
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.24, No.6 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (10 articles)

497 - 505 The European Energy Charter Treaty - Reality or illusion?
Axelrod RS
507 - 516 Prospects for the joint implementation of sulphur emission reductions in Europe
Bailey PD, Gough CA, Millock K, Chadwick MJ
517 - 529 Fair sharing of greenhouse gas burdens
Ridgley MA
531 - 540 Community perceptions, environmental impacts, and energy policy - Rail shipment of coal
Lazo JK, McClain KT
541 - 552 Economic organization and liberalization of the electricity industry - In search of conceptualization
Arentsen MJ, Kunneke RW
553 - 562 Restructuring the East German energy system
Hansen U
563 - 573 Development of renewable energy resources in Greece - Policy initiatives and systemic constraints
Hadjilambrinos C
575 - 581 Indian scenario of renewable energy for sustainable development
Naidu BSK
583 - 592 Forecast and analysis of demand for petroleum products in India
Rao RD, Parikh JK
593 - 596 Nigeria - The Liquefied Natural Gas Project
Adepetun S, Segun K