kim JS |
116 - 123 |
Solvent effects on improvement of fuel properties during hydrodeoxygenation process of bio-oil in the presence of Pt/C Oh S, Kim UJ, Choi IG, Choi JW |
124 - 143 |
The restriction research for urban area building integrated grid-connected PV power generation potential Xu RH |
144 - 152 |
Measuring energy conservation on Nova Scotia (NS) farms: A 2004 to 2011 comparison Bailey JA, Duinker P, Amyotte P, Adams M, Khan F |
153 - 159 |
Ignition and combustion characteristics of single droplets of a crude glycerol in comparison with pure glycerol, petroleum diesel, biodiesel and ethanol Setyawan HY, Zhu MM, Zhang ZZ, Zhang DK |
160 - 171 |
On the relevant role of solids residence time on their CO2 capture performance in the Calcium Looping technology Perejon A, Miranda-Pizarro J, Perez-Maqueda LA, Valverde JM |
172 - 185 |
Unsteady-state analysis of a counter-flow dew point evaporative cooling system Lin J, Thu K, Bui TD, Wang RZ, Ng KC, Kumja M, Chua KJ |
186 - 192 |
Short term solar radiation forecasting: Island versus continental sites Boland J, David M, Lauret P |
193 - 203 |
Experimental investigation and numerical analysis on the blow-off limits of premixed CH4/air flames in a mesoscale bluff-body combustor Wan JL, Fan AW, Yao H, Liu W |
204 - 214 |
Parallel-expander Organic Rankine cycle using dual expanders with different capacities Yun E, Kim D, Lee M, Baek S, Yoon SY, Kim KC |
215 - 226 |
Investigation of CO2 hydrate formation conditions for determining the optimum CO2 storage rate and energy: Modeling and experimental study Pivezhani F, Roosta H, Dashti A, Mazloumi SH |
227 - 247 |
CCGT unit commitment model with first-principle formulation of cycling costs due to fatigue damage Wogrin S, Galbally D, Ramos A |
248 - 257 |
Nonlinear observer-based control for PMSG wind turbine Fantino R, Solsona J, Busada C |
258 - 266 |
Modelling performance of a small array of Wave Energy Converters: Comparison of Spectral and Boussinesq models Greenwood C, Christie D, Venugopal V, Morrison J, Vogler A |
267 - 281 |
A holistic passive design approach to optimize indoor environmental quality of a typical residential building in Hong Kong Chen X, Yang HX, Sun K |
282 - 287 |
Hydrogen generation by reaction of Al-M (M = Fe,Co,Ni) with water Liang J, Gao LJ, Miao NN, Chai YJ, Wang N, Song XQ |
288 - 300 |
Assessing GHG mitigation and associated cost of French biofuel sector: Insights from a TIMES model Hugues P, Assoumou E, Maizi N |
301 - 308 |
Residential demand response scheme based on adaptive consumption level pricing Haider HT, See OH, Elmenreich W |
309 - 318 |
Modelling and predicting electricity consumption in Spain using the stochastic Gamma diffusion process with exogenous factors Nafidi A, Gutierrez R, Gutierrez-Sanchez R, Ramos-Abalos E, El Hachimi S |
319 - 327 |
Enhancing the storage stability of petroleum coke slurry by producing biogas from sludge fermentation Wang RK, Zhao ZH, Liu JZ, Lv YK, Ye XM |
328 - 337 |
Evaluation of stainless steel pipe performance as a ground heat exchanger in ground-source heat-pump system Yoon S, Lee SR, Kim MJ, Kim WJ, Kim GY, Kim K |
338 - 354 |
Evaluating the impact of sub-hourly unit commitment method on spinning reserve in presence of intermittent generators Kazemi M, Siano P, Sarno D, Goudarzi A |
355 - 365 |
On-line quantile regression in the RKHS (Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space) for operational probabilistic forecasting of wind power Gallego-Castillo C, Bessa R, Cavalcante L, Lopez-Garcia O |
366 - 384 |
A modified Symbiotic Organisms Search algorithm for large scale economic dispatch problem with valve-point effects Secui DC |
385 - 398 |
Advanced exergy analysis on a modified auto-cascade freezer cycle with an ejector Bai T, Yu JL, Yan G |
399 - 412 |
Analysis of the performance of a H-Darrieus rotor under uncertainty using Polynomial Chaos Expansion Daroczy L, Janiga G, Thevenin D |
413 - 421 |
Method to investigate and plan the application of low temperature district heating to existing hydraulic radiator systems in existing buildings Tunzi M, Ostergaard DS, Svendsen S, Boukhanouf R, Cooper E |
422 - 431 |
