5965 - 5979 |
Bioenergy expansion in the EU: Cost-effective climate change mitigation, employment creation and reduced dependency on imported fuels Berndes G, Hansson J |
5980 - 5990 |
Impacts of policy means for increased use of forest-based bioenergy in Norway - A spatial partial equilibrium analysis Tromborg E, Bolkesjo TF, Solberg B |
5991 - 6002 |
Biofuel market and carbon modeling to analyse French biofuel policy Bernard F, Prieur A |
6003 - 6009 |
Supply of biomass, bioenergy, and carbon mitigation: Method and application Gan JB |
6010 - 6020 |
How to model different socio-economic and environmental aspects of biomass utilisation: Case study in selected regions in Slovenia and Croatia Krajnc N, Domac J |
6021 - 6035 |
Economic and CO2 mitigation impacts of promoting biomass heating systems: An input-output study for Vorarlberg, Austria Madlener R, Koller M |
6036 - 6045 |
Impacts of biodiesel production on Croatian economy Kulisic B, Loizou E, Rozakis S, Segon V |
6046 - 6059 |
Socio-economic impacts of energy crops for heat generation in northern Greece Panoutsou C |
6060 - 6074 |
New ways for the integrated appraisal of national energy scenarios: The case of renewable energy use in Austria Madlener R, Kowalski K, Stagl S |
6075 - 6083 |
Developing a sustainability framework for the assessment of bioenergy systems Elghali L, Clift R, Sinclair P, Panoutsou C, Bauen A |
6084 - 6094 |
A participatory systems approach to modeling social, economic, and ecological components of bioenergy Buchholz TS, Volk TA, Luzadis VA |
6095 - 6105 |
How to transform local energy systems towards bioenergy? Three strategy models for transformation Martensson K, Westerberg K |
6106 - 6111 |
Surface technologies 2006 - Alternative energies and policy options Rose L |
6112 - 6131 |
Energy efficiency developments in the Dutch energy-intensive manufacturing industry, 1980-2003 Neelis M, Ramirez-Ramirez A, Patel M, Farla J, Boonekamp P, Blok K |
6132 - 6144 |
Trigeneration primary energy saving evaluation for energy planning and policy development Chicco G, Mancarella P |
6145 - 6162 |
Welfare impacts of electricity generation sector reform in the Philippines Toba N |
6163 - 6187 |
Incentive regulation of electricity distribution networks: Lessons of experience from Britain Jamasb T, Pollitt M |
6188 - 6194 |
The transit oil and gas pipeline and the role of bargaining: A non-technical discussion Omonbude EJ |
6195 - 6211 |
Energy-related emissions and mitigation opportunities from the household sector in Delhi Kadian R, Dahiya RP, Garg HP |
6212 - 6224 |
Service quality in the electricity industry: The role of privatization and managerial behavior Fumagalli E, Garrone P, Grilli L |
6225 - 6234 |
The long-term life cycle private and external costs of high coal usage in the US Bergerson J, Lave L |
6235 - 6257 |
A multi-criteria evaluation method for climate change mitigation policy instruments Konidari P, Mavrakis D |
6258 - 6265 |
A panel cointegration analysis of the demand for oil in the Middle East Narayan PK, Smyth R |
6266 - 6280 |
Emerging in between: The multi-level governance of renewable energy in the English regions Smith A |
6281 - 6292 |
Carbon leakage from unilateral Environmental Tax Reforms in Europe, 1995-2005 Barker T, Junankar S, Pollitt H, Summerton P |
6293 - 6298 |
Quality management organisation, validation of standards, developments and inquiries for solid-recovered fuels - An overview on the QUOVADIS-Project Gawlik BM, Sobiecka E, Vaccaro S, Ciceri G |
6299 - 6308 |
Welfare distribution effect of a price reduction in the Dutch gas transport market: A scenario analysis of regulatory policy, market form and rent allocation van Witteloostuijn A, Brakman S, van Marrewijk C |
6309 - 6322 |
Nordic air quality co-benefits from European post-2012 climate policies Rypdal K, Rive N, Astrom S, Karvosenoja N, Aunan K, Bak JL, Kupiainen K, Kukkonen J |
6323 - 6331 |
Efficiency analysis of Chinese industry: A directional distance function approach Watanabe M, Tanaka K |
6332 - 6345 |
International passenger transport and climate change: A sector analysis in car demand and associated CO2 emissions from 2000 to 2050 Meyer I, Leimbach M, Jaeger CC |
6346 - 6353 |
Major oil exporters may profit rather than lose, in a carbon-constrained world Persson TA, Azar C, Johansson D, Lindgren K |
6354 - 6363 |
Energy productivity improvements and the rebound effect: An overview of the state of knowledge Dimitropoulos J |
6364 - 6382 |
Assessing the date of the global oil peak: The need to use 2P reserves Bentley RW, Mannan SA, Wheeler SJ |
6383 - 6394 |
New prospects in the political economy of inner-Caspian hydrocarbons and western energy corridor through Turkey Bilgin M |
6395 - 6401 |
A computer-based system for environmental impact assessment (EIA) applications to energy power stations in Turkey: CEDINFO Say NP, Yucel M, Yilmazer M |
6402 - 6412 |
Is small beautiful? A multicriteria assessment of small-scale energy technology applications in local governments Burton J, Hubacek K |
6413 - 6430 |
The energy-irrigation nexus and its impact on groundwater markets in eastern Indo-Gangetic basin: Evidence from West Bengal, India Mukherji A |
6431 - 6444 |
Technological learning in offshore wind energy: Different roles of the government Smit T, Junginger M, Smits R |
6445 - 6456 |
Scenario analysis on CO2 emissions reduction potential in China's electricity sector Cai WJ, Wang C, Wang K, Zhang Y, Chen J |
6457 - 6466 |
Calculating economy-wide energy intensity decline rate: The role of sectoral output and energy shares Baksi S, Green C |
6467 - 6477 |
Research, development, demonstration, and early deployment policies for advanced-coal technology in China Zhao L, Gallagher KS |
6478 - 6490 |
Lessons learned from Brazilian natural gas industry reform Mathias MC, Szklo A |
6491 - 6505 |
Forecasting based on sectoral energy consumption of GHGs in Turkey and mitigation policies Sozen A, Gulseven Z, Arcaklioglu E |
6506 - 6513 |
Exploring the oil price and real GDP nexus for a small island economy, the Fiji Islands Prasad A, Narayan PK, Narayan J |
6514 - 6525 |
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by inducing energy conservation and distributed generation from elimination of electric utility customer charges Pearce JM, Harris PJ |
6526 - 6534 |
Environmental considerations in energy planning for the Amazon region: Downstream effects of dams Manyari WV, de Carvalho OA |
6535 - 6545 |
A policy proposal for the introduction of solar home systems in East Timor Bond M, Fuller RJ, Aye L |
6546 - 6548 |
Climate change drives wind turbines Yang M |
6549 - 6553 |
Modelling oil price volatility Narayan PK, Narayan S |
6554 - 6555 |
Energy and American society - Thirteen myths Sioshansi FP |
6556 - 6556 |
The potential contribution of renewable energy to electricity supply in Saudi Arabia (vol 33, pg 2298, 2005) Natheer O, Dougherty WW, Von Hippel D |
6557 - 6557 |
Environmental benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy in Saudi Arabia's electric sector (vol 34, pg 2, 2006) Natheer O, Dougherty WW, Von Hippel D |