917 - 921 |
Pressure-drop predictions in a fixed-bed coal gasifier Luckos A, Bunt JR |
922 - 931 |
Compatibility of automotive materials in biodiesel: A review Haseeb ASMA, Fazal MA, Jahirul MI, Masjuki HH |
932 - 940 |
Modelling of mass loss of char particles during combustion in flow of inert material Pelka P |
941 - 950 |
Chemical - Looping with oxygen uncoupling using Mn/Mg-based oxygen carriers - Oxygen release and reactivity with methane Shulman A, Cleverstam E, Mattisson T, Lyngfelt A |
951 - 957 |
Sedimentation in biodiesel and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel blends Farahani M, Page DJYS, Turingia MP |
958 - 973 |
Competitiveness of CO2 capture from an industrial solid oxide fuel cell combined heat and power system in the early stage of market introduction Kuramochi T, Turkenburg W, Faaij A |
974 - 979 |
Characterization of gases and solid residues from closed system pyrolysis of peat and coals at two heating rates Duan Y, Wu BX, He JX, Sun T |
980 - 986 |
Internal particle size distribution of biofuel pellets Jensen PD, Temmerman M, Westborg S |
987 - 991 |
Effect of the cationic starch on removal of Ni and V from crude oils under microwave irradiation Wang SC, Yang JY, Xu XR |
992 - 996 |
Acceleration tests using gasolines formulated with di-TAE, TAEE and MTBE ethers Cataluna R, Dalavia D, da Silva R, Menezes E, Venturi V, Wagner R |
997 - 1003 |
Influence of the over-fire air angle on the flow field in a down-fired furnace determined by a cold-flow experiment Ren F, Li ZQ, Chen ZC, Xu ZX, Yang GH |
1004 - 1011 |
Laminar flame speeds and extinction limits of conventional and alternative jet fuels Kumar K, Sung CJ, Hui X |
1012 - 1017 |
Preparation of high energy fuel JP-10 by acidity-adjustable chloroaluminate ionic liquid catalyst Huang MY, Wu JC, Shieu FS, Lin JJ |
1018 - 1023 |
The influence of sorption processes on gas stresses leading to the coal and gas outburst in the laboratory conditions Sobczyk J |
1024 - 1035 |
Laser-based investigations of flow fields and OH distributions in impinging flames of domestic cooker-top burners Makmool U, Jugjai S, Tia S, Laoonual Y, Vallikul P, Fungtammasan B |
1036 - 1040 |
Improving the cold flow properties of biodiesel from waste cooking oil by surfactants and detergent fractionation Wang Y, Ma S, Zhao MM, Kuang LN, Nie JY, Riley WW |
1041 - 1048 |
Decomposition and gasification of pyrolysis volatiles from pine wood through a bed of hot char Sun QS, Yu S, Wang FC, Wang J |
1049 - 1060 |
Evaluation of different oxygen carriers for biomass tar reforming (I): Carbon deposition in experiments with toluene Mendiara T, Johansen JM, Utrilla R, Geraldo P, Jensen AD, Glarborg P |
1061 - 1068 |
Density functional study of elemental mercury adsorption on surfactants Sun XA, Hwang JY, Xie SQ |
1069 - 1075 |
Preparation of bio-fuels by catalytic cracking reaction of vegetable oil sludge Le THN, Tran QV, Nguyen TTL, Van DST, Yang XY, Su BL |
1076 - 1089 |
Thermal plasma-sprayed nickel catalysts in the clean-up of biomass gasification gas Hanne R, Kristina K, Alexander K, Arunas B, Pekka S, Matti R, Outi K, Marita N |
1090 - 1100 |
Detailed measurements in a laboratory furnace with reburning Casaca C, Costa M |
1101 - 1112 |
Bromine as an ash forming element in a fluidised bed boiler combusting solid recovered fuel Vainikka P, Enestam S, Silvennoinen J, Taipale R, Yrjas P, Frantsi A, Hannula J, Hupa M |
1113 - 1119 |
The combustion of droplets of liquid fuels and biomass particles Bartle KD, Fitzpatrick EM, Jones JM, Kubacki ML, Plant R, Pourkashanian M, Ross AB, Williams A |
1120 - 1127 |
Gasification of waste biomass chars by carbon dioxide via thermogravimetry. Part I: Effect of mineral matter Vamvuka D, Karouki E, Sfakiotakis S |
1128 - 1132 |
