785 - 786 |
Dedicated to Second International Onsager Conference - TRONDHEIM, NORWAY - 1-6 JUNE 2003 - Editorial introduction Kjelstrup S, Ytrehus T, Ertesvag IS |
787 - 793 |
Lars Onsager - The NTH student who became one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century Hauge EH |
795 - 805 |
A microscopic formulation of condensation coefficient and interface transport phenomena Tsuruta T, Nagayama G |
807 - 819 |
The law of stable equilibrium and the entropy-based boiling curve for flow boiling Collado FJ |
821 - 830 |
Monte-Carlo simulations of thermal desorption of adsorbed molecules from metal surfaces Raaen S, Ramstad A |
831 - 844 |
Transport properties of non-spherical nanoparticles studied by Brownian dynamics: theory and numerical simulations Naess SN, Elgsaeter A |
845 - 859 |
Diffusion and convection in a four-component liquid system Vitagliano PL, Roscigno P, Vitagliano V |
861 - 872 |
Competition of gravity, capillary and viscous forces during drainage in a two-dimensional porous medium, a pore scale study Lovoll G, Meheust Y, Maloy KJ, Aker E, Schmittbuhl J |
873 - 883 |
Observations of orientational ordering in aqueous suspensions of a nano-layered silicate Fossum JO, Gudding E, Fonseca DDM, Meheust Y, DiMasi E, Gog T, Venkataraman C |
885 - 895 |
The de Haas-van Alphen effect at a quantum critical point Riseborough PS |
897 - 913 |
Thermodynamic stability of elementary chemical reactions proceeding at finite rates revisited using Lyapunov function analysis Burande CS, Bhalekar AA |
915 - 931 |
Exergy analysis of flow dehumidification by solid desiccants Lior N, Al-Sharqawi HS |