
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.53 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (46 articles)

1 - 10 On the business value of ICT-controlled plug-in electric vehicle charging in California
Goebel C
11 - 26 A simulation approach for analysis of short-term security of natural gas supply in Colombia
Villada J, Olaya Y
27 - 40 Changes in energy requirements of the residential sector in India between 1993-94 and 2006-07
Das A, Paul SK
41 - 50 Review of wind power tariff policies in China
Hu Z, Wang JH, Byrne J, Kurdgelashvili L
51 - 62 China's energy and emissions outlook to 2050: Perspectives from bottom-up energy end-use model
Zhou N, Fridley D, Khanna NZ, Ke J, McNeil M, Levine M
63 - 75 Quantitative analysis of potential power production and environmental benefits of Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles in the European Union
Escudero M, Jimenez A, Gonzalez C, Lopez I
76 - 89 Commercial building energy use in six cities in Southern China
Xu P, Huang J, Shen PY, Ma XW, Gao XF, Xu QL, Jiang H, Xiang Y
90 - 96 Extreme daily increases in peak electricity demand: Tail-quantile estimation
Sigauke C, Verster A, Chikobvu D
97 - 104 The strictest energy requirements in the world: An analysis of the path dependencies of a self-proclaimed success
Lauridsen EH, Jensen JS
105 - 113 Decommissioning wind energy projects: An economic and political analysis
Ferrell SL, DeVuyst EA
114 - 124 Potential impact on air pollution from ambitious national CO2 emission abatement strategies in the Nordic countries - environmental links between the UNFCCC and the UNECE - CLRTAP
Astrom S, Tohka A, Bak J, Lindblad M, Arnell J
125 - 135 Inventory of conventional air pollutants emissions from road transportation for the state of Rio de Janeiro
de Souza CDR, Silva SD, da Silva MAV, D'Agosto MD, Barboza AP
136 - 148 Shifting towards offshore wind energy-Recent activity and future development
Kaldellis JK, Kapsali M
149 - 158 Assessing socio-technical mindsets: Public deliberations on carbon capture and storage in the context of energy sources and climate change
Einsiedel EF, Boyd AD, Medlock J, Ashworth P
159 - 168 The value of social networks in the diffusion of energy-efficiency innovations in UK households
McMichael M, Shipworth D
169 - 189 Modelling the impacts of challenging 2050 European climate mitigation targets on Ireland's energy system
Chiodi A, Gargiulo M, Rogan F, Deane JP, Lavigne D, Rout UK, Gallachoir BPO
190 - 204 Inducing low-carbon investment in the electric power industry through a price floor for emissions trading
Brauneis A, Mestel R, Palan S
205 - 217 The application of systems engineering principles to the prioritization of sustainable nuclear fuel cycle options
Price RR, Singh BP, Mackinnon RJ, Sevougian SD
218 - 228 The role of urban form as an energy management parameter
Futcher JA, Mills G
229 - 239 Customer value of smart metering: Explorative evidence from a choice-based conjoint study in Switzerland
Kaufmann S, Kunzel K, Loock M
240 - 247 A comparative institutional analysis of the Fukushima nuclear disaster: Lessons and policy implications
Aoki M, Rothwell G
248 - 256 A support strategy for the promotion of photovoltaic uses for residential houses in Korea
Oh SD, Lee Y, Yoo Y, Kim J, Kim S, Song SJ, Kwak HY
257 - 266 Does bio-oil derived from logging residues in Finland meet the European Union greenhouse gas performance criteria?
Sorsa R, Soimakallio S
267 - 278 2050 pathway to an active renewable energy scenario for Jiangsu province
Hong LX, Lund H, Mathiesen BV, Moller B
279 - 286 Structural decomposition analysis of the carbonization process in Beijing: A regional explanation of rapid increasing carbon dioxide emission in China
Tian X, Chang M, Tanikawa H, Shi F, Imura H
287 - 297 Estimating the cost of improving quality in electricity distribution: A parametric distance function approach
Coelli TJ, Gautier A, Perelman S, Saplacan-Pop R
298 - 310 Is the Merchant Power Producer a broken model?
Nelson J, Simshauser P
311 - 322 Whatever the customer wants, the customer gets? Exploring the gap between consumer preferences and default electricity products in Germany
Kaenzig J, Heinzle SL, Wustenhagen R
323 - 330 Assessing the economic wind power potential in Austria
Gass V, Schmidt J, Strauss F, Schmid E
331 - 340 Geographies of energy transition: Space, place and the low-carbon economy
Bridge G, Bouzarovski S, Bradshaw M, Eyre N
341 - 352 Electricity purchase agreements and distributed energy policies for anaerobic digesters
Binkley D, Harsh S, Wolf CA, Safferman S, Kirk D
353 - 360 Energy and environmental impact of domestic heating in Italy: Evaluation of national NOx emissions
Aste N, Adhikari RS, Compostella J, Del Pero C
361 - 369 The political economy of electricity dispatch reform in China
Kahrl F, Williams JH, Hu JF
370 - 380 Enabling frameworks for low-carbon technology transfer to small emerging economies: Analysis of ten case studies in Chile
Pueyo A
381 - 388 Challenges and countermeasures of China's energy security
Cao WS, Bluth C
389 - 399 Energy (in)security in Poland the case of shale gas
Johnson C, Boersma T
400 - 412 Assessing the value of wind generation in future carbon constrained electricity industries
Vithayasrichareon P, MacGill IF
413 - 428 Metropolitan density, energy efficiency and carbon emissions: Multi-attribute tradeoffs and their policy implications
Clark TA
429 - 441 Quantifying the health and environmental benefits of wind power to natural gas
McCubbin D, Sovacool BK
442 - 453 Shale gas vs. coal: Policy implications from environmental impact comparisons of shale gas, conventional gas, and coal on air, water, and land in the United States
Jenner S, Lamadrid AJ
454 - 461 Using performance indicators to reduce cost uncertainty of China's CO2 mitigation goals
Xu Y
462 - 476 Estimating Arizona residents' willingness to pay to invest in research and development in solar energy
Mueller JM
477 - 483 DES/CCHP: The best utilization mode of natural gas for China's low carbon economy
Li YJ, Xia Y
484 - 489 Selecting a CDM investor in China: A critical analysis
Maraseni TN
490 - 499 Energy efficiency versus gains in consumer amenities-An example from new cars sold in Sweden
Sprei F, Karlsson S
500 - 504 A comment on the calculation of the total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) index
Chang MC