
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.87 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (64 articles)

1 - 7 Uncertainty and differences in GHG emissions between electric and conventional gasoline vehicles with implications for transport policy making
Abdul-Manan AFN
8 - 16 Combined heat and power in Dutch greenhouses: A case study of technology diffusion
van der Veen RAC, Kasmire J
17 - 27 How does market power affect the impact of large scale wind investment in'energy only' wholesale electricity markets?
Browne O, Poletti S, Young D
28 - 38 Changes in carbon intensity in China's industrial sector: Decomposition and attribution analysis
Liu N, Ma ZJ, Kang JD
39 - 47 Political-economy based institutional industry complex and sustainable development: The case of the salt-chemical industry in Huai'an, China
Wu QY, Zhang XL, Shang ZY, Li ZJ
48 - 59 Cost trajectories of low carbon electricity generation technologies in the UK: A study of cost uncertainty
Levi PG, Pollitt MG
60 - 71 y The regional economic impact of oil and gas extraction in Texas
Lee J
72 - 82 Spillovers between energy and FX markets: The importance of asymmetry, uncertainty and business cycle
Khalifa A, Massimiliano C, Hammoudeh S
83 - 94 Looking beyond installation: Why households struggle to make the most of solar hot water systems
Gill N, Osman P, Head L, Voyer M, Harada T, Waitt G, Gibson C
95 - 109 Biomass sustainability criteria: Greenhouse gas accounting issues for biogas and biomethane facilities
Adams PWR, Mezzullo WG, McManus MC
110 - 124 The significance of interconnector counter-trading in a security constrained electricity market
Higgins P, Li K, Devlin J, Foley AM
125 - 135 Provision of electricity to African households: The importance of democracy and institutional quality
Ahlborg H, Borang F, Jagers SC, Soderholm P
136 - 139 Performing accountability: Making environmental credentials visible in housing design
Shaw I, Ozaki R
140 - 152 Is inexpensive natural gas hindering the grid energy storage industry?
Hittinger E, Lueken R
153 - 167 Natural gas as a marine fuel
Thomson H, Corbett JJ, Winebrake JJ
168 - 176 Resolving society's energy trilemma through the Energy Justice Metric
Heffron RJ, McCauley D, Sovacool BK
177 - 186 Public preferences for investments in renewable energy production and energy efficiency
Noblet CL, Teisl MF, Evans K, Anderson MW, Mccoy S, Cervone E
187 - 198 Updates to the China Design Standard for Energy Efficiency in public buildings
Hong TZ, Li C, Yan D
199 - 215 Market splitting in Germany - New evidence from a three-stage numerical model of Europe
Trepper K, Bucksteeg M, Weber C
216 - 223 Fuel poverty in the UK: Is there a difference between rural and urban areas?
Roberts D, Vera-Toscano E, Phimister E
224 - 228 How accurate are forecasts of costs of energy? A methodological contribution
Siddons C, Allan G, McIntyre S
229 - 239 Integrating global energy and climate governance: The changing role of the International Energy Agency
Heubaum H, Biermann F
240 - 249 Determinant factors of residential consumption and perception of energy conservation: Time-series analysis by large-scale questionnaire in Suita, Japan
Hara K, Uwasu M, Kishita Y, Takeda H
250 - 259 Regional energy rebound effect: The impact of economy-wide and sector level energy efficiency improvement in Georgia, USA
Yu XW, Moreno-Cruz J, Crittenden JC
260 - 269 Quantifying the long-term economic benefits of European electricity system integration
Schmid E, Knopf B
270 - 283 Pricing the (European) option to switch between two energy sources: An application to crude oil and natural gas
Gatfaoui H
284 - 294 Global oil prices, macroeconomic fundamentals and China's commodity sector comovements
Chen P
295 - 302 An optimization approach to parallel generation solar PV investments in the US: Two applications illustrate the case for tariff reform
Kildegaard A, Wente J
303 - 313 Direct energy rebound effect for road passenger transport in China: A dynamic panel quantile regression approach
Zhang YJ, Peng HR, Liu Z, Tan WP
314 - 324 Who benefit most from fuel subsidies? Evidence from Nigeria
Soile I, Mu XY
325 - 333 Power to change: Analysis of household participation in a renewable energy and energy efficiency programme in Central Australia
Havas L, Ballweg J, Penna C, Race D