Financial shortfall for electric vehicles: Economic impacts of Transmission System Operators market designs Codani P, Perez Y, Petit M |
432 - 443 |
Controlled deposition and utilization of carbon on Ni-YSZ anodes of SOFCs operating on dry methane Jiao Y, Zhang LQ, An WT, Zhou W, Sha YJ, Shao ZP, Bai JP, Li SD |
444 - 460 |
Five-years-long effects of the Italian policies for photovoltaics on the energy demand coverage of grid-connected PV systems installed in urban contexts Orioli A, Di Gangi A |
461 - 471 |
Modeling real-world fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions with high resolution for light-duty passenger vehicles in a traffic populated city Zhang SJ, Wu Y, Un PK, Fu LX, Hao JM |
472 - 486 |
The environmental and public health benefits of achieving high penetrations of solar energy in the United States Wiser R, Millstein D, Mai T, Macknick J, Carpenter A, Cohen S, Cole W, Frew B, Heath G |
487 - 496 |
Optimization of offshore wind farm layout in restricted zones Hou P, Hu WH, Chen C, Soltani M, Chen Z |
497 - 508 |
Co-located wind and wave energy farms: Uniformly distributed arrays Astariz S, Iglesias G |
509 - 514 |
Assessing China's rural household energy sustainable development using improved grouped principal component method Zhang M, Su B |
515 - 520 |
Improved heat dissipation in a crystalline silicon PV module for better performance by using a highly thermal conducting backsheet Kim N, Kim D, Kang H, Park YG |
521 - 535 |
Parametric study of solar heating and cooling systems in different climates of Algeria - A comparison between conventional and high-energy-performance buildings Bahria S, Amirat M, Hamidat A, El Ganaoui M, Slimani ME |
536 - 557 |
An integrated systems model for energy services in rural developing communities MacCarty NA, Bryden KM |
558 - 573 |
A study on scaled up proton exchange membrane fuel cell with various flow channels for optimizing power output by effective water management using numerical technique Saco SA, Raj RTK, Karthikeyan P |
574 - 585 |
Integration of hydrothermal carbonization and a CHP plant: Part 2-operational and economic analysis Saari J, Sermyagina E, Kaikko J, Vakkilainen E, Sergeev V |
586 - 596 |
An oil production forecast for China considering economic limits Wang K, Feng LY, Wang JL, Xiong Y, Tverberg GE |
597 - 614 |
Analytical and experimental investigation of hydrodynamic performance and chamber optimization of oscillating water column system Chang CY, Chou FNF, Chen YY, Hsieh YC, Chang CT |
615 - 630 |
Flexible sorption enhanced gasification (SEG) of biomass for the production of synthetic natural gas (SNG) and liquid biofuels: Process assessment of stand-alone and power-to-gas plant schemes for SNG production Martinez I, Romano MC |
631 - 642 |
Jatropha waste meal as an alternative energy source via pressurized pyrolysis: A study on temperature effects Kongkasawan J, Nam H, Capareda SC |
643 - 652 |
On the development of a wood gasification modelling approach with special emphasis on primary devolatilization and tar formation and destruction phenomena Martinez-Lera S, Ranz JP |
653 - 661 |
Microwave plasma-based method of hydrogen production via combined steam reforming of methane Czylkowski D, Hrycak B, Jasinski M, Dors M, Mizeraczyk J |
662 - 670 |
Stochastic programming and market equilibrium analysis of microgrids energy management systems Hu MC, Lu SY, Chen YH |
671 - 682 |
Robust economic optimization and environmental policy analysis for microgrid planning: An application to Taichung Industrial Park, Taiwan Yu N, Kang JS, Chang CC, Lee TY, Lee DY |
683 - 692 |
Reduced-order model of cascade-type PEM fuel cell stack with integrated humidifiers and water separators Barzegari MM, Dardel M, Alizadeh E, Ramiar A |
693 - 701 |
Performance evaluation and parametric choice criteria of a Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage system Guo JC, Cai L, Chen JC, Zhou YH |
702 - 712 |
Optimal operation of a grid-connected hybrid PV/fuel cell/battery energy system for residential applications Ren HB, Wu Q, Gao WJ, Zhou WS |
713 - 722 |
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of turbulent inflow on a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (Part I: Power performance) Li QA, Murata J, Endo M, Maeda T, Kamada Y |
