1 - 12 |
Energy infrastructure and their impacts on societies' capital assets: A hybrid simulation approach to inclusive wealth Aly EA, Managi S |
13 - 24 |
Effect of electricity generation mix on battery electric vehicle adoption and it its environmental impact Choi H, Shin J, Woo J |
25 - 34 |
Exploring household energy transitions in rural Zambia from the user perspective Muhoza C, Johnson OW |
35 - 47 |
Assessment of public charging infrastructure push and pull rollout strategies: The case of the Netherlands Helmus JR, Spoelstra JC, Refa N, Lees M, van den Hoed R |
48 - 60 |
Implications of delaying transport decarbonisation in the EU: A systems analysis using the PRIMES model Siskos P, Zazias G, Petropoulos A, Evangelopoulou S, Capros P |
61 - 69 |
Renewable energy cooperatives: Facilitating the energy transition at the Port of Rotterdam Hentschel M, Ketter W, Collins J |
70 - 79 |
Economic, environmental, and social performance indicators of sustainability reporting: Evidence from the Russian oil and gas industry Orazalin N, Mahmood M |
80 - 91 |
Citizen preferences for possible energy policies at the national and state levels Peterson M, Feldman D |
92 - 100 |
A study on probabilistic social cost-benefit analysis to introduce high-efficiency motors into subway station ventilation Quan J, Kim SH, Kim JH |
A1 - A2 |
Recent Developments and Future Directions at Energy Policy Brown SPA, Jefferson M, Brown MA, Madlener R, Thomas SD, Thou P |
101 - 111 |
The true economic value of supply-side energy storage in the smart grid environment - The case of Korea Jeon W, Mo JY |
112 - 123 |
Analysis on the interaction between short-term operating reserves and adequacy Hermans M, Bruninx K, Vitiello S, Spisto A, Delarue E |
124 - 137 |
How can Indian power plants cost-effectively meet the new sulfur emission standards? Policy evaluation using marginal abatement cost-curves Sugathan A, Bhangale R, Kansal V, Hulke U |
138 - 151 |
Heating homes: Understanding the impact of prices Hansen AR |
152 - 161 |
Lifetime, cost and fuel efficiency in diesel projects for rural electrification in Venezuela Lopez-Gonzalez A, Domenech B, Ferrer-Marti L |
162 - 174 |
From tip to toes: Mapping community energy models in Canada and New Zealand Hoicka CE, MacArthur JL |
175 - 184 |
Promoting energy and environmental efficiency within a positive feedback loop: Insights from global value chain Liu HX, Li JL, Long HY, Li Z, Le CY |
185 - 189 |
Carbon pricing and deep decarbonisation Tvinnereim E, Mehling M |
190 - 201 |
Life quality disparity: Analysis of indoor comfort gaps for Chilean households Becerra M, Jerez A, Valenzuela M, Garces HO, Demarco R |
202 - 210 |
Power rationing in a long-term power shortage Heggie A, Eager D, McKinnon K, Van Der Weijde AH |
211 - 216 |
Is power generation really the gold measure of the Chinese economy? A conceptual and empirical assessment Zhang J, Li PJ, Zhao GC |
217 - 224 |
Auctions for renewable energy support - Suitability, design, and first lessons learned Haufe MC, Ehrhart KM |
225 - 235 |
Policies to enhance the drivers of green housing development in China Zhang L, Wu J, Liu HY |
236 - 247 |
Russia's Nuclear Export Programme Thomas S |
248 - 251 |
Stranded oil of Erewhon Cairns RD |
252 - 263 |
Revisiting cross-province energy intensity convergence in China: A spatial panel analysis Jiang L, Folmer H, Ji MH, Zhou P |
264 - 274 |
Transport policies, induced traffic and their influence on vehicle emissions in developed and developing countries Lee S |
275 - 285 |
The need for policies to reduce the costs of cleaner cooking in low income settings: Implications from systematic analysis of costs and benefits Jeuland M, Soo JST, Shindell D |
286 - 291 |
The impact of regulation on demand-side generation. The case of Spain Mir-Artigues P, del Rio P, Cerda E |
292 - 299 |
Climate change and intergenerational equity: Revisiting the uniform taxation principle on carbon energy inputs Belfiori ME |
300 - 313 |
From club convergence of per capita industrial pollutant emissions to industrial transfer effects: An empirical study across 285 cities in China Liu C, Hong T, Li HF, Wang LL |