Prediction of higher heating values of biomass from proximate and ultimate analyses Yin CY |
1133 - 1138 |
Investigation on combustion and emissions of DME/gasoline mixtures in a spark-ignition engine Ji CW, Liang C, Wang SF |
1139 - 1144 |
Iron catalyst supported on carbon nanotubes for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Effects of Mo promotion Abbaslou RMM, Soltan J, Dalai AK |
1145 - 1154 |
The influence of oxygenated fuels on emissions of aldehydes and ketones from a two-stroke spark ignition engine Magnusson R, Nilsson C |
1155 - 1165 |
Direct conversion of triglycerides to olefins and paraffins over noble metal supported catalysts Chiappero M, Do PTM, Crossley S, Lobban LL, Resasco DE |
1166 - 1171 |
Experimental study of filtration system performance of natural gas in urban transmission and distribution network: A case study on the city of Kerman, Iran Azadi M, Mohebbi A, Scala F, Soltaninejad S |
1172 - 1180 |
The effect of temperature and pressure on thermodynamic properties of diesel and biodiesel fuels Payri R, Salvador FJ, Gimeno J, Bracho G |
1181 - 1187 |
EIS study of corrosion behavior of metallic materials in ethanol blended gasoline containing water as a contaminant Jafari H, Idris MH, Ourdjini A, Rahimi H, Ghobadian B |
1188 - 1196 |
Non-catalytic biodiesel process with adsorption-based refining Manuale DL, Mazzieri VM, Torres G, Vera CR, Yori JC |
1197 - 1207 |
Application of the Shvo catalyst in homogeneous hydrogenation of bio-oil obtained from pyrolysis of white poplar: New mild upgrading conditions Busetto L, Fabbri D, Mazzoni R, Salmi M, Torri C, Zanotti V |
1208 - 1214 |
Corrosion characteristics of aluminum alloy in bio-ethanol blended gasoline fuel: Part 1. The corrosion properties of aluminum alloy in high temperature fuels Yoo YH, Park IJ, Kim JG, Kwak DH, Ji WS |
1215 - 1220 |
Direct determination of Cu and Fe in jet fuel by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with injection of sample as detergent emulsions Cassella RJ, Brum DM, Lima CF, Fonseca TCO |
1221 - 1228 |
Modelling biodiesel droplet evaporation using continuous thermodynamics Hallett WLH, Legault NV |
1229 - 1237 |
Dissolution of serpentine using recyclable ammonium salts for CO2 mineral carbonation Wang XL, Maroto-Valer MM |
1238 - 1244 |
Ignition delay times of ethanol-containing multi-component gasoline surrogates: Shock-tube experiments and detailed modeling Cancino LR, Fikri M, Oliveira AAM, Schulz C |
1245 - 1256 |
Catalytic combustion of methane on substituted strontium ferrites Bukhtiyarova MV, Ivanova AS, Slavinskaya EM, Plyasova LM, Rogov VA, Kaichev VV, Noskov AS |
1257 - 1263 |
Determination of Henry's law constant and the diffusion and polytropic coefficients of air in aviation fuel Dunn PF, Thomas FO, Leighton JB, Lv D |
1264 - 1266 |
Simple extraction method of green crude from natural blue-green microalgae by dimethyl ether Kanda H, Li P |
1267 - 1276 |
Effect of nozzle orifice geometry on spray, combustion, and emission characteristics under diesel engine conditions Som S, Ramirez AI, Longman DE, Aggarwal SK |
1277 - 1284 |
Classical and alternative fuel mix optimization in cement production using mathematical programming Kookos IK, Pontikes Y, Angelopoulos GN, Lyberatos G |
1285 - 1291 |
Kinetics of catalytic steam gasification of bitumen coke Karimi A, Semagina N, Gray MR |
1292 - 1300 |
Effects of effective stress changes on permeability of latrobe valley brown coal Jasinge D, Ranjith PG, Choi SK |
1301 - 1304 |
Effect of hydrogen addition on lean burn performance of a spark-ignited gasoline engine at 800 rpm and low loads Ji CW, Wang SF |
1305 - 1308 |
Combustion and emission characteristics of blends of diesel fuel and methanol-to-diesel Guo ZQ, Li TR, Dong JL, Chen RR, Xue PJ, Wei XH |