1 - 7 |
A new approach for examination of performance of interior lighting systems Kocabey S, Ekren N |
8 - 16 |
Energetic, environmental and economic analysis of climatic separation by means of air curtains in cold storage rooms Gil-Lopez T, Castejon-Navas J, Galvez-Huerta MA, O'Donohoe PG |
17 - 29 |
Resource management in organized housing settlements, a case study at Kastoria Region, Greece Christidou C, Tsagarakis KP, Athanasiou C |
30 - 42 |
Cost optimal and nearly zero energy building solutions for office buildings Pikas E, Thalfeldt M, Kurnitski J |
43 - 52 |
Saving energy in an office environment: A serious game intervention Orland B, Ram N, Lang D, Houser K, Kling N, Coccia M |
53 - 60 |
Natural ventilation of a room with an atmospheric-vent water heater in both on-and off-states Rodrigues AM, Gomes MG |
61 - 68 |
The influence of porogene additives on the properties of mortars used to control the ambient moisture Goncalves H, Goncalves B, Silva L, Vieira N, Raupp-Pereira F, Senff L, Labrincha JA |
69 - 77 |
Reduced-order residential home modeling for model predictive control Cole WJ, Powell KM, Hale ET, Edgar TF |
78 - 90 |
Multi-objective optimization of hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collectors integrated in a DHW heating system Vera JT, Laukkanen T, Siren K |
91 - 100 |
Development and validation of a gray box model to predict thermal behavior of occupied office buildings Berthou T, Stabat P, Salvazet R, Marchio D |
101 - 110 |
A net zero emission concept analysis of a single-family house Wiberg AH, Georges L, Dokka TH, Haase M, Time B, Lien AG, Mellegard S, Maltha M |
111 - 119 |
Energy performance of Trombe walls: Adaptation of ISO 13790:2008(E) to the Portuguese reality Briga-Sa A, Martins A, Boaventura-Cunha J, Lanzinha JC, Paiva A |
120 - 131 |
A cost-effective method for integration of new and renewable energy systems in public buildings in Korea Oh SD, Yoo Y, Song J, Song SJ, Jang HN, Kim K, Kwak HY |
132 - 140 |
An environmental and economic sustainability assessment method for the retrofitting of residential buildings Cetiner I, Edis E |
141 - 151 |
Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold Evans JA, Foster AM, Huet JM, Reinholdt L, Fikiin K, Zilio C, Houska M, Landfeld A, Bond C, Scheurs M, van Sambeeck TWM |
152 - 162 |
Simplifying manufacturers' data in unitary HVAC equipment through a DX cooling coil modeling Yang HJ, Xu ZF, Xiong RB, Li HR, Zhang TC, Liu XY, Woradechjumroen D |
163 - 172 |
A comparative study on the effect of different strategies for energy saving of air-cooled vapor compression air conditioning systems Vakiloroaya V, Samali B, Pishghadam K |
173 - 181 |
Evolutive Housing System: Refurbishment with new technologies and unsteady simulations of energy performance Buratti C, Belloni E, Palladino D |
182 - 190 |
Simplified thermal calculation method for floor structure in radiant floor cooling system Li QQ, Chen C, Zhang Y, Lin J, Ling HS |
191 - 202 |
Application of RELUX simulation to investigate energy saving potential from daylighting in a new educational building in UK Yu X, Su YH, Chen X |