1021 - 1024 |
Globalization of the world economy Adelman MA |
1025 - 1050 |
Compensation for the risk of stranded costs Kolbe AL, Tye WB |
1051 - 1059 |
The US market for SO2 permits - Policy implications of the low price and trading volume Conrad K, Kohn RE |
1061 - 1077 |
Global warming and developing countries - The possibility of a solution by accelerating development Murota Y, Ito K |
1079 - 1088 |
Dutch wind power policy - Stagnating implementation of renewables Wolsink M |
1089 - 1099 |
Analysis of household energy demand in Vietnam Tuan NA, Lefevre T |
1101 - 1110 |
Efficiency improvements in US office equipment - Expected policy impacts and uncertainties Koomey JG, Piette MA, Cramer M, Eto JH |
1111 - 1117 |
A cost minimization model for coal import strategy Lai JW, Chen CY |
1119 - 1125 |
Structural changes in Japan's economy and society and outlook for long-term energy supply and demand Kibune H, Kudo H |
1127 - 1128 |
The evolution of ethanol costs in Brazil Goldemberg J |
1129 - 1130 |
Indonesia: The political economy of energy - Barnes,P Owen AD |
1135 - 1135 |
The quiet (energy) revolution - Analysing the dissemination of photovoltaic power systems in Kenya (vol 24, pg 81, 1996) Kammen DM |