
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.109 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (86 articles)

1 - 9 An analysis of technological factors and energy intensity in China
Huang JB, Du D, Tao QZ
10 - 21 Beliefs about impacts matter little for attitudes on shale gas development
Evensen D, Stedman R
22 - 35 Decomposition of the factors influencing export fluctuation in China's new energy industry based on a constant market share model
Wang ZX, Zheng HH, Pei LL, Jin T
36 - 48 Spatial smoothing of onshore wind: Implications for strategic development in Scotland
Commin AN, Davidson MWH, Largey N, Gaffney PPJ, Braidwood DW, Gibb SW, McClatchey J
49 - 58 The energy-efficient transformation of EU business enterprises: Adapting policies to contextual factors
Garrone P, Grilli L, Mrkajic B
59 - 65 Employment effects of solar PV industry in China: A spreadsheet-based analytical model
Zhang SF, Chen Y, Liu XL, Yang MS, Xu L
66 - 75 Multi-criteria assessment of the appropriateness of a cooking technology: A case study of the Logone Valley
Vaccari M, Vitali F, Tudor T
76 - 81 Models and scientific tools for regulatory purposes: The case of CO2 emissions from light duty vehicles in Europe
Ciuffo B, Fontaras G
82 - 95 Responding to policy change: New business models for renewable energy cooperatives - Barriers perceived by cooperatives' members
Herbes C, Brummer V, Rognli J, Blazejewski S, Gericke N
96 - 108 In the transformation of energy systems: what is holding Australia back?
Cheung G, Davies PJ
109 - 120 Rural electricity access in India in retrospect: A critical rumination
Palit D, Bandyopadhyay KR
121 - 131 A dynamic simulation of low-carbon policy influences on endogenous electricity demand in an isolated island system
Matthew GJ, Nuttall WJ, Mestel B, Dooley LS
132 - 140 Cost of long distance electricity transmission in China
Lin BQ, Wu W
141 - 153 Individual and collective socio-psychological patterns of photovoltaic investment under diverging policy regimes of Austria and Italy
Braito M, Flint C, Muhar A, Penker M, Vogel S
154 - 180 Does energy policy hurt international competitiveness of firms? A comparative study for Germany, Switzerland and Austria
Rammer C, Gottschalk S, Peneder M, Worter M, Stucki T, Arvanitis S
181 - 190 Factor substitution and energy productivity fluctuation in China: A parametric decomposition analysis
Wang QW, Zhang C, Cai WH
191 - 198 Accounting for local impacts of photovoltaic farms: The application of two stated preferences approaches to a case-study in Portugal
Botelho A, Lourenco-Gomes L, Pinto L, Sousad S, Valente M
199 - 207 Scalable off-grid energy services enabled by IoT: A case study of BBOXX SMART Solar
Bisaga I, Puzniak-Holford N, Grealish A, Baker-Brian C, Parikh P
208 - 217 Evaluation of energy saving effects of tiered electricity pricing and investigation of the energy saving willingness of residents
Wu Y, Zhang L
218 - 227 Residential willingness to pay for deep decarbonization of electricity supply: Contingent valuation evidence from Hong Kong
Cheng YS, Cao KH, Woo CK, Yatchew A
228 - 229 Comment on "Facing the uncertainty of CO2 storage capacity in China by developing different storage scenarios" by Samuel Holler and Peter Viebahn
Heinemann N, Wilkinson M, Haszeldine RS
230 - 248 Business models for distributed energy resources: A review and empirical analysis
Burger SP, Luke M
249 - 259 Exploring the impact of energy efficiency as a carbon mitigation strategy in the U.S
Brown MA, Kim G, Smith AM, Southworth K
260 - 269 Financial measures for promoting residential rooftop photovoltaics under a feed-in tariff framework in Thailand
Tantisattayakul T, Kanchanapiya P
270 - 278 When do households invest in solar photovoltaics? An application of prospect theory
Klein M, Deissenroth M
279 - 287 Will Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standard help? Modeling CAFE's impact on market share of electric vehicles
Sen B, Noori M, Tatari O
288 - 296 Worldwide carbon shadow prices during 1990-2011
Boussemart JP, Leleu H, Shen ZY
297 - 309 Feedstock diversification for biodiesel production in Brazil: Using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) to evaluate the impact of the PNPB and the economic competitiveness of alternative oilseeds
Alves CED, Belarmino LC, Padula AD
310 - 323 Comparing energy efficiency labelling systems in the EU and Brazil: Implications, challenges, barriers and opportunities
Wong IL, Kruger E
324 - 336 Biogas plants and surplus generation: Cost driver or reducer in the future German electricity system?