314 - 324 |
Wind energy and local communities: A manufacturer's efforts to gain acceptance Landeta-Manzano B, Arana-Landin G, Calvo PM, Heras-Saizarbitoria I |
325 - 335 |
Strike while the rebate is hot: Savvy consumers and strategic technology adoption timing Reeves DC, Rai V |
336 - 345 |
Power stations emissions externalities from avoidance behaviors towards air pollution: Evidence from Beijing Tan-Soo JS, Qin P, Zhang XB |
346 - 354 |
Investigation of a "coupling model" of coordination between low-carbon development and urbanization in China Song QJ, Zhou N, Liu TL, Siehr SA, Qi Y |
355 - 364 |
Community solar initiatives in the United States of America: Comparisons with - and lessons for - the UK and other European countries Peters M, Fudge S, High-Pipper A, Carragher V, Hoffman SM |
365 - 373 |
Oklahoma earthquakes and the price of oil Roach T |
374 - 382 |
Valuing the carbon assets of distributed photovoltaic generation in China Xu XK, Guan CM, Jin JY |
383 - 393 |
Clean energy investing in public capital markets: Portfolio benefits of yieldcos La Monaca S, Assereto M, Byrne J |
394 - 403 |
A retrospective analysis of the market price response to distributed photovoltaic generation in California Craig MT, Jaramillo P, Hodge BM, Williams NJ, Severnini E |
404 - 414 |
Energy transition in Germany and regional spill-overs: The diffusion of renewable energy in firms Horbach J, Rammer C |
415 - 425 |
Assessment of vulnerability of natural gas supply in Serbia: State and perspective Madzarevic A, Ivezic D, Zivkovic M, Tanasijevic M, Ivic M |
426 - 440 |
Technology, business model, and market design adaptation toward smart electricity distribution: Insights for policy making Pereira GI, Specht JM, Silva PP, Madlener R |
441 - 451 |
Allocating CO2 allowances to emitters in China: A multi-objective decision approach Zhu BZ, Jiang MX, He KJ, Chevallier J, Xie R |
452 - 463 |
Conflict cause analysis between stakeholders in a utility-scale PV plant and its policy improvement methods in Korea Kim IP, Hwang HS, Jung JW |
464 - 475 |
After the sanctions: Policy challenges in transition to a new political economy of the Iranian oil and gas sectors Dudlak T |
476 - 487 |
Dream team or strange bedfellows? Complementarities and differences between incumbent energy companies and institutional investors in Swiss hydropower Salm S, Wustenhagen R |
488 - 497 |
Economic value of underground natural gas storage for the Brazilian power sector Almeida JRUC, De Almeida ELF, Torres EA, Freires FGM |
498 - 505 |
Estimating the learning rate of a technology with multiple variants: The case of carbon storage Upstill G, Hall P |
506 - 518 |
Influence of Operation and Maintenance expenditures in the feasibility of photovoltaic projects: The case of a tracking pv plant in Spain Munoz-Ceron E, Lomas JC, Aguilera J, de la Casa J |
519 - 533 |
Business model design for the carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) project in China Yao X, Zhong P, Zhang X, Zhu L |
534 - 541 |
Incentive pass-through in the California Solar Initiative - An analysis based on third-party contracts Li YM |
542 - 552 |
The remaining potential for energy savings in UK households Rosenow J, Guertler P, Sorrell S, Eyre N |
553 - 564 |
Urban carbon flow and structure analysis in a multi-scales economy Meng FX, Liu GY, Hu YC, Su MR, Yang ZF |
565 - 575 |
Policy- v. individual heterogeneity in the benefits of climate change mitigation: Evidence from a stated-preference survey Alberini A, Scasny M, Bigano A |
576 - 583 |
Coal consumption, urbanization, and trade openness linkage in Indonesia Kurniawan R, Managi S |
584 - 596 |
Electric vehicle adoption in Sweden and the impact of local policy instruments Egner F, Trosvik L |
597 - 610 |
The dual-credit policy: Quantifying the policy impact on plug-in electric vehicle sales and industry profits in China Ou SQ, Lin ZH, Qi L, Li J, He X, Przesmitzki S |
611 - 620 |
Enhancing electric reliability with storage-field generators Savitski DW, Nuryyev G |