723 - 727 |
An electronic cooling device with multiple energy selective tunnels Su GZ, Pan YZ, Zhang YC, Shih TM, Chen JC |
728 - 738 |
Decoupling and attribution analysis of industrial carbon emissions in Taiwan Wang QW, Hang Y, Zhou P, Wang YZ |
739 - 747 |
Investigation of a 10 kWh sorption heat storage device for effective utilization of low-grade thermal energy Zhao YJ, Wang RZ, Li TX, Nomura Y |
748 - 761 |
Analysis of the energy efficiency of short rotation woody crops biomass as affected by different methods of soil enrichment Stolarski MJ, Krzyzaniak M, Tworkowski J, Szczukowski S, Niksa D |
762 - 775 |
Stochastic risk-averse coordinated scheduling of grid integrated energy storage units in transmission constrained wind-thermal systems within a conditional value-at-risk framework Hemmati R, Saboori H, Saboori S |
776 - 787 |
Stochastic-based resource expansion planning for a grid-connected microgrid using interval linear programming Boloukat MHS, Foroud AA |
788 - 795 |
Combustion characteristics of multi-component cedar bio-oil/kerosene droplet Wu MS, Yang SI |
796 - 808 |
An incremental electric load forecasting model based on support vector regression Yang YL, Che JX, Li YY, Zhao YJ, Zhu SL |
809 - 820 |
Financial analysis of energy saving via compressor replacement in industry Vittorini D, Cipollone R |
821 - 830 |
SO2/NOx emissions and ash formation from algae biomass combustion: Process characteristics and mechanisms Zhao BT, Su YX, Liu DY, Zhang H, Liu W, Cui GM |
831 - 844 |
A micro-grid operation analysis for cost-effective battery energy storage and RES plants integration Barelli L, Bidini G, Bonucci F |
845 - 851 |
The production of hydrogen-rich gas by wet sludge pyrolysis using waste heat from blast-furnace slag Luo SY, Feng Y |
852 - 860 |
Experimental and numerical investigation of core cooling of Li-ion cells using heat pipes Shah K, McKee C, Chalise D, Jain A |
861 - 874 |
Development and techno-economic analysis of an integrated petroleum coke, biomass, and natural gas polygeneration process Salkuyeh YK, Elkamel A, The J, Fowler M |
875 - 893 |
Simultaneous synthesis of utility system and heat exchanger network incorporating steam condensate and boiler feedwater Luo XL, Huang XJ, El-Halwagi MM, Ponce-Ortega JM, Chen Y |
894 - 908 |
Study of the incidence angle effect on the aerodynamic structure characteristics of an incurved Savonius wind rotor placed in a wind tunnel Driss Z, Mlayeh O, Driss S, Maaloul M, Abid MS |
909 - 916 |
An experimental study of thermal management system using copper mesh-enhanced composite phase change materials for power battery pack Wu WX, Yang XQ, Zhang GQ, Ke XF, Wang ZY, Situ WF, Li XX, Zhang JY |
917 - 929 |
Sand-propylene glycol-water nanofluids for improved solar energy collection Manikandan S, Rajan KS |
930 - 942 |
Electric vehicle charging algorithms for coordination of the grid and distribution transformer levels Munoz ER, Razeghi G, Zhang L, Jabbari F |
943 - 948 |
Morphology-controllable synthesis. of 3D CoNiO2 nano-networks as a high-performance positive electrode material for supercapacitors Zhang JJ, Chen ZX, Wang Y, Li H |
949 - 956 |
Energy performance and economic viability of nano aerogel glazing and nano vacuum insulation panel in multi-story office building Mujeebu MA, Ashraf N, Alsuwayigh A |
957 - 965 |
Gasification characteristics of hydrochar and pyrochar derived from sewage sludge Gai C, Chen MJ, Liu TT, Peng NN, Liu ZG |
966 - 979 |
Performance and emission reduction potential of renewable energy aided coal-fired power generation systems Ye XM, Wang J, Li CX |
980 - 990 |
Optimization of an implicit constrained multi-physics system for motor wheels of electric vehicle Lei F, Du B, Liu X, Xie XP, Chai T |
991 - 1003 |
Optimum insulation thicknesses of pipes with respect to different insulation materials, fuels and climate zones in Turkey Erturk M |
1006 - 1017 |
Work-heat exchanger network synthesis (WHENS) Huang KF, Karimi IA |
1018 - 1030 |
Desalination plants and renewables combined to solve power and water issues Tsai YC, Chiu CP, Ko FK, Chen TC, Yang JT |
1031 - 1041 |