334 - 346 Sustainability deterioration of electricity generation in Brazil
Moreira JML, Cesaretti MA, Carajilescov P, Maiorino JR
347 - 358 Valuing carbon assets for high-tech with application to the wind energy industry
Han LY, Liu Y, Lin Q, Huang GB
359 - 369 The willingness to pay by households for improved reliability of electricity service in North Cyprus
Ozbafli A, Jenkins GP
370 - 381 Effects of policy characteristics and justifications on acceptance of a gasoline tax increase
Kaplowitz SA, McCright AM
382 - 391 A short-run solution to the power crisis of Pakistan
Imran M, Amir N
392 - 406 Electricity market design for generator revenue sufficiency with increased variable generation
Levin T, Botterud A
407 - 416 Assessment of energy credits for the enhancement of the Egyptian Green Pyramid Rating System
Aleem SHEA, Zobaa AF, Mageed HMA
417 - 428 The potential of decentralized power-to-heat as a flexibility option for the german electricity system: A microeconomic perspective
Ehrlich LG, Klamka J, Wolf A
429 - 437 Transforming the Nigerian power sector for sustainable development
Usman ZG, Abbasoglu S, Ersoy NT, Fahrioglu M
438 - 446 The value of delay in tidal energy development
MacDougall SL
447 - 454 Multi-criteria model for sustainable development using goal programming applied to the United Arab Emirates
Jayaraman R, Colapinto C, La Torre D, Malik T
455 - 464 Examining the resilience of national energy systems: Measurements of diversity in production-based and consumption-based electricity in the globalization of trade networks
Kharrazi A, Sato M, Yarime M, Nakayama H, Yu YD, Kraines S
465 - 479 Energy efficiency investments in the context of split incentives among French households
Charlier D
480 - 485 Convergence and conflict with the'National Interest': Why Israel abandoned its climate policy
Michaels L, Tal A
486 - 495 Exploratory assessment of the economic gains of a pre-salt oil field in Brazil
Rodrigues LA, Sauer IL
496 - 504 The real value of FracFocus as a regulatory tool: A national survey of state regulators
Dundon LA, Abkowitz M, Camp J
505 - 516 Financial assessment of government subsidy policy on photovoltaic systems for industrial users: A case study in Taiwan
Chou SY, Tuyet NTA, Yu THK, Phuc PNK
517 - 523 Clean coal use in China: Challenges and policy implications
Tang X, Snowden S, McLellan BC, Hook M
524 - 541 Characterisation of representative building typologies for social housing projects in Brazil and its energy performance
Triana MA, Lamberts R, Sassi P
542 - 552 The importance of iteration and deployment in technology development: A study of the impact on wave and tidal stream energy research, development and innovation
MacGillivray A, Jeffrey H, Wallace R
553 - 561 Russian petroleum tax policy - Continuous maneuvering in rocky waters
Fjaertoft D, Lunden LP
562 - 572 Willingness to pay lip service? Applying a neuroscience-based method to WTP for green electricity
Herbes C, Friege C, Baldo D, Mueller KM
573 - 583 Public acceptance of the expansion and modification of high-voltage power lines in the context of the energy transition
Lienert P, Suetterlin B, Siegrist M
584 - 590 Oil price fluctuations and employment in Kern County: A Vector Error Correction approach
Michieka NM, Gearhart R
591 - 603 A cost-benefit analysis of alternatively fueled buses with special considerations for V2G technology
Shirazi Y, Carr E, Knapp L
604 - 606 Energy policy special issue: UK Energy Research Centre uncertainties project
Watson J, Gross R, Ketsopoulou I
607 - 622 Financing the UK power sector: Is the money available?
Blyth W, McCarthy R, Gross R
623 - 640 Uncertainties in decarbonising heat in the UK
Chaudry M, Abeysekera M, Hosseini SHR, Jenkins N, Wu JZ
641 - 653 Uncertainties in future energy demand in UK residential heating
Eyre N, Baruah P
654 - 664 Uncertainty in the availability of natural resources: Fossil fuels, critical metals and biomass
Speirs J, McGlade C, Slade R
665 - 672 Public values for energy futures: Framing, indeterminacy and policy making
Butler C, Demski C, Parkhill K, Pidgeon N, Spence A
673 - 684 An integrated systematic analysis of uncertainties in UK energy transition pathways
Pye S, Sabio N, Strachan N
685 - 695 The impact of uncertainties on the UK's medium-term climate change targets
Watson J, Gross R, Ketsopoulou I, Winskel M