1 - 14 |
An optimal approach for electrical management problem in dwellings Ha DL, Joumaa H, Ploix S, Jacomino M |
15 - 27 |
Use of model predictive control and weather forecasts for energy efficient building climate control Oldewurtel F, Parisio A, Jones CN, Gyalistras D, Gwerder M, Stauch V, Lehmann B, Morari M |
28 - 31 |
Modeling seasonal solar thermal energy storage in a large urban residential building using TRNSYS 16 Terziotti LT, Sweet ML, McLeskey JT |
32 - 42 |
Airtightness of the window-wall interface in cavity brick walls Van Den Bossche N, Huyghe W, Moens J, Janssens A, Depaepe M |
43 - 53 |
Study of the optimal control problem formulation for modulating air-to-water heat pumps connected to a residential floor heating system Verhelst C, Logist F, Van Impe J, Helsen L |
54 - 59 |
Computerised simulation of the energy consumption of air handling units Kajtar L, Kassai M, Banhidi L |
60 - 66 |
Calibration of HVAC equipment PID coefficients for energy conservation Wemhoff AP |
67 - 71 |
Multiple pane window applications in various climatic regions of Turkey Karabay H, Arici M |
72 - 81 |
A robust CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation control strategy for multi-zone HVAC systems Nassif N |
82 - 90 |
Thermal performance and cost effectiveness of wall insulation under Thai climate Chirarattananon S, Hien VD, Tummu P |
91 - 98 |
Identifying important variables of energy use in low energy office building by using multivariate analysis Djuric N, Novakovic V |
99 - 105 |
Research on cool storage and release characteristics of R134a gas hydrate with additive Wu JH, Wang SP |
106 - 115 |
Persuasive feedback model for inducing energy conservation behaviors of building users based on interaction with a virtual object Chen HM, Lin CW, Hsieh SH, Chao HF, Chen CS, Shiu RS, Ye SR, Deng YC |
116 - 123 |
An alternative approach to quantifying fluid flow uniformity based on area-weighted average velocity and mass-weighted average velocity Tao HG, Chen HX, Xie JL, Hu YP |
124 - 131 |
Experimental validation of a theoretical model: Uncertainty propagation analysis to a PCM-air thermal energy storage unit Dolado P, Mazo J, Lazaro A, Marin JM, Zalba B |
132 - 140 |
Case study: Energy savings from solar window film in two commercial buildings in Shanghai Yin RX, Xu P, Shen PY |
141 - 151 |
Spatial distribution of urban building energy consumption by end use Howard B, Parshall L, Thompson J, Hammer S, Dickinson J, Modi V |
152 - 160 |
Instantaneous performance of solar collectors for domestic hot water, heating and cooling applications Rodriguez-Hidalgo MC, Rodriguez-Aumente PA, Lecuona A, Nogueira J |
161 - 168 |
Optimal position of flat plate reflectors of solar thermal collector Kostic LT, Pavlovic ZT |
169 - 180 |
Use of genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies to develop an adaptive fuzzy logic controller for a cooling coil - Comparison of the AFLC with a standard PID controller Navale RL, Nelson RM |
181 - 188 |
Economic and environmental life cycle analysis of solar hot water systems in the United States Hang Y, Qu M, Zhao F |
189 - 196 |
Optimisation of curtain wall facades for office buildings by means of PSO algorithm Rapone G, Saro O |
197 - 201 |
Optimization of solar collector surface in solar desiccant wheel cycle Hatami Z, Saidi MH, Mohammadian M, Aghanajafi C |
202 - 210 |
Energy and exergy analyses of a micro-steam CCHP cycle for a residential building Ebrahimi M, Keshavarz A, Jamali A |
211 - 218 |
Performance evaluation of a building integrated semitransparent photovoltaic thermal system for roof and facade Vats K, Tiwari GN |
219 - 228 |
Assessing the accuracy of a simplified building energy simulation model using BESTEST: The case study of Brazilian regulation Melo AP, Costola D, Lamberts R, Hensen JLM |
229 - 239 |
LCC and LCCO2 analysis of green roofs in elementary schools with energy saving measures Hong T, Kim J, Koo C |
240 - 249 |
Dynamic U-value estimation and energy simulation for green roofs Kotsiris G, Androutsopoulos A, Polychroni E, Nektarios PA |
250 - 256 |
Energy consumption quota of four and five star luxury hotel buildings in Hainan province, China Xin YJ, Lu SL, Zhu N, Wu W |
257 - 263 |
Energy and water conservation from air handling unit condensate in hot and humid climates Licina D, Sekhar C |
264 - 273 |
Synergization of air handling units for high energy efficiency in office buildings: The theory and analysis Yu YB, Liu MS, Li HR, Yu DH, Loftness V |
274 - 279 |
A contribution to the thermal insulation performance characterization of corn cob particleboards Paiva A, Pereira S, Sa A, Cruz D, Varum H, Pinto J |
280 - 289 |
Fire-induced smoke control via hybrid ventilation in a huge transit terminal subway station Gao R, Li AG, Hao XP, Lei WJ, Zhao YJ, Deng BS |
290 - 298 |
Neural network based prediction method for preventing condensation in chilled ceiling systems Ge GM, Xiao F, Wang SW |
299 - 310 |
Experimental estimation of the solar properties of a switchable liquid shading system for glazed facades Carbonari A, Fioretti R, Naticchia B, Principi P |
311 - 316 |
A new constant heat flux model for vertical U-tube ground heat exchangers Li ZJ |
317 - 325 |
Wind driven natural ventilation through multiple windows of a building: A computational approach Bangalee MZI, Lin SY, Miau JJ |
326 - 334 |
Benchmarking energy use of building environmental assessment schemes Lee WL |
335 - 338 |
Economic optimization of pipe diameter for complete turbulence Genic SB, Jacimovic BM, Genic VB |
339 - 339 |
Experimental analysis of energy performance of a ventilated window for heat recovery under controlled conditions (vol 43, pg 3200, 2011) Appelfeld D, Svendsen S |