
Fluid Phase Equilibria

Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol.158-160 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0378-3812 (Print) 

In this Issue (103 articles)

1 - 1 Special issue: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, April 26-May 1, 1998 - Preface
Arons JD
3 - 17 Mean-field theories, their weaknesses and strength
Sengers JMHL
19 - 27 Pure and binary component sorption equilibria of light hydrocarbons in the zeolite silicalite from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations
Macedonia MD, Maginn EJ
29 - 35 Molecular simulation with an EOS algorithm for vapor-liquid equilibria of oxygen and ethane
Miyano Y
37 - 47 A comparison of molecular-based models to determine vapor-liquid phase coexistence in hydrogen fluoride
Visco DP, Kofke DA
49 - 58 Molecular dynamics simulations of real systems: application to chloro-fluoro-hydrocarbons and polymers
Fermeglia M, Pricl S
59 - 68 Molecular thermodynamics for chain-like molecule systems
Hu Y, Liu HL, Wang WC
69 - 78 Gibbs ensemble simulation of HCFC HFC mixtures by effective Stockmayer potential
Gao GT, Wang WC, Zeng XC
79 - 86 Molecular dynamics study of nucleation in supersaturated vapor of carbon dioxide
Kido A, Nakanishi K
87 - 93 Computer simulation of the competition between protein folding and aggregation
Gupta P, Hall CK, Voegler A
95 - 111 Thermodynamics and the other chemical engineering sciences: old models for new chemical products and processes
Prausnitz JM
113 - 121 Thermodynamics of organic materials, a challenge for the coming decades
Kleintjens LAL
123 - 131 Prediction of phase equilibria for binary systems of hydrogen chloride with ethane, propane and n-dodecane
Galindo A, Florusse LJ, Peters CJ
133 - 141 Modeling of fluid multiphase equilibria in ternary systems of carbon dioxide as the near-critical solvent and two low-volatile solutes
Gauter K, Heidemann RA, Peters CJ
143 - 149 A nonrandom lattice fluid hydrogen bonding theory for phase equilibria of associating systems
Yeom MS, Yoo KP, Park BH, Lee CS
151 - 163 Prediction of phase equilibria in water/alcohol/alkane systems
Voutsas EC, Yakoumis IV, Tassios DP
165 - 174 Square-well SAFT equation of state for homopolymeric and heteropolymeric fluids
Adidharma H, Radosz M
175 - 181 SAFT prediction of vapour-liquid equilibria of mixtures containing carbon dioxide and aqueous monoethanolamine or diethanolamine
Button JK, Gubbins KE
183 - 191 A perturbed-hard-sphere-chain equation of state for phase equilibria of mixtures containing a refrigerant and a lubricant oil
Bertucco A, Elvassore N, Fermeglia M, Prausnitz JM
193 - 199 Global phase behavior of model mixtures of water and n-alkanols
Nezbeda I, Pavlicek J, Kolafa J, Galindo A, Jackson G
201 - 209 Multicomponent phase equilibrium calculations for water-methanol-alkane mixtures
Kontogeorgis GM, Yakoumis IV, Meijer H, Hendriks E, Moorwood T
211 - 218 Phase equilibrium modelling of triglycerides with near critical solvents
Bottini SB, Fornari T, Brignole EA
219 - 228 Development of a new empirical non-cubic equation of state
Kedge CJ, Trebble MA
229 - 243 An equation of state for square-well and Lennard-Jones fluids based on lattice theory
Schultze C, Donohue MD
245 - 257 A conceptually new mixing rule for cubic and non-cubic equations of state
Zabaloy MS, Brignole EA, Vera JH
259 - 269 Equation of state mixing rule based on activity coefficient model: explicit solution for'finite pressure approach'
Abovsky V, Watanasiri S
271 - 281 CEOS/A(E) mixing rules from infinite pressure to zero pressure and then to no reference pressure
Twu CH, Goon JE, Bluck D, Tilton B
283 - 291 Prediction of excess enthalpies at low and high pressures using a modified MHV1 mixing rule
Zhong CL, Masuoka H
293 - 301 A new equation of state in hole theory based on a modified Flory's combinatorial factor
Hong M, Chang J, Kim H
303 - 312 Prediction of VLE of polymer solutions by the GFD equation of state
Tsai JC, Tang M, Chen YP
313 - 320 Prediction of PVT and VLE in polymer solutions using a cubic-perturbed equation of state
Tochigi K, Kurita S, Matsumoto T
321 - 326 Extensions and applications of the SAFT equation of state to solvents, monomers, and polymers
Jog PK, Garcia-Cuellar A, Chapman WG
327 - 335 Molecular solvent design for liquid-liquid extraction using the UNIQUAC model
Meniai AH, Newsham DMT
337 - 347 Computer-aided molecular design with combined molecular modeling and group contribution
Harper PM, Gani R, Kolar P, Ishikawa T
349 - 356 Beyond basic UNIFAC
Abildskov J, Gani R, Rasmussen P, O'Connell JP
