1 - 9 |
Comparing North-South technology transfer and South-South technology transfer: The technology transfer impact of Ethiopian Wind Farms Chen YN |
10 - 18 |
A multi-model assessment of energy and emissions for India's transportation sector through 2050 Paladugula AL, Kholod N, Chaturvedi V, Ghosh PP, Pal S, Clarke L, Evans M, Kyle P, Koti PN, Parikh K, Qamar S, Wilson SA |
19 - 29 |
Small systems, big targets: Power sector reforms and renewable energy in small systems Nepal R, Jamasb T, Sen A |
30 - 38 |
Comparisons of decoupling trends of global economic growth and energy consumption between developed and developing countries Wu Y, Zhu QW, Zhu BZ |
39 - 49 |
Biomass feedstock supply chain network design with biomass conversion incentives Ghani NMAMA, Vogiatzis C, Szmerekovsky J |
50 - 59 |
The impact of on-shore and off-shore wind turbine farms on property prices Jensen CU, Panduro TE, Lundhede TH, Nielsen ASE, Dalsgaard M, Thorsen BJ |
60 - 67 |
On the current account - biofuels link in emerging and developing countries: do oil price fluctuations matter? Gomes G, Hache E, Mignon V, Paris A |
68 - 77 |
Analysis of factors influencing residents' habitual energy-saving behaviour based on NAM and TPB models: Egoism or altruism? Wang B, Wang XM, Guo DX, Zhang B, Wang ZH |
78 - 85 |
European power markets-A journey towards efficiency Morales L, Hanly J |
86 - 94 |
Socially optimal deployment strategy and incentive policy for solar photovoltaic community microgrid: A case of China Chen WD, Wei PB |
95 - 111 |
Feed-in tariffs for solar microgeneration: Policy evaluation and capacity projections using a realistic agent-based model Pearce P, Slade R |
112 - 126 |
How can the renewables targets be reached cost-effectively? Policy options for the development of renewables and the transmission grid Held A, Ragwitz M, Sensfuss F, Resch G, Olmos L, Ramos A, Rivier M |
127 - 136 |
Addressing COP21 using a stock and oil market integration index Batten JA, Kinateder H, Szilagyi PG, Wagner NF |
137 - 144 |
Public perception of energy transition in Korea: Nuclear power, climate change, and party preference Chung JB, Kim ES |
145 - 152 |
Landscape-scale wildlife species richness metrics to inform wind and solar energy facility siting: An Arizona case study Thomas KA, Jarchow CJ, Arundel TR, Jamwal P, Borens A, Drost CA |
153 - 164 |
A Stochastic Model for energy poverty analysis Papada L, Kaliampakos D |
165 - 169 |
Some factors that would affect the retail price for 100% Australian renewable electricity Trainer T |
170 - 181 |
Quota allocation of coal overcapacity reduction among provinces in China Wang DL, Wan KD, Song XF |
182 - 192 |
A multi-criteria analysis of coal-based power generation in Bangladesh Zaman R, Brudermann T, Kumar S, Islam N |
193 - 197 |
Policies to keep and expand the option of concentrating solar power for dispatchable renewable electricity Lilliestam J, Barradi T, Caldes N, Gomez M, Hanger S, Kern J, Komendantova N, Mehos M, Hong WM, Wang ZF, Patt A |
198 - 209 |
Quo Vadis? (Un)scheduled electricity flows under market splitting and network extension in central Europe Kunz F |
210 - 219 |
Innovative network pricing to support the transition to a smart grid in a low carbon economy Faerber LA, Balta-Ozkan N, Connor PM |
220 - 231 |
Dilution of innovation utility, reinforcing the reluctance towards the new: An upstream supplier perspective on a fragmented electricity industry Skold D, Fornstedt H, Lindahl M |
232 - 241 |
Russian associated petroleum gas flaring limits: Interplay of formal and informal institutions Korppoo A |
242 - 256 |
Bridging the gap: Do fast-reacting fossil technologies facilitate renewable energy diffusion? Verdolini E, Vona F, Popp D |
257 - 265 |
Have fossil fuels been substituted by renewables? An empirical assessment for 10 European countries Marques AC, Fuinhas JA, Pereira DA |
266 - 266 |
Environmental policy performance and its determinants: Application of a three-level random intercept model (vol 114, pg 134, 2018) Galeotti M, Rubashkina Y, Salini S, Verdolini E |
267 - 276 |
Intermediaries' perspectives on the public's role in the energy transitions needed to deliver UK climate change policy goals Shaw C, Hurth V, Capstick S, Cox E |
277 - 288 |
A multi-stakeholder decision support system for local neighbourhood energy planning Hettinga S, Nijkamp P, Scholten H |
289 - 289 |
Sustainable planning of the energy-water-food nexus using decision making tools (vol 113, pg 584, 2018) Bieber N, Kee JH, Wang XN, Triantafyllidis C, van Dam KH, Koppelaar RHEM, Shah N |
290 - 296 |
Factoring in the forgotten role of renewables in CO2 emission trends using decomposition analysis Mohlin K, Camuzeaux JR, Muller A, Schneider M, Wagner G |
297 - 298 |
Oil supply disruptions, US economic activity and oil security Brown SPA, Huntington HG |
299 - 311 |
Does public opinion affect air quality? Evidence based on the monthly data of 109 prefecture-level cities in China Zhang SL, Li Y, Hao Y, Zhang YP |
312 - 322 |
An optimal mix of conventional power systems in the presence of renewable energy: A new design for the German electricity market Coester A, Hofkes MW, Papyrakis E |
323 - 336 |
Effect of major policy disruptions in energy system transition: Case Finland Pilpola S, Lund PD |
337 - 343 |
How modifications of China's energy data affect carbon mitigation targets Zheng HR, Shan YL, Mi ZF, Meng J, Ou JM, Schroeder H, Guan DB |
344 - 356 |
Low-carbon technology diffusion in the decarbonization of the power sector: Policy implications Liu X, Du HB, Brown MA, Zuo J, Zhang N, Rong Q, Mao GZ |
357 - 372 |
Oil supply shocks and the US economy: An estimated DSGE model Balke NS, Brown SPA |
373 - 381 |
Political pricing of electricity - Can it go with universal service provision? Krishnan CM, Gupta S |
382 - 396 |
Assessing energy consumption, CO2 and pollutant emissions and health benefits from China's transport sector through 2050 Liu L, Wang K, Wang SS, Zhang RQ, Tang XY |
397 - 409 |
Logging residue supply and costs for electricity generation: Potential variability and policy considerations Baker JS, Crouch A, Cai YX, Latta G, Ohrel S, Jones J, Latane A |
410 - 421 |
Electricity subsidy reform in Indonesia: Demand-side effects on electricity use Burke PJ, Kurniawati S |
422 - 432 |
Promoting Vehicle to Grid (V2G) in the Nordic region: Expert advice on policy mechanisms for accelerated diffusion Kester J, Noel L, de Rubens GZ, Sovacool BK |
433 - 443 |
Meeting conditional targets in nationally determined contributions of developing countries: Renewable energy targets and required investment of GGGI member and partner countries Senshaw DA, Kim JW |