A thermodynamic evaluation on high pressure condenser of double effect absorption refrigeration system Yilmaz IH, Saka K, Kaynakli O |
1042 - 1050 |
Development of a robust refrigerant mixture for liquefaction of highly uncertain natural gas compositions Mortazavi A, Alabdulkarem A, Hwang Y, Radermacher R |
1051 - 1061 |
Long-term performance degradation study of solid oxide carbon fuel cells integrated with a steam gasifier Mehran MT, Lim TH, Lee SB, Lee JW, Park SJ, Song RH |
1062 - 1070 |
Power optimization of a combined power system consisting of a high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell and an organic Rankine cycle system Lee WY, Kim M, Sohn YJ, Kim SG |
1071 - 1089 |
In situ investigation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance with novel segmented cell design and a two-phase flow model Yin C, Gao JL, Wen XH, Xie GY, Yang CH, Fang HL, Tang H |
1090 - 1098 |
Study of physicochemical characterization of potassium-doped Nafion117 membrane and performance evaluation of air-breathing fuel cell in different alkali-methanol solutions Najmi AA, Rowshanzamir S, Parnian MJ |
1099 - 1108 |
Cyclic thermal storage/discharge performances of a hypereutectic Cu-Si alloy under vacuum for solar thermochemical process Gokon N, Yamaguchi T, Kodama T |
1109 - 1124 |
Optimizations of the waste heat recovery system for a large marine diesel engine based on transcritical Rankine cycle Yang MH |
1125 - 1135 |
Emissions reduction allocation and economic welfare estimation through interregional emissions trading in China: Evidence from efficiency and equity Chang K, Zhang C, Chang H |
1136 - 1146 |
A novel tool for the evaluation and assessment of demand response activities in the industrial sector Rodriguez-Garcia J, Alvarez-Bel C, Carbonell-Carretero JF, Alcazar-Ortega M, Penalvo-Lopez E |
1147 - 1161 |
An efficient crisscross optimization solution to large-scale non-convex economic load dispatch with multiple fuel types and valve-point effects Meng AB, Li JB, Yin H |
1162 - 1173 |
Nitrogen doped graphene supported palladium-cobalt as a promising catalyst for methanol oxidation reaction: Synthesis, characterization and electrocatalytic performance Kiyani R, Rowshanzamir S, Parnian MJ |
1174 - 1187 |
Effects of bolt pre-loading variations on performance of GDL in a bolted PEMFC by 3-D FEM analysis Chien CH, Hu YL, Su TH, Liu HT, Wang CT, Yang PF, Lu YX |
1188 - 1201 |
Analysis of economic impact from erosive wear by hard particles in a run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant Teran LA, Aponte RD, Munoz-Cubillos J, Roa CV, Coronado JJ, Ladino JA, Larrahondo FJ, Rodriguez SA |
1202 - 1218 |
Cement manufacturing using alternative fuels: Enhanced productivity and environmental compliance via oxygen enrichment Tsiliyannis CA |
1219 - 1230 |
Maximum mechanical power extraction from wind turbines using novel proposed high accuracy single-sensor-based maximum power point tracking technique Fathabadi H |
1231 - 1240 |
Evaluating energy efficiency for airlines: An application of Virtual Frontier Dynamic Slacks Based Measure Cui Q, Li Y, Yu CL, Wei TM |
1241 - 1249 |
Assessment of spinel-type mixed valence Cu/Co and Ni/Co-based oxides for power production in single-chamber microbial fuel cells Ortiz-Martinez VM, Salar-Garcia MJ, Touati K, Hernandez-Fernandez FJ, de los Rios AP, Belhoucine F, Berrabbah AA |
1250 - 1264 |
Optimal coordination of vehicle-to-grid batteries and renewable generators in a distribution system Wang L, Sharkh S, Chipperfield A |
1265 - 1287 |
On the effect of operating conditions in liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells: A multiphysics modeling approach Garcia-Salaberri PA, Vera M |
1288 - 1303 |
Three-dimensional numerical study on fully-developed mixed laminar convection in parabolic trough solar receiver tube Li ZY, Huang Z, Tao WQ |
1304 - 1315 |
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of turbulent inflow on a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (part II: Wake characteristics) Li QA, Murata J, Endo M, Maeda T, Kamada Y |
1316 - 1324 |
A risk evaluation method for ramping capability shortage in power systems Min CG, Park JK, Hur D, Kim MK |