357 - 366 Modification of parameters in group contribution method to distinguish isomers based on information by Monte Carlo simulation
Iwai Y, Mori Y, Uchida H, Arai Y
367 - 374 Quantitative structure-property relationships and neural networks: correlation and prediction of physical properties of pure components and mixtures from molecular structure
Bunz AP, Braun B, Janowsky R
375 - 380 Use of ab initio methods to make phase equilibria predictions using activity coefficient models
Sum AK, Sandler SI
381 - 389 GEQUAC, an excess Gibbs energy model describing associating and nonassociating liquid mixtures by a new model concept for functional groups
Egner K, Gaube J, Pfennig A
391 - 399 Prediction of thermodynamic properties using a modified UNIFAC model: application to sugar industrial systems
Peres AM, Macedo EA
401 - 409 Refrigeration with electrolytic and immiscible liquid-liquid systems
Lee LL
411 - 418 Phase equilibria of carbohydrates in polar solvents
Jonsdottir SO, Rasmussen P
419 - 428 Temperature correlation of partial molar volumes of aqueous hydrocarbons at infinite dilution: test of equations
Majer V, Degrange S, Sedlbauer J
429 - 435 DETHERM (R) - a thermophysical property database
Westhaus U, Droge T, Sass R
437 - 445 Evaluation of saturated liquid density prediction methods for pure refrigerants
Nasrifar K, Moshfeghian M
447 - 457 Predictive local composition models: NRTL and UNIQUAC and their application to model solid-liquid equilibrium of n-alkanes
Coutinho JAP
459 - 469 Compositional model for predicting asphaltenes flocculation
Szewczyk V, Behar E
471 - 480 Description of asphaltene polydispersity and precipitation by means of thermodynamic model of self-assembly
Victorov AI, Smirnova NA
481 - 489 A unified framework for calculating solid deposition from petroleum fluids including waxes, asphaltenes, hydrates and scales
Edmonds B, Moorwood RAS, Szczepanski R
491 - 500 Modelling solubility of solids in supercritical fluids using fusion properties
Garnier S, Neau E, Alessi P, Cortesi A, Kikic I
501 - 510 The solubility of solids in supercritical fluids
Mendez-Santiago J, Teja AS
511 - 522 Thermodynamics of precipitation from mixed micellar solutions
Smirnova N, Vlasov A
523 - 535 Global crossover equation of state of a van der Waals fluid
Wyczalkowska AK, Anisimov MA, Sengers JV
537 - 547 Crossover critical phenomena in complex fluids
Anisimov MA, Povodyrev AA, Sengers JV
549 - 556 The statistical geometry of voids in liquids
Debenedetti PG, Truskett TM
557 - 563 A new classification of isotherms for Gibbs adsorption of gases on solids
Donohue MD, Aranovich GL
565 - 573 High pressure multicomponent adsorption in porous media
Shapiro AA, Stenby EH
575 - 582 The metamorphosis from LCEP to UCEP in the metastable three-phase region in type V phase-diagrams
Meijer PHE
583 - 593 Aqueous strong electrolyte solution activity coefficients and densities from fluctuation solution theory
O'Connell JP, Hu YQ, Marshall KA
595 - 606 A new equation of state for real aqueous ionic fluids based on electrolyte perturbation theory, mean spherical approximation and statistical associating fluid theory
Liu WB, Li YG, Lu JF
607 - 615 Interval analysis for thermodynamic calculations in process design: a novel and completely reliable approach
Hua JZ, Maier RW, Tessier SR, Brennecke JF, Stadtherr MA
617 - 626 State function based flash specifications
Michelsen ML
627 - 641 Techniques for assessing the effects of uncertainties in thermodynamic models and data
Whiting WB, Vasquez VR, Meerschaert MM
643 - 655 An algorithm for determining cloud and shadow curves using continuous thermodynamics
Phoenix AV, Heidemann RA
657 - 671 Phase equilibria for food product and process design
Bruin S
673 - 684 Importance of phase equilibria for understanding supercritical fluid environments
Arai K, Adschiri T
685 - 693 High pressure multiphase equilibria in aqueous systems of carbon dioxide, a hydrophilic organic solvent and biomolecules
Adrian T, Freitag J, Maurer G
695 - 706 Vapour-liquid-equilibria and calculations using the Redlich-Kwong-Aspen-equation of state for tristearin, tripalmitin, and triolein in CO2 and propane
Weber W, Petkov S, Brunner G
707 - 712 Investigations on the solubility of anthraquinone dyes in supercritical carbon dioxide by a flow method
Wagner B, Kautz CB, Schneider GM
713 - 722 Spectroscopic studies of solvent effects on reactions in supercritical fluids
Roek DP, Kremer MJ, Roberts CB, Chateauneuf JE, Brennecke JF
723 - 731 Vapor-liquid equilibrium for model Fischer-Tropsch waxes (hexadecane, 1-hexadecene, and 1-hexadecanol) in supercritical hexane
