1 - 24 |
Politics and Economics of Second-Best Regulation of Greenhouse Gases: The Importance of Regulatory Credibility Bosetti V, Victor DG |
25 - 47 |
The Oil Price-Microeconomy Relationship is Alive and Well Lescaroux F |
49 - 75 |
Efficiency vs. Stability in Climate Coalitions: A Conceptual and Computational Appraisal Brechet T, Gerard F, Tulkens H |
77 - 117 |
Investment Propensities under Carbon Policy Uncertainty Kettunen J, Bunn DW, Blyth W |
119 - 148 |
A Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Transmission Expansion in Electricity Networks: Theory, Modeling, and Application Rosellon J, Weigt H |
149 - 168 |
The Impact of Climate Change on Nuclear Power Supply Linnerud K, Mideksa TK, Eskeland GS |
169 - 202 |
Strategic Forward Contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market Holmberg P |
203 - 227 |
Gas Storage Valuation: Price Modelling v. Optimization Methods Bjerksund P, Stensland G, Vagstad F |
229 - 234 |
Beyond the Age of Oil: The Myths, Realities and Future of Fossil Fuels and Their Alternatives Crandall MS |
234 - 238 |
Natural Gas in Asia: The Challenges of Growth in China, India, Japan, and Korea 2nd Edition Chang YH |
238 - 240 |
Energy Myths and Realities: Bringing Science to the Energy Policy Debate Van Doren P |
240 - 243 |
Introduction to the Global Oil & Gas Business Gordon RL |