Lauer M, Thran D
337 - 349 Temporal-spatial variation analysis of agricultural biomass and its policy implication as an alternative energy in northeastern China
Wang WY, Ouyang W, Hao FH, Liu GY
350 - 359 Decentralized refueling of compressed natural gas (CNG) fleet vehicles in Southern California
Kelley S, Kuby M
360 - 369 Impact of the penetration of renewables on flexibility needs
Koltsaklis NE, Dagoumas AS, Panapakidis IP
370 - 381 Coal utilization eco-paradigm towards an integrated energy system
Xu JP, Dai JQ, Xie HP, Lv CW
382 - 388 The development pattern design of Chinese electric vehicles based on the analysis of the critical price of the life cycle cost
He YX, Zhang Q, Pang YX
389 - 399 Improving the relevance and impact of international standards for global climate change mitigation and increased energy access
McKane A, Daya T, Richards G
400 - 413 Shifting load through space The economics of spatial demand side management using distributed data centers
Fridgen G, Keller R, Thimmel M, Wederhake L
414 - 417 Investments in and macroeconomic costs of climate mitigation in the Working Group III contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC
Massetti E, Carraro C, Gupta S, Harnish J, Kopp RJ
418 - 427 Estimating the complete CO2 emissions and the carbon intensity in India: From the carbon transfer perspective
Sun CW, Ding D, Yang M
428 - 440 On the influence of jurisdiction on the profitability of residential photovoltaic-storage systems: A multi-national case study
Kazhamiaka F, Jochem P, Keshav S, Rosenberg C
441 - 451 Scenarios to decarbonize residential water heating in California
Raghavan SV, Wei M, Kammen DM
452 - 459 Political identity and paradox in oil and gas policy: A study of regulatory exaggeration in Colorado, US
Mayer A
460 - 462 A comparison of land-use requirements in solar-based decarbonization scenarios
Shum RY
463 - 472 Administrative arrangement for offshore wind power developments in Taiwan: Challenges and prospects
Kao SM, Pearre NS
473 - 478 Impacts of renewables and socioeconomic factors on electric vehicle demands - Panel data studies across 14 countries
Li XM, Chen P, Wang XW
479 - 487 Carbon productivity growth, technological innovation, and technology gap change of coal-fired power plants in China
Yu YN, Qian T, Du LM
488 - 498 Are we moving fast enough? The energy renovation rate of the Dutch nonprofit housing using the national energy labelling database
Filippidou F, Nieboer N, Visscher H
499 - 509 Convergence or divergence? Understanding the global development trend of low-carbon technologies
Yan ZM, Du KR, Yang ZM, Deng M
510 - 519 Biogas and EU's 2020 targets: Evidence from a regional case study in Italy
Bartolini F, Gava O, Brunori G
520 - 529 Technological progress and rebound effect in China's nonferrous metals industry: An empirical study
Lin BQ, Chen YF, Zhang GL
530 - 538 Energy policy assessment at strategic, tactical, and operational levels: Case studies of EU 20-20-20 and US Executive Order 13514
Arababadi R, Moslehi S, El Asmar M, Haavaldsen T, Parrish K
539 - 544 'Can renewables meet total Australian energy demand: A "disaggregated" approach
Trainer T
545 - 554 Energy efficiency policy analysis using socio-technical approach and system dynamics. Case study of lighting in Latvia's households
Timma L, Bazbauers G, Bariss U, Blumberga A, Blumberga D
555 - 564 Assessing consumer benefits in the Ontario residential retail natural gas market: Why marketer entry did not help
Bloemhof B
565 - 578 Wells to wheels: Environmental implications of natural gas as a transportation fuel
Cai H, Burnham A, Chen R, Wang M
579 - 589 Optimal electric vehicle production strategy under subsidy and battery recycling
Gu HY, Liu ZX, Qing QK
590 - 600 Distributional effects of higher natural gas prices in Russia
Orlov A