Joyce PC, Leggett BE, Thies MC
733 - 742 Chemical equilibria and particle morphology of boehmite (AlOOH) in sub and supercritical water
Hakuta Y, Adschiri T, Hirakoso H, Arai K
743 - 757 Determination of the solubilities of dyestuffs in near- and supercritical fluids by a static method up to 180 MPa
Tuma D, Schneider GM
759 - 773 Vapor-liquid equilibrium data and flooding point measurements of the mixture carbon dioxide plus orange peel oil
Budich M, Brunner G
775 - 781 Simultaneous phase behaviour, elemental composition and density measurement using X-ray imaging
Abedi SJ, Cai HY, Seyfaie S, Shaw JM
783 - 794 Phase behaviour and density of model reservoir fluids at high temperature and pressure
Fenghour A, Trusler JPM, Wakeham WA
795 - 800 Gas hydrate phase equilibrium in the system methane-carbon dioxide-neohexane and water
Servio P, Lagers F, Peters C, Englezos P
801 - 811 Wax deposition in single phase flow
Creek JL, Lund HJ, Brill JP, Volk M
813 - 820 Molecular measurements of methane hydrate formation
Subramanian S, Sloan ED
821 - 827 Equilibrium conditions for hydrate formation for a ternary mixture of methane, propane and carbon dioxide, and a natural gas mixture in the presence of electrolytes and methanol
Bishnoi PR, Dholabhai PD
829 - 834 Refinery crude column overhead corrosion control, amine neutralizer electrolyte thermodynamics, thermochemical properties and phase equilibria
Valenzuela DP, Dewan AK
835 - 846 High-pressure phase behavior of the systems polyethylene plus ethylene and polybutene+1-butene
Koak N, Visser RM, de Loos TW
847 - 855 Determination of solubilities of polymers in solvents by a laser scattering technique
Ochi K, Saito T, Kojima K
857 - 867 Fundamental study of de-solventing polymer solutions with supercritical CO2
Inomata H, Honma Y, Imahori M, Arai K
869 - 877 Modeling of the separation of polydisperse polymer systems by compressed gases
Behme S, Sadowski G, Arlt W
879 - 892 Activity coefficients of solvents in elastomers measured with a quartz crystal microbalance
French RN, Koplos GJ
893 - 901 Measurements and modelling of the solubility of a mixture of two amino acids in aqueous solutions
Soto A, Arce A, Khoshkbarchi MK, Vera JH
903 - 912 Correlating the phase behaviour of semi-synthetic antibiotics and their precursors in water+1-butanol mixtures
Rudolph ESJ, Zomerdijk M, Luyben KCAM, van der Wielen LAM
913 - 921 Sorption of CO2 in biocompatible polymers: experimental data and qualitative interpretation
Kikic I, Lora M, Cortesi A, Sist P
923 - 932 Simultaneous solubility of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in water at temperatures from 313 K to 393 K
Rumpf B, Kamps APS, Sing R, Maurer G
933 - 938 Effect of CO2 and H2S on the solubility of methanethiol in an aqueous methyldiethanolamine solution
Jou FY, Mather AE, Ng HJ
939 - 947 Measurements of liquid-liquid equilibria of water plus epsilon-caprolactam plus electrolyte plus organic solvent systems
Wijtkamp M, van Bochove GH, de Loos TW, Niemann SH
949 - 960 Determination and correlation of liquid-liquid equilibrium data for the quaternary system 1-octanol+2-methoxy-2-methylbutane plus water plus methanol at 25 degrees C
Arce A, Blanco M, Soto A
961 - 971 High-pressure phase equilibria and thermodynamic modeling for binary systems of light paraffins and aluminum alkyls
Beard AM, Mullins JC, Barron CH, Daniels GA
973 - 977 A new apparatus for phase equilibria in reacting mixtures
Arlt W
979 - 989 Vapor-liquid equilibria determination for a hydrofluoroether with several alcohols
Hiaki T, Kawai A
991 - 999 Studies on thermodynamic properties of (a hydrocarbon plus a branched chain ether) mixtures
Domanska U, Malanowski S
1001 - 1010 Isobaric heat capacity measurements for the n-pentane-acetone and the methanol-acetone mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures
Mulia K, Yesavage VF
1011 - 1019 Dielectric and volumetric properties of supercritical carbon dioxide(1) plus methanol(2) mixtures at 323.15 K
Goldfarb DL, Fernandez DP, Corti HR
1021 - 1028 Vapor-phase thermal conductivity of 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane, 1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane and carbon dioxide
Dohrn R, Treckmann R, Heinemann T
1029 - 1034 Solubility and diffusion of carbon dioxide in polymers
Webb KF, Teja AS
1035 - 1044 A transport model for sorption and desorption of penetrants in glassy polymer membrane
Liu HL, Li J, Hu Y
1045 - 1054 A kinetic approach for predicting diffusivities in dense fluid mixtures
Dariva C, Coelho LAF, Oliveira JV