
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.54 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (42 articles)

1 - 2 SPECIAL SECTION Decades of Diesel Introduction
Fulton LM
3 - 10 Dazzled by diesel? The impact on carbon dioxide emissions of the shift to diesels in Europe through 2009
Schipper L, Fulton L
11 - 22 Short-term break in the French love for diesel?
Hivert L
23 - 32 Gasoline, diesel and climate policy implications-Insights from the recent evolution of new car sales in Germany
Zachariadis T
33 - 41 The taxation of diesel cars in Belgium - revisited
Mayeres I, Proost S
42 - 46 Dieselization in Sweden
Kageson P
47 - 53 Diesel vehicles and sustainable mobility in the US
Wallington TJ, Lambert CK, Ruona WC
54 - 61 Alignment of policies to maximize the climate benefits of diesel vehicles through control of particulate matter and black carbon emissions
Minjares R, Blumberg K, Sanchez FP
62 - 65 The decline of sectorial components of the world's energy intensity
Goldemberg J, Prado LTS
66 - 71 What can we expect from Europe's carbon capture and storage demonstrations?
Scott V
72 - 86 An energy security management model using quality function deployment and system dynamics
Shin J, Shin WS, Lee C
87 - 103 Global climate-oriented transportation scenarios
Harvey LDD
104 - 112 The return on investment of the clean coal technology program in the USA
Bezdek RH, Wendling RM
113 - 124 Economic and environmental effects under resource scarcity and substitution between renewable and non-renewable resources
Silva S, Soares I, Afonso O
125 - 136 Theoretical vs. actual energy consumption of labelled dwellings in the Netherlands: Discrepancies and policy implications
Majcen D, Itard LCM, Visscher H
137 - 147 Corruption and reduced oil production: An additional resource curse factor?
Al-Kasim F, Soreide T, Williams A
148 - 159 Cost-benefit assessment of energy efficiency investments: Accounting for future resources, savings and risks in the Australian residential sector
Morrissey J, Meyrick B, Sivaraman D, Horne RE, Berry M
160 - 172 The impact of future carbon prices on CCS investment for power generation in China
Wu N, Parsons JE, Polenske KR
173 - 183 The risks of CDM projects: How did only 30% of expected credits come through?
Cormier A, Bellassen V
184 - 193 Managing the energy trilemma: The case of Indonesia
Gunningham N
194 - 203 Integrated technology selection for energy conservation and PAHs control in iron and steel industry: Methodology and case study
Li L, Lu YL, Shi YJ, Wang TY, Luo W, Gosens J, Chen P, Li HG
204 - 213 Energy efficiency and productivity change of China's iron and steel industry: Accounting for undesirable outputs
He F, Zhang QZ, Lei JS, Fu WH, Xu XN
214 - 229 Regional allocation of CO2 emissions allowance over provinces in China by 2020
Wang K, Zhang X, Wei YM, Yu SW
230 - 239 Uncovering the multiple objectives behind national energy efficiency planning
Haydt G, Leal V, Dias L
240 - 256 What if consumers decided to all'go green'? Environmental rebound effects from consumption decisions
Murray CK
257 - 266 Price-capping in partially monopolistic electricity markets with an application to Italy
Bosco B, Parisio L, Pelagatti M
267 - 272 On the electricity shortage, price and electricity theft nexus
Jamil F
273 - 287 Sustainability effects of household-scale biogas in rural China
Gosens J, Lu YL, He GZ, Bluemling B, Beckers TAM
288 - 299 Impacts on the biophysical economy and environment of a transition to 100% renewable electricity in Australia
Turner GM, Elliston B, Diesendorf M
300 - 310 The trade-off between bioenergy and emissions with land constraints
Kauffman NS, Hayes DJ
311 - 319 Optimal electricity system planning in a large hydro jurisdiction: Will British Columbia soon become a major importer of electricity?
Kiani B, Rowe A, Wild P, Pitt L, Sopinka A, Pedersen TF
320 - 326 Analysis of China's carbon dioxide flow for 2008
Mu HL, Li HN, Zhang M, Li M
327 - 334 Renewable electricity as a differentiated good? The case of the Republic of Korea
Kim J, Park J, Kim J, Heo E
335 - 342 Economic and environmental gains of China's fossil energy subsidies reform: A rebound effect case study with EIMO model
Hong L, Liang D, Di W
343 - 351 Economic viability in thermal retrofit policies: Learning from ten years of experience in Germany
Galvin R, Sunikka-Blank M
352 - 359 Can the Nigerian biofuel policy and incentives (2007) transform Nigeria into a biofuel economy?
Ohimain EI
360 - 368 A real option-based model for promoting sustainable energy projects under the clean development mechanism
Lee H, Park T, Kim B, Kim K, Kim H
369 - 375 On the efficiency of the European carbon market: New evidence from Phase II
Daskalakis G
376 - 384 Articulating a trans-boundary infrastructure supply chain greenhouse gas emission footprint for cities: Mathematical relationships and policy relevance
Chavez A, Ramaswami A
385 - 390 Benefits of photovoltaic power in supplying national electricity demand
Barnham K, Knorr K, Mazzer M
391 - 396 In-depth analysis on R&D investment and strategy on PV in South Korea
Park N, Lee KJ, Lee KJ, Lee YJ, Lee K, Lee SH
397 - 403 Effects of social participation and the emergence of voluntary social interactions on household power-saving practices in post-disaster Kanagawa, Japan
Nakamura H