601 - 608 Emissions implications of downscaled electricity generation scenarios for the western United States
Nsanzineza R, O'Connell M, Brinkman G, Milford JB
609 - 622 Cloud energy storage for grid scale applications in the UK
Rappaport RD, Miles J
623 - 630 Frame envy in energy policy ideology: A social constructivist framework for wicked energy problems
Valentine SV, Sovacool BK, Brown MA
631 - 641 Analysis of reflectivity & predictability of electricity network tariff structures for household consumers
Nijhuis M, Gibescu M, Cobben JFG
642 - 649 Designing more cost reflective electricity network tariffs with demand charges
Passey R, Haghdadi N, Bruce A, MacGill I
650 - 658 Path analysis of factors impacting China's CO2 emission intensity: Viewpoint on energy
Gui SS, Wu CY, Qu Y, Guo LL
659 - 665 Are small firms willing to pay for improved power supply? Evidence from a contingent valuation study in India
Ghosh R, Goyal Y, Rommel J, Sagebiel J
666 - 675 Can product demonstrations create markets for sustainable energy technology? A randomized controlled trial in rural India
Urpelainen J, Yoon S
676 - 684 Estimating the price premium of LNG in Korea and Japan: The price formula approach
Choi G, Heo E
685 - 693 Quantifying the net cost of a carbon price floor in Germany
Egli P, Lecuyer O
694 - 703 Can integration of PV within UK electricity network be improved? A GIS based assessment of storage
Candelise C, Westacott P
704 - 718 Factors that Influence the Tourism Industry's Carbon Emissions: a Tourism Area Life Cycle Model Perspective
Tang CC, Zhong LS, Ng P
719 - 733 Mode, technology, energy consumption, and resulting CO2 emissions in China's transport sector up to 2050
Wang HL, Ou XM, Zhang XH
734 - 746 The global CO2 emissions growth after international crisis and the role of international trade
Jiang XM, Guan DB
747 - 756 Jointly reforming the prices of industrial fuels and residential electricity in Saudi Arabia
Matar W, Anwer M
757 - 766 Transferability of demand-side policies between countries
Warren P
767 - 781 Vulnerability and resistance in the United Kingdom's smart meter transition
Sovacool BK, Kivimaa P, Hielscher S, Jenkins K
782 - 793 The long-run performance of increasing-block pricing in Taiwan's residential electricity sector
Hung MF, Chie BT
794 - 806 Explaining the role of incumbent utilities in sustainable energy transitions: A case study of the smart grid development in China
Mah DNY, Wu YY, Hills PR
807 - 816 Landscape commons, following wind power fault lines. The case of Seine-et-Marne (France)
Nadai A, Labussiere O
817 - 824 A world away and close to home: The multi-scalar 'making of' Indonesia's energy landscape
Schaffartzik A, Brad A, Pichler M
825 - 834 Energy justice and controversies: Formal and informal assessment in energy projects
Pesch U, Correlje A, Cuppen E, Taebi B
835 - 844 The economy impacts of Korean ETS with an emphasis on sectoral coverage based on a CGE approach
Choi Y, Liu Y, Lee H
845 - 853 Medial construction of energy landscapes in Germany
Weiss G
854 - 862 What determines China's crude oil importing trade patterns? Empirical evidences from 55 countries between 1992 and 2015
Shao YM, Qiao H, Wang SY
863 - 870 Patterns of acceptance and non-acceptance within energy landscapes: A case study on wind energy expansion in Austria
Scherhaufer P, Holtinger S, Salak B, Schauppenlehner T, Schmidt J
871 - 883 Certifying the sustainability of biofuels: Promise and reality
de Man R, German L
884 - 897 Particulate air pollution and real estate valuation: Evidence from 286 Chinese prefecture-level cities over 2004-2013
Chen DK, Chen SY
898 - 915 Benchmark of deepwater field development projects in the Perdido foldbelt: Evaluating fiscal impacts (Mexico, and US) using a nodal analysis production model
Weijermars R, Alves IN, Rowan MG, Flores DB