1 - 8 |
Improvement of the thermal properties of Sorel cements by polyvinyl acetate: Consequences on physical and mechanical properties Zgueb R, Brichni A, Yacoubi N |
9 - 26 |
CESAR: A bottom-up building stock modelling tool for Switzerland to address sustainable energy transformation strategies Wang DH, Landolt J, Mavromatidis G, Orehounig K, Carmeliet J |
27 - 38 |
Study of solar chimney in Tunisia: Effect of the chimney configurations on the local flow characteristics Bouabidi A, Ayadi A, Nasraoui H, Driss Z, Abid MS |
39 - 47 |
Design and experiment of thermoelectric asphalt pavements with power-generation and temperature-reduction functions Jiang W, Xiao JJ, Yuan DD, Lu HH, Xu SD, Huang Y |
48 - 57 |
Performance optimization of a demand controlled ventilation system by long term monitoring Schibuola L, Scarpa M, Tambani C |
58 - 68 |
Parameter estimation for grey-box models of building thermal behaviour Brastein OM, Perera DWU, Pfeifer C, Skeie NO |
69 - 83 |
Predicting the performance of radiant technologies in attics: Reducing the discrepancies between attic specific and whole-building energy models Fontanini AD, Aguilar JLC, Mitchell MS, Kosny J, Merket N, DeGraw JW, Lee E |
84 - 96 |
Design and analysis of PCM based radiant heat exchanger for thermal management of buildings Garg H, Pandey B, Saha SK, Singh S, Banerjee R |
97 - 109 |
Modeling the potential for PV installation in residential buildings in dense urban areas Vulkan A, Kloog I, Dorman M, Erell E |
110 - 126 |
Climate control in broiler houses: A thermal model for the calculation of the energy use and indoor environmental conditions Costantino A, Fabrizio E, Ghiggini A, Bariani M |
127 - 140 |
Energy poverty methodology based on minimal thermal habitability conditions for low income housing in Spain Sanchez CSG, Gonzalez FJN, Aja AH |
141 - 147 |
Analysis of of the impact of simulation model simplifications on the quality of low-energy buildings simulation results Klimczak M, Bojarski J, Ziembicki P, Keskiewicz P |
148 - 156 |
Experiment and simulation study on performances of heat pump water heater using blend of R744/R290 Ju FJ, Fan XW, Chen YP, Ouyang H, Kuang AM, Ma SF, Wang F |
157 - 171 |
Solar water heating for social housing: Energy analysis and Life Cycle Assessment Soulions M, Panaras G, Fokaides PA, Papaefthimiou S, Kalogirou SA |
172 - 184 |
A swarm intelligence based distributed decision approach for transactive operation of networked building clusters Chen Y, Hu MQ |
185 - 194 |
A new ventilated window with PCM heat exchanger-Performance analysis and design optimization Hu Y, Heiselberg PK |
195 - 205 |
Optimal control of HVAC and window systems for natural ventilation through reinforcement learning Chen YJ, Norford LK, Samuelson HW, Malkawi A |
206 - 215 |
Thermal enhancement of paraffin/hydrophobic expanded perlite granular phase change composite using graphene nanoplatelets Ramakrishnan S, Wang XM, Sanjayan J |
216 - 227 |
Hierarchical control of building HVAC system for ancillary services provision Qureshi FA, Jones CN |
228 - 235 |
The combined effect of heat and moisture transfer dependent thermal conductivity of polystyrene insulation material: Impact on building energy performance Khoukhi M |
236 - 244 |
Natural ventilation potential of the Mediterranean coastal region of Catalonia Pesic N, Calzada JR, Alcojor AM |
245 - 253 |
Optimal chiller loading for saving energy by exchange market algorithm Sohrabi F, Nazari-Heris M, Mohammadi-Ivatloo B, Asadi S |
254 - 259 |
Overheating protection of solar thermal facades with latent heat storages based on paraffin-polymer compounds Resch-Fauster K, Hengstberger F, Zauner C, Holper S |
260 - 270 |
Building occupancy estimation and detection: A review Chen ZH, Jiang CY, Xie LH |
271 - 282 |
Thermal bridges modeling in South Brazil climate: Three different approaches de Freitasa JR, da Cunha EG |
283 - 294 |
Building energy savings potential of a hybrid roofing system involving high albedo, moisture retaining foam materials Baniassadi A, Heusinger J, Sailor DJ |
295 - 304 |
Energy-saving analysis of a case data center with a pump-driven loop heat pipe system in different climate regions in China Zhou F, Li CC, Zhu WP, Zhou J, Ma GY, Liu ZL |
305 - 318 |
The evacuated tube solar collector assisted heat pump for heating greenhouses Hassanien RHE, Li M, Tang YL |
319 - 331 |
A data-driven approach for building energy benchmarking using the Lorenz curve Chen YB, Tan HW, Berardi U |
332 - 343 |
A practical approach to chiller plants' optimisation Wang L, Lee EWM, Yuen RKK |
344 - 352 |
Comparative study of air-conditioning energy use of four office buildings in China and USA Zhou X, Yan D, An JJ, Hong TZ, Shi X, Jin X |
353 - 365 |
Energy saving potential of thermoelectric radiant cooling panels with a dedicated outdoor air system Lim H, Jeong JW |
366 - 378 |
Evaluating the environmental adaptability of a nearly zero energy retrofitting strategy designed for Dutch housing stock to a Mediterranean climate Escandon R, Silvester S, Konstantinou T |
379 - 387 |
Exploring health impacts of living in energy poverty: Case study Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia Robic S, Ancic B |
388 - 396 |
Stockholm Royal Seaport moving towards the goals-Potential and limitations of dynamic and high resolution evaluation data Holmstedt L, Nilsson A, Makivierikko A, Brandt N |
397 - 416 |
Holistic modelling techniques for the operational optimisation of multi-vector energy systems Reynolds J, Ahmad MW, Rezgui Y |
417 - 429 |
Developing urban residential reference buildings using clustering analysis of satellite images Li XY, Yao RM, Liu M, Costanzo V, Yu W, Wang WB, Short A, Li BZ |
430 - 443 |
Numerical study of a regenerative counter flow evaporative cooler using alumina nanoparticles in wet channel Tariq R, Zhan CH, Zhao XD, Sheikh NA |
444 - 452 |
Investigation on performance of building-integrated earth-air heat exchanger Hsu CY, Chiang YC, Chien ZJ, Chen SL |
453 - 472 |
Single and combined phase change materials: Their effect on seasonal transition period Memarian S, Kari BM, Fayaz R, Asadi S |
473 - 483 |
A case study in performance measurements for the retrofitting of a library Luther MB, Horan P, Tokede OO |
484 - 506 |
Passive design optimization of newly-built residential buildings in Shanghai for improving indoor thermal comfort while reducing building energy demand Gou SQ, Nik VM, Scartezzini JL, Zhao Q, Li ZR |
507 - 516 |
EnergyPlus models for the benchmarking of residential buildings in Brunei Darussalam Shabunko V, Lim CM, Mathew S |
517 - 518 |
In memoriam Professor Milorad Bojic, Ph.D.Sci Todorovic MS |